Morgans glanced coldly at the kings of the dark world, but did not speak.

Morgans was also complaining in his heart at this moment.

Who would have thought that he had already left in time, but just when he was flying happily in the sky and was just about to return to his safe nest! He directly bumped into Saga and the others who came from the island.

He fled, he chased, he could not escape!

After all, it was the wrong payment!

"Ah, don't come here..."

There is a sentence in Morgans' heart that I don't know whether to say it or not...

Then, in front of the bright swords of Saga and Ji Guoyuan and others, Morgans chose to surrender very well aware of the current affairs.

He likes big news, but he doesn't like being big news himself.

"Hehe, did you come directly to the door?"

"Valding's intelligence seems far more terrifying than we thought!"

"However, we are now gathering all the kings of the dark world here,"

"Let Damn Vardin see the horrors of the dark world!"

The king of loan sharks, Lu Ferrude, said fearlessly with his face as usual.

But just as he turned to greet the kings of the rest of the dark world and rushed over.

But he was shocked to discover that the rest of the dark world kings broke the wall decisively and chose to escape.

Only Lu Ferrude, the king of loan sharks, was left to face Saga.

"What are you running for?"

"The generals of Varding are not here.

"And this guy's head is worth tens of billions of Baileys!"

A few drops of cold sweat broke out on the face of Lu Ferrude, the king of loan sharks, and then urgently persuaded the dark kings who were fleeing.

However, no one took care of the usury king, and the rest of the dark kings escaped a little faster.

"What an idiot, even if the Ice Queen Esdes and the newly promoted monster general of the Valdin Navy are not here?"

"But that guy from King Vardin is a real monster himself!"

The Queen of Happy Street, Stucci said secretly,

"Just, how did Vardin find us?"

"Does Vardin really have more powerful intelligence than the CP organization of the World Government?"

"But this location was temporarily decided by us. We can't divulge information, but apart from us, only the commander of cpO and Lord Five Old Stars know the location of this temporary decision!"

There was a twinkle in Stuthy's eyes, and she could see that it wasn't the dejected Morgans who betrayed them.

Thinking of Vardin's incomparably precise actions, including attacking a hidden island where a large number of bomb rocks were stored, knowing that the world government had investigated the blueprint of Hades that had not been found for several years, and put it into place. Take away, and even know about the existence of Im-sama, the supreme ruler of the world government-government, that even she knew only after Vardin attacked the Holy Land Marijoa, as well as the actions of the kingdom of Germa, which had just failed, and this time. information leakage.

With Varding's strength and background, it is impossible to know these things.

...for flowers....

"Could it be that there are really Vardin's traitors among the top government officials in the world?"

Stuthy sank at the thought of this.

If there really is a Vardin's traitor in the top ranks of the World Government, then the World Government will be in big trouble.

But before she could report the speculation in her heart, the next moment, she looked at Arturia who was standing in front of her.

Stuthy began to cry secretly.

One of the first top-level powerhouses in the Kingdom of Vardin, the knight great swordsman Arturia, has the strength that is suspected of being a great swordsman, and with a full-strength sword, it may even injure the general.

"The villain in the dark, this way is dead!"

"Go ahead and capture it!"

Arturia said to Stucci with a sword in both hands.

Even though he still can't understand what a real king is and find his true power, but relying on the blood of the dragon to break away from the restrictions of the heroic body, Arturia, who has broken through to the s-combat power, is holding the oath When the Sword of Victory is used, it is even enough to kill the general in a short period of time!

... 0

A mere Stuthy, Arturia would not consider her to be her opponent.

Stuthy was stopped by Arturia, and Umit, the sea king, also stopped, pulled out the long knife in his hand, and faced Jiguoyuanyi in front of him solemnly!

As for the King of Killers Big Hand Undertaker Dragu, Piedro and Warehouse Gibson?

Dragu Piedro looked at the cute chubby Ding who was holding a pink round in front of him, tilted his head and had a weak face, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

As the king of killers, he was keenly aware of the unimaginable terrifying aura of killing-killing that was far superior to his own in the body of the weak Hassan.


Dragu Piedro cursed inwardly, but at the same time clenched the death scythe in his hand.

As the king of killers, he will not give up.

Hidden master Gibson immediately hid his figure after escaping from the conference room.

As a person with hidden fruit ability, he can turn forbidden weapons, ammunition and even criminals into stones, grass or other common items.

