It was difficult for him to accept Saga's rule.


"That rain only covered Albana and a small area around it!"

"Besides, do you really think that just one rain can save the whole of Alabasta?"

"After that rain, there was still no rain in most of Alabasta!"

"The country is the people,"

"Sorry, I can't save Alabasta!"

Kobra lowered his head, took a few steps forward, and knelt down in front of Saga without hesitation.

"Your Majesty Saga, Arabistan will ask you!"

"Please save this country!"

Cobra knew that even with the arrest of Crocodile, the drought in Alabasta would continue without Vardin.

And by that time, the rebels who had already learned what the shemale von Klei had done, and had temporarily settled down because of the rain, would revolt again very decisively.

The initial rebellion was not because of the transcendent Von Krei's impersonation of Cobrahu.

There are too many people in Alabasta, hungry and thirsty because of the drought.

The citizens of Alabasta, who were dying of hunger and thirst, would not care whether Cobra was a wise man.

They only know that the real Ming Jun will not and should not let his country's name starve to death.

In Cobra's heart, he really put the people of Alabasta on his own throne.

What's more, Kobra was really grateful to Saga who saved the lives of Vivi and himself and others.

Saga helped Cobra up with a smile on his face.

The annexation of Alabasta by Vardin is a foregone conclusion. …

Shemale Von Kreike is not dead yet.

But Kobra was able to decisively choose to cooperate and give up Alabasta, which still made Saga feel happy.

After all, the cooperation of the genuine version is much more appropriate than the cooperation of the pirated version.

The next day, on the square in Albana, in front of all the members of the Royal Army and the rebel army, Cobra directly announced that he would give up the throne of Alabasta to Saga, who saved everyone present.

After Kobra finished speaking, the King's Army and the rebel army were all in an uproar!

And after the news came out, a large number of Alabasta's citizens began to feel uneasy in their hearts.

Ordinary people don't actually worry about who will be the king, they only worry about whether the new king will disrupt their current fairly stable life.

Especially as Alabasta is facing a brutal drought.

They have no way to pay even a little bit of tax after the new king comes to the throne!

But soon, the island was prepared for transportation in Saga, enough food to keep all Alabasta nationals from starving to death, and with the flag of Vardin flying, the floating island was nowhere to be- Break in front of the dripping rain!

The vast majority of Alabasta's citizens instantly felt that it might not be a bad thing for Alabasta to change the king!

Cobra might be good as king', but it's still a lot worse than Saga who pulled them from death...?

As for changing a - a country name?

The kings have been changed, so what's the problem with changing the country's name?

King and country names are not as important as filling out the stomach.

Time passed quietly, and the news of Vardin's peaceful annexation of Alabasta seemed to be silent with the concerted efforts of Saga and the World Government.

King Qiwu Hai Crocodile was expelled, the Navy Headquarters opened the world conscription, the Whitebeard Pirates Blackbeard killed the captain of the fourth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Saatchi, and the news of the Whitebeard Pirates' taboo was one after another. The sensation of the sea directly covered up the incident of Vardin's annexation of Alabasta.

The World Government-Government does not want the news of Vardin's annexation of Alabasta to spread, causing turmoil in the rest of the World Government member countries!

If the rest of the World Government member countries know that the World Government-Government cannot protect them from the capture of the rest of the countries, this will undoubtedly shake the rule of the entire World Government-Government!

What's more, 4. Alabasta was directly traded to Vardin after the World Government-Government and Vardin secretly negotiated!

As for Saga, after just annexing Alabasta.

Seeing that his national strength is skyrocketing every day, Saga now just wants to farm with peace of mind!

What kind of reputation, what prestige, that is the incense that comes from farming with peace of mind to increase the national strength that you get every month.

What's more, a new month is coming.

[The host currently rules the kingdom: Waldin Kingdom]

[The land area is [-] million square kilometers, including [-] square kilometers of Valdin Island and [-] square kilometers of Santin Island! 】

(The Kingdom of Alabasta is located on the island of St. Martin, which is the benchmark for Australia)

[The kingdom's population is [-] million, the comprehensive evaluation of the strongest in the kingdom is s+, the average evaluation of the kingdom's people is e-, and the comprehensive evaluation of the kingdom's national strength is a.]

[Currently, the host can provide [-] points of national strength every month! 】

Although after ruling Alabasta, the poor physical fitness of a large number of Alabastas who have spent more than a year in the drought has lowered the average evaluation of the people of Vardin from e to e again, but it is only a preliminary rule of St.tin Island. The tens of millions of nationals on the board directly provided Saga with a national strength of [-]!

