"I just want to know history, shouldn't history be remembered?"

"If Varding doesn't need me, then please let me go!

"No, who said Varding doesn't need your power?"

Saga suddenly smiled at Nicole Robin,

"Welcome to Vardin!"

"Although I think it is almost impossible to shake the rule of the world government with just some historical black material of the world government,"

"But it's better than doing nothing!"

"But I declare that rather than searching for the so-called historical truth, I prefer to spend my main energy on benefiting the present!"

"However, during every day you are still in Vardin, Vardin will provide you with shelter!"

"At least, in my eyes, there is no sin in studying history!"

Although Saga is not particularly concerned about Nicole Robin!

But Nicole Robin delivered everything!

Saga will not let go easily.

Anyway, Nicole Robin now also has b+ level combat power, which can provide hundreds of thousands of national strength points for Saga every month, and after hard training, Nicole Robin's potential may not have broken through to s? , the possibility of becoming the top powerhouse in the sea.

Devil fruit ability is very precious!

Although Orochimaru and Dr. Fashion's laboratories currently have several devil fruit capable users.

There are quite a few devil fruit abilities in the senior Baroque agents.

Nicole Robin joined Varding, and soon pointed out the specific burial location of the Hades battleship for Saga. At the same time, as a diplomat of Saga, she began to enter the world stage aboveboard.

And Saga, on the day after Nicole Robin joined Varding, after taking a bath and washing his hands quietly, he looked at the [-] dots lying quietly on his system panel. National strength, start - start preparing for the lottery!

"Unfortunately, the remaining national strength value of last month is only [-]. Really, just a little bit, I can directly get a five-draw A-rank!"

"But now, four draws seem to be pretty good, too."

"System, give me a rank A four draw!"

[Consumption of [-] points of national strength' The host currently has a remaining national strength of [-] points,]

[Congratulations to the host for winning the A-level prize, which originated from an air carrier in a certain American country in the Avengers world,

Helicarrier: It has an anti-gravity system, a nuclear power control room, and can turn on the reflector to achieve a stealth effect. Unfortunately, the attack-attack and defense power are slightly insufficient! 】

"Aircraft carrier?"

"I already have Pluto and a golden lion. It doesn't seem to be of much use to have another air carrier!"

"No, the weapon attack-strike power of the air carrier is not enough, I will directly put the Pluto cannon on him. If he can understand the air carrier and mass-produce it directly, what kind of Pluto battleship will be built!"

Eight "Isn't it better to fly in the sky than to swim in the sea?"

Saga looked at the first prize he had drawn, the helicarrier, and instantly had an idea about the future whereabouts of the helicarrier!

It is too wasteful to use the only one of the Helicarriers in the Pirate World to fight.

As far as the defensive power of the air carrier is not much different from that of an ordinary steel battleship, if it really wants to fight the world's top 830 battlefield, any swordsman can directly cut it in half with one knife.

The best home for an air carrier is, of course, Tony Stark's laboratory.

Saga hopes that it will not be long before Vardin will be able to combine and fuse the air carrier and the Hades battleship to forge a more powerful weapon of war.

The air carrier is temporarily inconvenient to extract? So Saga looked directly at the next prize,

[Congratulations to the host for winning the A-level prize, Teigu, the king of beasts and the lion king,

The King of Teigu's Beasts - The Lion King, a belt-shaped Teigu, can transform himself into a beast and dramatically improve his physical abilities.The profound meaning is "The lion will never die", which greatly enhances your resilience. Even if your hands and feet are cut off or your eyes are stabbed blind, you can stop the bleeding on your own and reconnect it! 】

"If this emperor can be mastered proficiently, it is even more terrifying than the awakening of ordinary animal-type devil fruits,"

"Even if the animal-type devil fruit is awakened, it can't be reborn from a broken limb!"

"However, the most suitable for this Teigu is really only my teacher Zeng Jin, the lion Saros?"

"The fruit of a male lion matches God with a lion king!"

"It won't take long for Saros' strength to be comparable to the Three Calamities under Kaido's command!"

Saga made arrangements for the Lion King, and then silently looked at the third prize,

[Congratulations to the host for winning the A+ grade prize, the book of strange objects seal from the country of fire,

The Book of Seals, which records most of Konoha's ninjutsu and forbidden arts! 】

"The Book of Seals?"

"Maybe opening a ninja school in Varding is no longer a dream!"

Saga nodded secretly, the large amount of ninjutsu recorded in the book of seals is enough to make Saga no longer have shortcomings when training ninjas.

