Saga smiled confidently, then looked at the [-] points of national strength lying quietly on his system panel, swallowed hard, and then decisively closed it!

This month, the national strength value that Saga has harvested is a full [-] points. Next month, with the further growth of Vardin's strength, as well as the [-] pieces produced by Orochimaru and Dr. Fashion this month With the use of the first-generation iq evolution potion, Sajia's national strength value that can be harvested next month is likely to reach nearly [-]!

And [-] plus today's [-] is enough to come to the last S-level lottery, and at the same time prepare for next month's S-level lottery!

That is, the next two months!

Every month, Saga is enough for one-time S-level draws.

The first s-level lottery draws out the ss-level Gemini Gold Cloth, and what kind of prizes will be drawn in the regular s-level lottery?

Saga is full of anticipation!

However, before the s-level lottery, the national strength must be saved enough.

At the same time, Hei Tong's treasure hunt activity - activity, also cannot be left behind!

In addition to the target fruit that has not yet arrived, the slow fruit, the animal-type phantom vampire fruit, and even the magnetic fruit that Kidd has taken now, there are some powerful natural-type devil 810 fruits that have disappeared for a long time!

All will be the next target of Kuroko!

In charge of destiny

[With the black pupil who can control the golden lion to fly all over the world, it is too wasteful not to search for those powerful devil fruits.

Black Hitomi and Arturia took a short rest in Albana, and after replenishing a lot of snacks, they set off again.

And [-] first-generation iq evolution potions were also distributed directly to the [-] elites in Vardin's army within a few days!

At the same time, they will also sail directly to the sea, join the Warding Navy, and continue to work hard to expand the influence of the Walding Alliance and encircle the pirates! The strength of Walding has grown again.

At the same time, the sudden surge in the strength of the Walding Navy, as well as the sudden appearance of a large number of elites comparable to the elite non-commissioned officers of the Navy headquarters, also began to attract the attention of the Navy headquarters and the world government!

The tens of thousands of elite sergeants who joined the Walding Navy last month were enough to surprise the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

But considering that Vardin now has tens of millions of citizens, it is not impossible to select tens of thousands of elites from the King's Army and the rebel army, which used to be millions, to join the Vardin Navy!

What's more, the soldiers of Vardin have always been elite!

It's just that the [-] elites suddenly appeared again this month, which made the World Government and the Navy Headquarters unthinkable!

D-level combat power is already equivalent to a sergeant sergeant in the navy headquarters, and a sergeant is usually enough to be the captain of a ten-man squad!

Even if the Navy Headquarters is counted several times, if it does not count the weak navy of the Four Seas Branch.

There are no elite non-commissioned officers with D-level combat power in the entire naval headquarters, and there are no more than one hundred thousand.

Among the [-] elite navies drawn from the war, many of them are Class D corporals.

This Walding navy suddenly appeared again - a hundred thousand elites comparable to the sergeants of the naval headquarters.

how can that be? ?


"Do you understand, how did the elites of Vardin emerge?"

"Did they get Germa's cloning technology?"

"Damn Germa!"

The long-bearded Five Old Stars of the Holy Land Mary Society said angrily.

Before Stuthy died, the news that the world government might have a traitor at the top of the government made the Five Old Stars suspicious and panicked for a while!

But after many investigations and I couldn't find any evidence and possible sum of any of the five old stars throwing to Vardin, let it go!

The sudden resignation of the five blond stars before has caused some turmoil in the world government-government!

Before there is concrete evidence, even Lord Yimu will not arbitrarily dispose of any of the Five Old Stars in a short period of time.

"Not Germa,"

"They're not clones!"

The curly-haired five old stars carefully looked at the information that the CP agents of the World Government had just sent in secret, frowned, and said in a deep voice,

"The East-West mastered by Vardin may be more deadly than Germa's cloning ability!"

The first batch of [-] soldiers who took the first-generation iq evolution potion could still be kept secret for the time being, but the number of people who took the iq evolution potion increased rapidly.

It is impossible for the existence of the first generation of iq evolutionary medicine to hide from the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

The agents of the cp organization and the intelligence agency of the Navy headquarters, after the sudden appearance of the [-] Vardin elite, directly found the existence of the first generation of iq evolutionary medicine in a short period of time.