It is comparable to the surrender of eight or so ordinary S-rank generals.

In this wave, Saga took off directly. .

Chapter [-] lottery, lottery

"Has Blackbeard defected?"

"Ace has also gone out to sea to hunt and kill,"

"Really, before chasing Blackbeard, why don't you look at your own strength!"

Saga swept over the latest news sent by Newsbird, and said a few words secretly, then looked at Nicole Robin in front of him expressionlessly, and said softly,

"Why did you suddenly arrive at your door after hiding in Alabasta for so long?"

"Don't you know that you also have a bounty on your back?"

Saga doesn't like most of the pirates in the world at all, and during this period of time, the Vardin Navy has dealt a devastating blow to Vardin and most of the pirates in the surrounding waters of Alabasta. .

"Of course it's because I'm sure that His Majesty Saga is not as cruel and tyrannical as the World Government!"

Nicole Robin replied respectfully.

At the beginning of Vardin's announcement of the establishment of his own navy, Nicole Robin conducted a detailed investigation of the pursuit targets of Vardin's navy. At the same time, he has ruled Alabasta in Saga, and still stayed in Alabasta for most of the time. Yue's Nicole Robin has a clear understanding of Saga's ruling philosophy!

The pirates hunted and killed by the Walding navy are almost all thugs who commit all kinds of crimes, burn, kill and loot, and some criminals who are wanted for venturing out to sea, or simply because they offended the navy or nobles, as long as they do not Marauding civilians, the Waldin Navy generally ignores them.

As for the food and materials that Vardin transported like a mountain every day after Saga ruled Alabasta, as well as the floating island that was constantly flying in the sky of Alabasta and kept raining. After the entire Alabasta was ruled by Saga, almost no one died because of the drought!

After witnessing it with her own eyes, she believes that Saga is a strong and tolerant king who can treat the people kindly.

Of course, Vardin's strength and hatred with the World Government are the main reasons why she decisively chooses to expose herself and deliver it to her door!

It's just a bounty from the World Government. Nicole Robin didn't forget that Saga also carried a bounty from the World Government at the very beginning. Even not long ago, he was killed by the World Government-Government for killing Tianlong people. In the name of the world's most terrifying criminal, a reward of [-] billion Baileys is offered!

As for what the world government said is that those who have the ability to imitate fruit pretend to be Saga to kill Tianlong people!

As the immediate boss of mr.2, where was the ladyboy Xiaofeng that day, can Nicole Robin still know?

After Nicole Robin finished speaking, Saga smiled indifferently.

Ever since Nicole Robin quietly left Bistan and others that day, his whereabouts have been under the surveillance of the Hassans!

Just for Nicole Robin, as long as she doesn't do anything in Alabasta, Saga doesn't want to care about her at all.

Saga did not dare to be interested in the historical text at all.

For the current Nicole Robin, it's really not very sexual...

Nicole Robin may have been in the sun too much in Alabasta, and people are really a little dark.

"so what?"

Sarah asked in a deep voice.

And after Saga finished speaking, it was Nicole Robin's turn to be a little numb.

"I'm probably the last archaeologist in the world who can understand the text of history, standing in front of you, and you don't even try to recruit one-off?"

"Am I so clueless?"

"Well, Vardin already has the ancient weapon Pluto, and the world's strongest kingdom,"

"That's alright

Nicole Robin was stunned for a moment, and then she stated her intention directly,

"I can understand the historical text, and I hope to join Vardin and obtain Vardin's asylum. At the same time, I also hope that with Vardin's support, I can interpret the lost [-] years of history!"

After Nicole Robin finished speaking, Saga seemed to lack interest, and then hurriedly added,

"That covered up history is likely to cause a fatal blow to the legitimacy of the current world government!"

Nicole Robin doesn't believe that Walding, who will have a war with the World Government, is not interested in the World Government's black material.

But Nicole Robin got it wrong.

"so what?"

Saga then asked blankly, then looked at the embarrassed Nicole Robin, walked quietly in front of her, pressed step by step, and said coldly,

"History is just the past,"

"And what can determine the present is always only power!"

"Waldin doesn't need to know the history of the so-called burial,"

"Because Vardin will make new history himself!"

"Do you think that the world government will really collapse because of the so-called buried history, the so-called legitimacy that has been hit?"

"Do not make jokes,"

"The world government-government has been able to rule the world for eight hundred years, and it has never depended on so-called legitimacy, but unrivaled power!"

"In the distant past, too many lights were extinguished!"

Nicole Robin stepped back, her body began to tremble slightly, and said forcefully, calmly,

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