At the same time, in Chang'an City.

At this time, it is just before the time. It is the busiest time in Chang'an City. The streets and alleys are full of merchants soliciting customers. The small servants are shuttled among the crowd, and the salesman is carrying the challenge. Stop and go, pairs of men and women are raising upwards on the shelves to choose goods, the whole Cháng'ān is full of people, people coming, people going, it’s so lively.

Zhu'zi still pulls the glutinous rice and sells it on the street as usual.

"The glutinous rice, the glutinous rice."

At this moment, a roar came from behind: "Zhu'zi."

"It turned out to be a tiger. Ah."

Zhu'zi stopped and glanced behind him.

Huzi helped the burden on his shoulders, stepped forward quickly, and walked side by side with Zhu'zi: "Zhu'zi, how are you selling today?"

"How can it be, as usual."

Zhu'zi laughed, and patted the jar with his left hand, and there was an empty hum.

"See if you are okay today."

Huzi glanced at the jar and laughed: "Would you like to take a break?"

"Sure. "

Zhu'zi responded by the way, and then glanced at the corner: "Then let's go there and rest."

After speaking, he carried the burden and walked towards the corner. , Leaning on the corner, put the load down, Huzi followed closely behind, and the two sat on the floor like this.

Huzi wiped the sweat on his forehead, said with a smile: "Zhu'zi, how's your glutinous rice? Take it out and taste it, I'll trade the steamed bun with you."

After speaking, he took off his clothes and fanned at will, his eyes drifting towards all around and the sky from time to time, suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something, his eyes widened, a little bit unbelievable, but he didn't know what it was, just Extend the hand steadily, pointing with a daze.

"Huzi, your glutinous rice."

Zhu'zi handed the glutinous rice over, but found that Huzi was pointing to the sky, his eyes widened, and his mouth kept unceasing. Mumbling something.

"Huzi, Huzi, what's wrong with you?"

Zhu'zi shook Huzi and asked with concern.

"That...what is that...?"

Huzi still pointed at the sky, his body trembled a little, and his speech was slurred.

Zhu'zi glanced in the direction of Huzi’s fingers curiously. I don’t know. He was startled at the sight. His pupils shrank instantly, and his body trembled: "Is this... immortal? "

After that, he seemed to have thought of something, and shook Huzi quickly, and yelled: "Huzi, put your hand down, you can’t point it, this is immortal, if you continue to point it He suffered from Heavenly Retribution."

The tiger who had been addicted to it was suddenly awakened, suddenly turned his head and looked towards Zhu'zi, shaking his body: "Yes, immortal, immortal."

After finishing speaking, he knelt down on the ground and began to bow, and mutter incantations: "immortal forgive your sins, immortal forgive your sins."

Zhu'zi also hurriedly learned from the situation. He bowed to the ground, and even chanted exactly the same, because in their perception, only Daoist Immortal could go to heaven. In other words, no one could go to heaven at all now, and it must be Daoist Immortal who could go to heaven.

Blood on their foreheads for a while, they probably felt tired, they got up together and ran in different directions, even abandoning the burden of eating, and there were mutter incantations in their mouths. .

"I have to go home and tell my old lady, immortal is showing up."

"Immortal has appeared."

The two kept moving in the crowd, It looks like it has been cursed.

Someone soon noticed this anomaly, and at the same time heard what they said, they couldn’t help but wonder: "immortal? Where is immortal?"

while speaking, this person Intentionally or unintentionally glanced in the sky, perhaps influenced by traditional thinking. They believed that immortal must be in the sky. However, at this moment, he saw it. He saw what he believed to be immortal. Suddenly, his eyes widened, and his brain seemed to be subjected to endless shocks. Generally, a crazy shout: "Heaven..."

"There is immortal..."

"There is immortal..."

"Look at it Ah."

This roar instantly attracted the attention of the people around. They glanced at this guy with some doubts, immortal? How can it be? I have lived for several decades and have never seen anything immortal. Have you seen it now?

Most people hold an attitude of unbelief, thinking that this guy is just crazy, and some even have abused in the heart, but there are still some curious people who don’t believe in evil and can’t help it. The voice in his heart shouted and looked towards the sky.

"Immortal? Is it really immortal?"

"Is that immortal in the sky?"

"Look, everyone, there is immortal in the sky?"


In an instant, everyone around them yelled and stretched out, their eyes widened, their fingers pointed at the sky, and their faces were filled with surprise and doubt. They couldn’t believe it. The yelling became louder and louder, and it spread farther and farther. The streets and alleys of'an City began to shout non-stop, some people even knelt on the ground and began to bow down, because in their education, Master Master Heaven and Earth, immortal is the representative of heaven, now immortal manifests, How can there be no worship?

Upstairs in Chang'an City, the officers and soldiers also noticed this phenomenon. They all looked towards the sky with horror. They are soldiers. Ordinarily, they only have awe of this Ghost God, which is hard to believe. However, glanced at the people kneeling on the ground, the faith in their hearts couldn't help but began to waver.

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