Hearing this, Cheng Chumo was not good at saying anything. He had to laughed and replied: "You said, I'm listening."

"You were just now How did you get off? Also, how to control the left and right in the air? Has the direction been affected?"

Zhang Feng asked seriously, now he has no intention of joking with this guy, because it involves the transformation of the hot air balloon. Hot air balloons involve people, so you can't be sloppy.

Seeing Feng'zi being so serious, Cheng Chumo put away his smile, and began to recall the feelings in the sky just now.

Everyone probably also saw the seriousness of the matter, and did not bother, let alone speak, and just warmed up the fire silently to vent the emptiness in their hearts.

After a difference of 5 minutes of time, Cheng Chumo’s face once again showed a smile, cry out in surprise: "I thought about it."

tone barely fell, another one The dried sticks flew over: "You fucking dying, keep your voice down."

"Oh oh."

Cheng Chumo is nodded, and then looked towards Zhang Feng, said with a slight smile: "Feng'zi, I just thought about it. When I was in the air just now, the direction was completely affected by the wind. I couldn't do anything about it. It was easier when I came down, and the fuel basically burned. It was over, and then I slowly fell down, and I was thrown a fart, and it still hurts now."

After that, he touched the fart, a pitiful pair. Looks like: "If you don't believe me, let me see."

"Go away."

Zhang Feng frowns gave Cheng Chumo a glance, then fell into deep thought.

If you say like Iron Ox, people can’t control their direction in the air. They are completely taken away by the wind. You know, this guy has more than two hundred catties. Such a heavy idiot is in the sky. I can't control it, let alone others. Although he has some rope tied to his body, this is also for the sake of safety.

It seems that you have to install something on the hot air balloon that can control the direction, otherwise, the hot air balloon will be very dangerous in the future.

Just as he was thinking about how to solve it, cry out in surprise awakened him.


I saw Hao Chujun hissing in his original position with his hands in his arms, which seemed a little uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with you?"

Zhang Feng stepped forward and asked with concern.

"Honored Teacher, I just picked this coal, Nacheng thought there was a tingling pain, that's it."

Hao Chujun showed his right hand to Zhang Feng. , Somewhat helpless.

Zhang Feng took a look at Hao Chujun's right hand. There was no trauma on the surface, it was not stabbed, and there were no traces. What happened? He glanced at the burnt coal, took a wooden stick and stretched it toward the coal.

"Honored Teacher, wait a minute."

Hao Chujun stood up suddenly, looked at Zhang Feng and said, "Honored Teacher, this sting is very painful. Please also Honored Teacher not to try. If Honored Teacher insists, let dísciple come."

Zhang Feng waved his hand and refused: "It's okay, I know I want to know what this is?"

Without waiting for a reply, he held the wooden stick and stretched it towards the coal. At this moment, a sting came from him, as if he had been shocked by an electric shock.

No, this is electricity.

It's just that the voltage is very low, just like static electricity.

Is the Electric Apparatus pressure on this coal?

He was a little unbelievable, but decided to try it again.

The stick stretched out to the coal again, still feeling that way, the voltage is the voltage.

His eyes are prominent and his cheeks are a little red. He doesn't know how to describe his mood at the moment, cheering?

It is estimated that the guy in front of him doesn't even know what the electricity is, so he stroked his chest, took out a cigarette with his trembling right hand, held it in his mouth, slowly lit it, and looked excited. Look at the coal.

At this moment, he remembered the doomsday battery of later generations, which was made using low voltage on coal.

Now that I have discovered this stuff, can I also be a doomsday battery?

With the doomsday battery, isn't hydrogen at your fingertips?

Thinking of this, he felt excited, and his smoking hands were trembling.

Hao Chujun on the side saw the anomaly, and quickly stepped forward and asked: "Honored Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

"Electricity, this is electricity."


Zhang Feng could no longer suppress the joy in his heart, and exclaimed.

But the people around them looked dumbfounded, they didn't know what electricity, and curiously asked: "What is electricity?"

"Electricity, electricity is..."

Zhang Feng kept stomping his feet, not knowing how to explain to everyone.

Could it be said that electricity is a natural phenomenon? Naturally?

Then the more you explain, the more chaotic you are?

"What is electricity?"

Cheng Chumo is a little impatient, and feels a little shameless to ask.

But Zhang Feng is rather disgusted with this shameless question at the moment, because he himself does not know what electricity is, so he has to start fooling everyone: "Have you seen lightning before?"

Everyone is nodded.

Zhang Feng slapped his thigh, cry out in surprise: "Lightning is electricity, but it is a little different from the electricity just now."

"What's the difference?"

Ma Zhou tilted his neck and asked.


Zhang Feng originally planned to yell at him, but when he thought that this guy was his own student, he endured it and said in his heart that this is an idiot, don’t care about it, and then With a generous smile on his face, he stroked the top of Ma Zhou's head: "Hey, this is not something you can relate to right now. You should read Three Character Classic well."

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