His hidden warehouse is absolutely safe and reliable!

Because no one will know, sometimes a bag of rice that looks very normal is actually full of arms.

A stone and a bunch of weeds that look unremarkable can also become a bounty criminal at any time.

The hider Gibson turned into a stone that could be seen everywhere and hid it.

"A bunch of idiots, how could they escape at this time,"

"However, fight, fight, when they are all dead, the dark world will be mine alone!"

Gibson looked at the rest of the kings of the dark world who were stopped, and glanced disdainfully at the Seven Ninja Swordsmen who were just chasing after him.

Zhan and Lin Yanyu Yuli said secretly.

He didn't think those guys could spot him!

But the next moment, Taodi didn't cut off his hands again - the huge beheading knife in the middle directly cut at the hidden master Gibson with incomparable precision, "Hey, your transformation skills are too bad, hide it better next time!" Big.

Chapter [*] The first S-level lottery

The hidden fruit of the hidden master Gibson is indeed good in the world of pirates, but it is still too conspicuous in front of the elite ninjas who are used to seeing various transformation techniques.

Gibson was forced out of hiding, looking at the dry persimmon Guijiao who surrounded him and Zaibuzhan and others, his face was ashen.

As the king in the dark world, Hidden Master Gibson has an A+ level of combat power comparable to that of the ordinary Qiwuhai, but Gan Shi Guijiao and Ringo Yuli are both elites in A+ level. In the case of a rank A, without the assistance of the sidekick.

Occultist Gibson had no chance of winning.

The kings of the dark world were all stopped, and at this time, Lu Ferrude, the king of high-interest loans, who was standing in front of Saga, was also pale, and finally realized his current predicament.

"Respected king of the world, I am willing to pay

The king of high-profit-loan, Lu Fei Rude, the king of high-profit-lending, had not finished speaking, and Saga lightly slashed from Yun Ya in the hand, the next moment.

God of Fortune Lu Ferrude's fat head fluttered in the air, and he rolled to Saga's feet with several grunts.

"I don't need a group of thugs who only know how to lend at high interest rates,"

"As for the money?"

"Kill you, and the rest of your money will be mine!"

Saga stepped on the head of Fushen, the king of high-interest loans, and said softly.

At this moment, Morgans behind Saga lightly wiped a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

Thank you for your decisive surrender!

"However, the king of the world directly swept the world of darkness and killed many kings of darkness. This is really big news!"

Even at this moment, Morgans has not forgotten his old line of work.

The weakest high-interest loan king "[*]" was directly killed, and Morgans also chose to surrender!

The rest of the dark kings were all tight in their hearts, and the attacks in their hands became more and more fierce.

But in front of many strong people in Varding, he is still so powerless.

After dealing with the king of usury, Saga directly turned his attention to his old acquaintance, Umit, the sea king.

"Hey, Your Majesty Saga, I now believe that you can really rule the world!"

"Can I still join Vardin now?"

"And I may not need the post of Minister of Shipping!"

Ocean King Umit with difficulty escaped a slash from Jiguo Yuanyi. In front of Jiguoyuan, whose strength is about to reach S rank, he can fight against Hawkeye Mihawk, the world's largest swordsman. Although Wang Umit has the combat power of s?, which is not weaker than the ordinary emperor's deputy, it is still not enough to see.

The sea king Umit intends to temporarily take refuge in Vardin.

The Sea King Umit, who was attached to the Four Emperors to a certain extent, had no intention of not wanting to be attached to others.

What's more, Varding is much stronger than the Pirates!

"Join Vardin?"

"Sorry, if it was the first time I met you, you were willing to join Vardin, not only the post of Minister of Shipping, but most of Vardin's ships, you can control it at any time!"

"But now, as I said, when the name of Vardin resounds through the sea, Vardin will no longer need the so-called darkness!"

Saga finished speaking coldly, and then directly crossed Umit!

He believed that Jiguoyuan was enough to completely solve the trouble of Umit.

The potential of a mere one is exhausted, and it is difficult to truly be loyal to Saga's s combat power. After Saga ruled tens of millions of citizens of Alabasta and the IQ evolution potion began to be continuously produced.

It's not that important anymore!

Saga walked past, and after letting Umit let out the last shrill scream behind Saga, his tall body fell heavily.

After Guo Yuan clenched the knife in his hand, after quickly killing the sea king Umit, he silently followed behind Saga just like Morgans.

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