He was telling the truth, and there is no benefit to telling the other party about this thing. Although he didn't explain it clearly, it didn't affect these guys.

"Feng'zi, now that you have discovered this thing, how do you plan to get it? It should be very useful to you, right?"

Cheng Chumo is a sensible person, see Zhang Feng didn't want to say more, so he pulled the topic away.

"It is useful, of course it is useful."

Zhang Feng looked at the burnt coal in distress, laughed: "You help me get all the coal back now, all of them are It can’t be less."

Everyone is frowned and doesn’t understand what Zhang Feng is doing. Don’t they continue to go to heaven? They have waited for a long time and now let themselves pull the coal. This Feng’zi can It's not authentic.

Among them, Zhangsun Chong and Du Gou are the two most dissatisfied, why? Cheng Chumo has gone to heaven, and only the two of them are left. Now it's okay to pull these coals?

"Feng'zi, I will not pull, I am going to heaven now, you can't lie to me."

Zhangsun Chong puts his hands on his chest, his mouth is high, obviously a little dissatisfied .

"Don't pull it?"

Zhang Feng frowned, going up is a kick: "If you don't believe or not, I will send you to heaven and never come down again?"

"Feng'zi, you can't do this."

Du Gou stopped Zhang Feng and stood his chest up: "Why can Chen Tieniu go to heaven? Both of us will give it. You pull coal? We have to go to heaven."

Since I heard Cheng Chumo brag about it, the two of them are now thinking about how to go to heaven, but Feng'zi asked them to pull coal. Why? Confusing?

"Okay, you two should stop playing rogues here."

Zhang Feng glanced at the two of them, somewhat helpless: "I use these coals to transform the heat Balloons, I’ll be the first to send you to the sky when you’re done."

How come this sounds weird?

The two frowns, but did not think too much, but a little worried and said: "You won't lie to us?"

"With your wisdom, I bluff Are you missing?"

Zhang Feng showed a meaningful smile, and he didn't reply back.

"That's true."

Zhangsun Chong smiled triumphantly, then looked towards Du Gou: "Brother, work."

Of course the latter is happy Yes, I didn't say anything, I ended up with a gift package for ascension to heaven, and I picked up coal with a wooden stick.

Others saw that these two people were all working, and they had no trouble sitting there. They all found tools, and they were likely to pack all the coal home.

After some operations, the coal was finally wrapped up, but the faces of everyone were a bit different. All of them were covered with coal and looked like a man, especially Cheng Chumo. At first glance, I thought Hei Wuchang was here, which made the surrounding companions a little bit unbearable.

"Hold the grass, Iron Ox, why are you so dark?"

Du Gou looked at Cheng Chumo in front of him, a little unbelievable, if it hadn’t been with this guy just now , I really can't believe it.


Cheng Chumo was a little surprised, didn't he just touch his face twice? Is it still disfigured? With doubts, he asked curiously: "How am I..."

Hahaha, Chong'zi, you..."

This confuses Du Gou. It is obvious that he is about to laugh at him, so how come he was laughed at by the other party instead: "Iron Ox, what are you fucking laughing at?"

"Your face, haha..."

Cheng Chumo was holding his belly, his waist couldn't straighten up.

"What's wrong with my face?"

Du Gou was a little panicked, and quickly looked towards Zhangsun Chong on the side: "Chong'zi, what's wrong with Lao Tzu's face?"


Zhangsun Chong's face flushed, and he felt that he couldn't hold back his smile. He quickly covered his mouth with his hand, and hummed: "Chong'zi, your face...has become a big face, haha."


Du Gou complexion changed, but no one can tell. He touched his face quickly and didn't seem to notice anything abnormal, thinking that others were lying to him , Glanced at the crowd, said with a smile: "You don't look at yourself, but I am ashamed to say that you are not all coal on your faces, man by man."

After coming out, everyone's complexion was not right, and he quickly touched his face that he considered to be pretty. Although he couldn't see anything, when he saw his companion's face, he seemed to understand something in an instant and wailed.

"Feng'zi, you bastard, you deceive me."

"You have to pay for my face like a flower."

Cheng Chumo He has even begun to splash and roll in the snow. He thinks he is the first handsome man in the Cheng Family. Now this beautiful face is like this. Although it can be washed off, it spreads out. The reputation of the handsome man in the Cheng Family is just fine. No, maybe even the little lady's hand can't be touched.

Thinking of this, he rolled harder on the ground, wanting to take advantage of Zhang Feng to go to heaven several times.

Zhangsun Chong and Du Gou also played rogues when they saw this, but they were not shameless like Cheng Chumo, they just kept cursing Zhang Feng, what ruined me for half of my life, in the future. Unable to marry a wife, Yunyun, I just intend to take this opportunity to have a good night with Zhang Feng, because I don't have this opportunity in normal times, so today is just right, I can't let this guy go.

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