The final scream of the sea king made the remaining dark kings more nervous.

Hidden teacher Gibson kept dodging under the attack of Gan Shi Guijiao and Ringo Yu Yuli, and there were already many scars on his tall body, and he would die on the spot if he couldn't hold on for a long time!

At this time, Saga and Jiguo Yuanyi, who walked over gently, directly became the last straw that overwhelmed the hidden master Gibson's heart.

Gibson was slightly distracted and began to pay attention to Saga, he was worried that he would suddenly be attacked by Saga and Jiguoyuanyi.

But just when he was distracted, Lin Chuyu Yuli, who had found the right time, urged the Thunder Sabre, and with the speed of thunder, he placed the Thunder Sabre directly on Gibson's neck. Swipe lightly!

The king of the warehousing industry in the dark world, the boss of the hidden master Gibson had to move in an instant.

Gibson's face was ashen, he gave Saga a deep-deep look, and then said decisively,

"Your Majesty Saga, I am willing to surrender!"

Lin Chuyu Yuli is willing to keep his life, obviously because he still has value.

And where is his value?

Of course, it will not be his own a+ strength, but as the king of warehouses who monopolized almost the entire dark world warehouse industry, there are countless warehouses throughout the pirate world.

Saga glanced at the hidden master Gibson, nodded lightly, and then turned his eyes directly to the last two dark kings.

The Queen of Joy-Happy Street, Stucci, and the King of Killers, Dragu Piedro.

As the top master in cpO, the Queen of Happy Street, Stucci has the strength to easily kill the king of loan sharks.

But it was still not enough to see in front of Artoria.

At the very least, the powerful physical skills of the Navy's Sixth Form can't play any role in the face of the arrogance of seeing and seeing the future directly with the intuition of innate talent.

As for domineering?

Possessing the blood of a red dragon's amazing physique, armed with a strong domineering power, and awakening the domineering power of a king, Artoria's domineering is also far beyond that.


It was only a matter of time before Arturia beheaded Stucci.

"Your Majesty Saga, King of the World, I am also willing to surrender!"

"Trust me, Huanle Street not only allows you to enjoy the ultimate happiness in the world, but also provides you with a lot of top-secret information!"

Stuyou knew that he was not Arturia's opponent. After seeing the unharmed surrender of Hidden Master Gibson, his eyes flashed, and he hurriedly avoided Arturia's heavy blow and spoke to Saga. said.

She was betting that it was just a coincidence that Saga and the others found this island, or that even if there was a traitor at the top of the world government.

The traitor may not even know her true identity.

Stuthy's identity as a world government cpO is a top secret among top secrets.

She has successfully climbed to the top of the dark world along the way, and at the same time has a close relationship with the Queen of Happy Street, she is a secret trump card of the world government.

Stuthy looked at Saga eagerly. If he could successfully join Vardin's camp, he would not only have a chance to find out how Vardin got the top-secret information, but also have a chance to back the World Government-Government at a critical time. Thorn Walding.

As the ace in cpO, Stucci never thought about joining Varding.


"Sorry, I can't trust a cpO ace to take refuge,"

Saga directly exposes Stucci's true identity.


"She's the cpO?"

After Saga finished speaking, Morgans and Hidden Master Gibson all widened their eyes in surprise.

It's a bit ironic that one of the kings in the dark world should be a member of the cpO.

After his identity was revealed, Stuthy's face was as usual, but he quietly pressed his hand away - the strange listening phone bug, asked with a smile,

"Hehehe, Varding's information is really terrifying!"

"However, there are only a few people who know my true identity,"

"How did His Majesty Saga know my true identity?"

"Could it be that among the high-level officials of the world government, did someone secretly vote for His Majesty Saga?"

"That's really surprising!"

Stuthy covered his mouth and said with a smirk.

At the same time, the small listening phone bug in Stuthy's hand slipped into Stuthy's belly when he was covering his mouth and snickering.

The special listening phone bug could stick to Stuthy's throat, and even if Stuthy died, the special listening phone bug could survive for at least a few days.

As a trump card in cpO, it has long been Stucci's instinct to collect intelligence by all means.

Corpses can also convey information.

"This, who knows?"

Saga glanced at Stutsy suspiciously, but didn't give Stucci a positive answer.

Although I don't know why Stucci thinks that there are people in the high-level world government who have taken refuge in Vardin.

But this kind of thing, of course, Saga will not directly deny it.

After Stuthy finished speaking, Morgans, who had just surrendered, and Hidden Master Gibson were even more astonished.

It's enough to surprise them that Stucci is a cpO.

As a result, there are people at the top of the World Government who might be from Vardin?

Is this the strength of the peak of the sea that really stands above the sky?

It's terrifying!