"Human evolution medicine?"

"It seems that Vardin also has the world's top scientists!"

The bald five old star took the information in the hand of the curly-haired five old star, and then whispered.

"How does it compare to Vegapunk?"

"If Vardin also has a scientist comparable to Dr. Bergapunk, it would be really troublesome!"

The Five Old Stars, who embraced the first generation of ghosts, also lost the calmness of the past and said solemnly.

Although the vast majority of people in the Pirate World are illiterate!

World governments are also deliberately suppressing the development of science and technology and education in countries around the world.

But as the clear controllers of the world government, they understand the importance of science better than anyone!

It can be said that Dr. Bergapunk is the most important person in the world government, besides the Five Old Stars.

Admiral Kizaru also has a Grade A rating, which is comparable to that of the Navy Headquarters' elite lieutenant general, the captain of the Navy Headquarters Science Unit, Momomaru, who is responsible for guarding Bega Punk all year round!

Even the existence of Vegapunk is a top-secret information in the world government-government.

"Dr. Vega Punk is a top genius who has led the world for five hundred years,"

"There is no possibility that there will be a scientist stronger than Dr. Vega Punk in this world!"

The blond silver dragon five old star said firmly.

Dr. Bergapunk, the world's top scientist, usually only produces one after several generations!

At least in the huge pirate world, it is almost impossible to find a top scientist comparable to Dr. Vega Punk!

Whether it is Caesar Courant, Vinsmoke Gage or Lindbergh in the Revolutionary Army, they are all worse than Vega Punk!

In addition to Tony Stark in Walding, even Orochimaru and Doctor Fashion may not be comparable to Vega Punk!

"Of course, I also firmly believe that.?,"

"But the existence of Erding Human Evolution Medicine Field is also a big trouble!"

"Valding's strength has grown too fast,"

"Even if Lord Im will settle everything eventually,"

"But if anything? It needs to be left to Lord Yimu to solve it,"

"So what's the point of our existence?"

"A new era may come at any time, and I don't want to be abandoned by Lord Yim in the new era!

The five old stars with curly hair said quietly.

The rest of the Five Old Stars also froze at the same time!

Lord Im intends to completely turn the world upside down when the prophecy appears.

Not cleaning, not just putting out some lights, but subverting the whole world.

And it is indeed a question whether the world after the subversion still has the position of the Five Old Stars.

"So, what can we do to curb Varding's growth in strength?"

"If we only rely on our own strength, we can't win against Vardin, who has the Pluto cannon and the human evolution potion! The bald five old stars immediately asked in doubt.

"It's really hard to beat Varding by ourselves, but what if we add pirates?"

"Alliance with Kaido, right?"

"Kaido lost an eye in Varding!"

The long-bearded five old star replied immediately.

"Do you cooperate with pirates?"

"Alright, it's not the first time anyway!"

"Valding's strength must be contained!"

The bald-headed five old stars who embraced the first generation of ghosts said firmly.

As for working with pirates?

When dealing with the Rox Pirates!

The World Government has already cooperated with the Roger Pirates once.

The other five old stars nodded in succession, only the blond silver dragon five old star said indifferently,

"As you please,"

"But this time, don't screw it up again!"

As the most powerful and youngest blond and silver dragon five old star, even if the times are subverted, he will definitely be an indispensable helper for Lord Yimu to rebuild the world!

At the same time, as the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons, he has always believed that Lord Im and the National Treasures of the Celestial Dragons are unmatched!

Lord Im and the King of Heaven will eventually settle everything.

"By the way, in addition to the human evolution potion, there are also a lot of open naval six-style and domineering materials in the breathing method that is widely rumored in Vardin, which is also a trouble!"

"We need to follow Vardin's example and fully open up some secret skills and devil fruits that we have collected within the world government and the navy?"

The Curly-haired Five Old Stars asked softly after discussing with the other Five Old Stars how to find a way to cooperate with Kaido and to deal with Vardin.

"It doesn't matter!"

The bald five old star replied casually with a smile.

"I don't approve,"

"I'm against it too,"

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