"What is going on here?"

"Is the sky really immortal?"

"Shut up, this kind of thing Is it something we can talk about?"

Everyone discussed spiritedly, and even their posts were not guarded. They gathered together and looked towards the sky. They were all surprised, uneasy, and unbelievable.

"What are you doing?"

A guard walked out with a solemn face, and there were ten squad behind him, all holding Mitsubishi. Army assassin, killing and cutting decisively.

This guard is named Su Lian, Chang'an City guard. He was resting in the city. Someone reported that there was an unknown object in the sky. I came here to check it out. It turned out that these geniuses were all around. Watch the fun together.

"General, something happened in the sky."

Seeing the arrival of his superior, a defender hurriedly stepped forward and pointed his finger at the sky.

Lian Lian frowned, followed the guard’s finger and glanced at the sky, and instantly the whole person was bad, this, what the hell is this? immortal? It was something weird. His right hand shook abruptly, but fortunately, he was a military commander and quickly restrained him. He glanced unwillingly in the air again. It still felt that way, unbelievable. There is something flying in the sky?

He tried his best to suppress the horror in his heart, his right hand gripped Tang Dao tightly, and his voice trembled: "What is this?"

Based on his military intuition, The things in the sky are definitely not simple, but not necessarily immortal, because he can't believe it.

"General, I don’t know it, but the people of Chang’an City all say it’s immortal."

The defender’s body is lower, because the rumor is from Chang’an City. It came out, and he is Chang'an City defender. If there is any problem, he will definitely be implicated.


Shin refining eyes shrank, he pushed aside the guard in front of him, and walked quickly to the edge of the city wall, only to see a group of messy people In the yelling on Cháng'ān Street, many people pointed their fingers at unknown objects in the sky, and some had already knelt down on the ground and prayed non-stop, shouting about peace, official career and so on.

"Hurry, hurry, immediately appease the people of Chang'an City, and try not to cause a commotion."

He raised his slightly trembling right hand and pointed at the people underground. The upper muscles are twitching a little.

This is in Chang'an City. So many people are talking together, even kneeling down. If something happens, how can he explain to his superiors? More importantly, this time it involves Daoist Immortal. If the emperor His Majesty knows that so many people are kneeling and worshiping the unknown object in the sky, then he, the guard, will be able to do it.

"Yes, General."

Everyone bowed in response.

All the defenders did not dare to continue to wait and see, and they rushed down with Tang Swords in their hands. They knew the importance of the matter. If more and more people gather, it is easy to kill them. It's hard to blame, and besides, they only have awe of Ghost God, not believing or not.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"

Several steps came from Chang'an City, and the defenders lined up in squares with Mitsubishi army thorns with serious faces. Looking at the crazy people in front of him, a young man with a Tang knife walked out of the team.

"Everyone is listening. Don't stay in the street and go home immediately."

The one who spoke was Lieutenant Sang Feng, who held Tang Dao in his hand with a serious expression on his face. He looked at the people in front of him, and started to fight if he didn't agree with him.

However, his words did not cause any impact. The people still stood on the spot and talked, kneeling down, as if they hadn't seen him.

"Everyone is listening. You are not allowed to stay in the street and go home immediately."

Sang Feng was a little angry, and repeated it again. He decided that if the people were not Go home, then be prepared to take coercive measures.

The effect was still minimal. The people didn't pay attention to his words at all, just like crazy, and the number of people who bowed down soared.

"Come, prepare to force in."

Sang Feng held up his right hand, held his five fingers together, and issued a military order: "Don’t hurt the people, just drive the people home. "


Everyone behind them responded "yes" in unison, and then pinned the Mitsubishi Army stab in their hands to their waists and rushed straight out.

"What are you doing? Stop it."

"Why do you stop me from kneeling and worshiping immortal."

The attack of the people instantly caused a fierce response from the people, and they all Qi Yishi as a shield and began to confront the sergeant. Due to the number of people, the sergeant actually fell into a disadvantage. In addition, they did not order and did not dare to take the initiative to harm the people, and began to slowly show their decline.

On the gate tower, Su Lian looked at all this in front of him, clenched his right fist, cold sweat on his forehead, faintly feeling a little bad, now the people are gathering more and more, and they are constantly bowing on the ground. Over time, it will definitely cause mutiny, and it seems that Master National Duke must be notified.

Thinking of this, he slapped a palm on the blue brick, glanced unwillingly at the people and sergeants in the melee, and walked away.

"Prepare the horse, go to Duke of Lu Mansion."

After finishing, he walked quickly down the gate tower.

The horses downstairs are ready, and a carp leaped on the horse's back and rushed towards the Duke of Lu Mansion.

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