After Saga finished speaking, there was no idea of ​​continuing to talk nonsense with Stucci...

It's almost the next month.

He is waiting to return to Albana after directly solving the so-called dark world, waiting for his first S-rank lottery.

Saga didn't want to continue talking nonsense with Stucci, and Artoria also began to explode with all her strength.

Under the circumstance that Saga and others were staring at them, which greatly increased the pressure on Stucci, a moment later, with a soft drink from Arturia and a burst of domineering arrogance.

The Sword of Oath of Victory cut a big wound directly on Stucci's body.

Stuthy was sprayed with blood, and then fell directly to the ground, losing consciousness.

After Arturia had dealt with Stucci, the weak Hassan also lowered his head, holding the inexplicably well-behaved Fat Ding in one hand, and dragging the bruised King of Killers Dragu Pi in the other. Jedro walked over slowly, and dragged a long bloody streak on the ground.

But even though Dragu Piedro was bruised and bruised, he still did not die at this time, instead he made a very rhythmic purr.

Dragu Piedro fell asleep under the hypnosis of Fat Ding's singing and Hassan's sleepy fruit.

But the weak Hassan in the dream - is far more terrifying than the weak Hassan in the real world.

Saga led the dejected Morgans and the hidden teacher Gibson to leave quietly.

And after Morgans and the hidden master Gibson and others left, Hei Tong and the controlled golden lion quietly came to the scene!

Except for the king of loan sharks, Lu Ferrude, who was directly beheaded by Saga.

Umit, the sea king with s combat power, Stucci, the queen of happy streets, and Dragu Piedro, the king of killers, were all deliberately left with their last breath.

Black pupil, whose strength has also improved during this period of time, is already enough to control the golden lion, and then allocate extra energy to control an enemy with the most combat power.

And the dead of Teigu marched in eight rooms, but they could control up to eight corpses.

In the pirate world, there are not many strong players with a combat power above s, and of course they cannot be wasted in vain.

Black pupil repaired the knife to the sea king Umit and others, and then directly put the bodies of the three people in the eight rooms, and then together with the golden lion, quietly caught up with Saga and others, and controlled the golden lion to drive Kojima, start to return with all your strength!

The next day, the dark world suffered a major purge, and the kings of the dark world were almost wiped out, except for the big news Morgans who escaped and was never purged due to industry reasons.

Dark industries such as organ-trading, usury-lending, and assassination in the dark world have all been thoroughly purged by Vardin.

For a time, the entire pirate world was completely shaken.

At the same time, Morgans and the hidden master Gibson were secretly included, as well as the Wa 5.7 Erding who forcibly annexed the deep ocean current, and also quietly extended his tentacles directly to the world.

The world shook, and the bounty hunters and some old pirates who were eager to move because of the high bounty were also poured a basin of cold water on their heads.

No matter how high the bounty is, it's just a delusion if you don't want to get it.

Especially after the once severely injured male lion Saros, full of energy and incomparable health, reappeared in the sight of everyone, the B-sound killing of everyone in Vardin also calmed down Xiao Ran.

On the contrary, because of the through round assassination, when 3 Erding was sweeping away the dark world, he not only increased Vardin's prestige on the sea again, but also attracted the participation of many vacillating non-world government countries. In the hearts of countless ordinary people who have been harmed by the dark world, an image of Zhou Da has been quietly established!

Varding's strength has grown again!

In the Holy Land Mary Joa, the bald-headed five old stars were pale, and the expressions on the faces of the other five old stars also became extremely strange.

They obtained the last intelligence that came before Stuthy's death.

There is a high probability that there is a traitor among the top leaders of the world government!

And there are many high-level secrets of the world government who know the identity of Stucci Old star!

Is there really a traitor among them?

The five old stars looked at each other..

At this time, Saga, who returned to the palace, washed his hands and face with great piety, and then looked at the one hundred and one who were lying quietly in his system interview class.

[-] points of national strength, Shen Sheng said,

"System, give me an S-level lottery!"?

Chapter [-] SS-level prizes

[After deducting the host's one million points of national strength, the host's remaining national strength points are [-] points! 】

[The host has conducted the S-level lottery for the first time, and the probability of winning high-level prizes has greatly increased.]

[Congratulations to the host for winning the ss-level prize, which is derived from the treasure Gemini Gold Cloth in the Kingdom of Athena! 】

[The Gemini Gold Saint Cloth from the Kingdom of Athena not only contains incomparable power, but also contains the inheritance of the Gemini Gold Saint Seiya. However, as a golden Saint Cloth, users with a physique lower than s will not be able to wear it! 】

"Ss-level prize, Gemini gold from the kingdom of Athens?"

The corners of Saga's mouth kept rising, and then she decided to withdraw the prize!

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