Holding the grass and raising it up?

Cheng Chumo glanced at the ground in a panic, and found that he was already several hundred meters above the ground. If this damn thing fell, wouldn't it be a meatloaf?

Thinking of this, he glared at Zhang Feng fiercely, only to find that Zhang Feng on the ground was the size of an ant and was still running on the ground. It seemed that the bastard was also panicked.

He was proud of his heart and began to admire the scenery in mid-air. I didn’t know it. He was shocked when he saw it. He hadn’t been to the sky before. Now, when he sees it, it’s all marshmallows. Even the ground was covered with green, as if it had been sprinkled with a large pot of textile factory paint, it was really beautiful.

Not only that, but the mountains in the distance seem to be closer to me. There is a silver suit on it. In the snow, you can vaguely see the proudly standing winter plum and the roe deer looking for food. The hunting worms, etc., as if all of this was shown for oneself.

He stared at his round eyes and looked left and right, completely immersed in the beauty in front of him, as if he had forgotten the shameful scene just now.

At the same time, on the ground, Zhang Feng was leading everyone to look for the trail of the hot air balloon. To be precise, it was the trail of Cheng Chumo. There was a violent wind just now, and this guy swayed with the wind. high, now everyone is standing on the ground and can't see the trail clearly, plus some snowfall last night, directly obstructing everyone's sight.

"Dabing, Chong'zi, Ma Zhou, Hao Chujun, the four of you are looking for East, West, North, and South respectively."

Zhang Feng scanned Glancing around, telling everyone that the hot air balloon now has only a faint trace, and it needs to be searched separately, so that it will be easier.

Everyone was nodded, and they proceeded in four directions at the same time. They knew the seriousness of the matter and did not hesitate.

"creak ......creak ......"

Since yesterday's snow has not melted, there was some noise when walking on the ground, but it did not stop everyone from looking for confidence.

Zhang Feng took out a cigarette from his waist, took out the fire fold and lit it, slowly inhaled, and walked towards the shadow of the hot air balloon.

He is not really worried about Iron Ox. The guy’s skin is rough, flesh is thick, and it’s okay to fall off. Besides, the hot air balloon is not to be trifled with, the silk on it Covered for several layers, although it is still a bit breathable, it is much better than before, so there is no problem with Iron Ox safety.

It's just that he was thinking about a question just now.

Iron Ox has a bit of truth. People are not pigs. It’s impossible to tie people up every time you go to heaven. But if you don’t tie them up, you will inevitably panic the first time you go to heaven. If you are panicked, in case of disorder There will be danger, it seems that you have to think of a way not to tie people.

Yes, Kongming lights.

Under the Kongming lamp is something similar to a bamboo basket. Put the fire in the bamboo basket. If you put a bamboo basket under the brazier, expand and improve things like silk and iron wire. , Maybe you can take two people to the sky, or even more.

I'm such a damn genius, rewarded with a cigarette.

He took a deep cigarette smugly, enjoying himself, and continued to walk in the direction where Cheng Chumo disappeared.

However, once there are too many people, how to control the direction? The brazier is not very safe either? What should I do if there is a fire? And it’s not a problem to use the wind all the time. What if there is no wind when you want to fly?

This series of questions made him a little big head, so it doesn’t need to be bothered, but he has such a temperament, either he doesn’t do it or he wants to do his best, suddenly a bold idea came to him In mind.


Hydrogen and helium, which are lighter than air, are filled in hot air balloons in later generations. If these two gases are taken out and poured into the hot air balloon, wouldn’t it be able to compete with the heat of later generations? Like balloons, can the problem just now be solved?

Thinking of this, he kept reminiscing about the method used by teachers to teach manufacturing hydrogen.

At that time, he had done this experiment by himself. He added half of water into a glass cup. When adding water, a large amount of gas had entered the cup, including hydrogen, and then added a little salt to the cup. Because salt can help conduct electricity, cover the glass with a cardboard, and then insert two 30 to 60 cm long wires in the cardboard space about 5 cm apart, and make the wires 5 to 7 cm long. Partially submerged in the water.

Then connect the other end of the wire to the positive and negative poles of the power supply. Soon you will see that there will be bubbles generated near the wires in the water, hydrogen is generated in the negative electrode, and oxygen is generated in the positive electrode. Find a container, fix the container upside down and sink it into the glass, slowly pull the glass upward, but don’t Get out of the water. The final effect is that the glass cup protrudes on the surface of the water and is filled with water so that hydrogen can be obtained.

In this experiment, you can find substitutes for most of the things. You can use bowls for glass cups. Salt itself is available, not to mention paper. The wires can be made of copper wires in the forging workshop. From where?

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