"Just, who should be the teacher of the ninja school?"

Saga thought about the image of Orochimaru sticking out his tongue, and then thought about the seven ninja swordsmen who only slashed and assassinated, shook his head gently, and then looked directly at the last prize. .

Chapter [-] The Great Development of Alabasta

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the A+-level character card' Thousand Hands Tsunade from the Land of Fire,

Thousand Hands Tsunade, the fifth Hokage of Konoha Village, is good at taijutsu and medical ninjutsu! 】


"This is a character with an amazing amount of milk. Varding is just right now. It seems that compared with Orochimaru, there are seven people with ninja swords. She is not bad as the principal of a ninjutsu school?"

"System, use the Tsunade character card immediately!"

After Saga finished speaking, the next moment, Tsunade's tall figure immediately appeared in front of Saga.

"A whole new world?"

"May the world be less cruel!"

Tsunade looked tired, sighed, then knelt down on one knee to Saga and said directly,

"Have you seen Tsunade? Your Majesty!"

Ninjas know the rules very well.

Saga didn't look sideways, he directly lifted Tsunade. Compared with Meise, Tsunade's strength was more worthy of Saga's respect.

"Welcome to Varding, but sorry, the world is always so cruel!"

"But maybe, we can work together to make the world what we want it to be!"

Tsunade nodded silently, and then took over some information about the two-color domineering and Varding and the world of pirates that Saga handed over, and looked at it carefully!

?Senju Tsunade

Strength: a+

Physique: s-

Agility: a+

spirit_spirit: a

Possess ability: strange physical exercise, medical ninjutsu, regular ninjutsu, etc.

Overall evaluation: a+

As a descendant of the god of ninjas, although he failed to awaken Mu Dun, his physique is also different from ordinary people. Coupled with the original strange physical skills and medical ninjutsu, Tsunade's potential in taijutsu is beyond imagination.

"I really want to know if the top-level armament color domineering coupled with the strange force fist is comparable to the iron fist of Kai Karp?"

"Well, maybe in addition to the future world number one, the great swordsman, Vardin can have another future world number one physique expert?" Saga thought happily, and then directly treated Vardin to medical treatment. Tsunade has been given the position of the minister and the headmaster of the soon-to-be-created ninja school!In addition to a powerful navy and army, Vardin also needs a special force that is good at gathering intelligence and conducting secret activities.

The world government - the government has cp agents, and Vardin will have the shadow of the empire!

All ninjas will be part of the Empire's Shadow, doing justice in the dark, directly under the Imperial Blade.

"Well, the first batch of ninjas, temporarily train a thousand people?"

"It's a big deal, Tsunade has several more clones. Come and teach at the same time!"

Sarah thought to herself.

Anyway, Tsunade has enough meat, and those who can do more work...

After Saga ruled Alabasta, in addition to the lack of a surge in national strength, the sufficient population also made Saga move to expand the army again.

But before expanding the army, Saga has only one thing to do.

That is to completely change Alabasta!

"It's a pity that such a vast land is all sand..."

Saga looked at the map of Alabasta that Hassan silently spread out, and sighed deeply.

On the map of Alabasta, more than [-]% of the land is desolate desert.

The vast majority of the population of Alabasta are all gathered in one oasis city and the banks of the Santara River and the coastline.

In fact, Alabasta is not short of water, but the desert makes the cherished water, there is no way to make good use of it!

The Sandora River is almost the largest and longest freshwater river in the pirate world. It runs through the whole of Alabasta. The river surface is nearly [-] miles wide at its widest point, and it is even enough to support the huge Sandora bigeye fish that feeds on humans. .

When it comes to water resources, the Sandora River alone is enough to surpass countless lakes and oases.

But, in just a day or two, the scorching sun is enough to dry out all the moisture in the desert.

Nami and Visalia's meteorology doctor managed to get a lot of rain in Alabasta these days.

But the desert has not been solved in one day, and no matter how much rain it rains, it can only cure the symptoms, not the root cause!

"Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to win Chishou Hasuma"! "

"Otherwise, let the trees and forests be planted on the road of Qianshouzhujian, supplemented by a lot of water resources, and it won't be long before Alabasta will become a real paradise on earth, right?

Saga spit out a groove, but he also understood in his heart that Qianshou, who is known as the god of ninjas, has at least s+ strength, and it is even very likely to reach -ss level.

It is almost impossible to draw Senju Hakuma by the A-level lottery.

"So, is it time to start accumulating national strength?"

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