"Hey, I can't cure you anymore."

Zhang Feng was a little dissatisfied, rolled up his sleeves and glanced at Ma Zhou: "Ma Zhou, come and help. Today, I must cover the bastard’s mouth."

"Feng'zi, you can’t do this to me."

Cheng Chumo’s face has changed a bit, he is I'm really afraid of Old Cheng's violent beating. If Old Cheng learns about it, he won't even want to go home in the future.

While speaking, he kept backing away, ready to find an opportunity and slip away.

Zhang Feng had already seen this guy's clumsy acting skills and glanced at Ma Zhou and the two of them: "You two stop him, don't let this kill and run away."

The two know, and both stand in front of Cheng Chumo. If this guy hadn't been tied up, he might have ran away long ago, but now, there is no way out.

Zhang Feng grabbed the tied rope and laughed: "I'm doing this for your own good. What if you are in danger if you talk nonsense in the sky?"

After that, he Regardless of this guy's reaction, he took the cotton cloth that Ma Zhou handed over and put it into Cheng Chumo's mouth.

"Um...Chong'zi...Save me."

Cheng Chumo kept shaking his head and roaring staggeringly in his mouth.

"Call your sister, Lao Tzu, this is for your good, but I still have a look of reluctance."

Zhang Feng gave Cheng Chumo a white look, and the strength in his hands increased Up.

"Feng'zi, do you want to cover your mouth? Do you think this guy seems a little uncomfortable?"

Behind Du Gou, he probably felt uneasy in his conscience, so he came up for it. Cheng Chumo interceded.

Because he is in a similar situation to this guy, father is of that kind of harshness. If you know that you have done such a shameful thing today, wouldn't you be so angry?

However, Zhang Feng didn't seem to care anymore, because he thought this was Cheng Chumo, and glanced at the two of them: "Do you two want to learn Iron Ox and be tied up?"

"no no no, do not hesitate to tie it."

Du Gou complexion changed, waved quickly and paid said with a smile.

He doesn't want to do such a shameful thing.

Zhang Feng laughed, he knew that these two youngsters did not have the guts, he looked towards Ma Zhou and the two: "Ma Zhou, Hao Chujun, you two wait a minute to help silk, Dabing, Chong'zi, You two go and help the wire."

After that, he looked towards the Dabing two people who hadn't seen the answer for a long time, but saw these two guys in a daze, and kicked them up: "Have you heard? "

"Oh, I heard it."

The two were nodded, and they were familiar with the operation.

Zhang Feng is satisfied with nodded. It seems that his first manned experiment will be successful. He grabbed the rope tied to Cheng Chumo's body and waited in place. Now everything is already there. Ready, just wait for the wind.


Cheng Chumo left tears aggrieved and looked at Zhang Feng imploringly.

He still has a glimmer of hope in his heart, secretly praying, don't wind up, if the heaven is known by the father, then he doesn't need the surname Cheng.

Unfortunately, things backfired. A hint of coldness hit, the leaves began to rustle, the sky seemed to be howling wolves, and the wind began to blow.

"Everyone is ready, the wind is blowing."

Zhang Feng glanced at the stretched silk and reminded him.

Everyone was nodded, indicating that there is no problem, only Cheng Chumo left tears of regret.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, the silk is blown up, and the flames are constantly swaying in the wind. The hot air balloon flies up and floats straight to the sky. I saw Cheng Chumo kicking in mid-air. With both legs, I don't know if it is joy or sadness.

"Get up, Iron Ox is flying."

Du Gou and Zhangsun Chong are the happiest people present. Although they have seen live pig experiments before, they live It's the first time for people, just one word, fresh.

The unhappiness that was tied up just now was also left behind by Cheng Chumo. They hugged each other and cheered, happy like a child, because next time it’s their turn, they too Want to taste the taste of this heaven.

Zhang Feng looked at the dumb two people with disdain, took a deep cigarette, and looked content. Now that Iron Ox has gone to heaven, it shows that this experiment has achieved significant results. Progress, you know, this guy can weigh more than two hundred catties, and he can go to heaven. If you make a little improvement, maybe two or three adults will go to heaven. In this way, a terrifying idea slowly enters his mind. Sprouted.

As for everyone’s opinion, Cheng Chumo, who is in the sky, doesn’t know at all. His face is flushed, looking like a piece of pig liver, with protruding eyes, fiercely staring at Zhang, who is looking down at the scenery. Feng.

Originally, he didn’t reject God, and he even wanted to go to heaven. You said, God will go to heaven. Whatever you bind Lao Tzu to do, it's okay to bind Lao Tzu, and it will be his mother’s gagging Lao Tzu’s mouth. Now look back at yourself. In a shameful posture, he was like finding a hole in the ground.

There are tears of regret left in the corner of his eyes. If you know, he won't agree to these guys' requests. I don't know how to get home and be cleaned up by the father?

Just when he wanted to go home and face Old Cheng to say goodbye, at this time, another strong wind blew, and the coolness came with the strong wind, but these chills were nothing to him, but, The hot air balloon seemed to rise upward.

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