Zhang Feng looked at the burnt rope, and suddenly he realized that this damn thing was burned. It seems that the experimental equipment has to be found better.

Just as he was thinking about a solution, Ma Zhou's voice came from behind him.

"My dear man, this pig is dead, what should I do now?"

Zhang Feng glanced back, and sure enough, the pig had been bleeding from Seven Orifices and was thrown to death.

"It can be regarded as a contribution made by research. You can give it to Cafeteria and make its final contribution."

Ma Zhou said in a pleasant surprise: "Okay, I’ll hand it over to Cafeteria in a moment."

Who would not like to eat pork, if it had been in the past, it might have been thrown away, but after Zhang Feng, the pork now is quite big. Popular, no one will refuse.

Zhang Feng nodded, looked towards the two of them: "You two are both present in the experiment today. Do you feel anything? Or what do you want to ask? Say it now. I'll go back to the Academy after a while."

"My dear father, I understand the experiment just now. It is to use the wind to blow this coarse cloth into the sky. However, this coarse cloth will not last long. Is there any other way?"

Ma Zhou scratched his head, expressing doubt.

"Is there a way I will lead you to do the experiment? I did it myself."

Zhang Feng gave Ma Zhou a white look and said angrily: "I will take you The purpose of the experiment is to hope you can find a better way, or find something to replace this coarse cloth, do you know?"

Ma Zhou's wronged nodded.

"What about you? Do you have any doubts?"

Zhang Feng looked towards Hao Chujun and asked.

"My dear, I don’t think the airflow is reliable. The coarse cloth is heavier. Once the wind stops, the coarse cloth will fall without wind. We should find a way to create the wind by ourselves, or let the coarse cloth float without the wind. Get up."

Hao Chujun looked at Zhang Feng with a serious face.

I have to say that this idea is very thoughtful, but it is a bit unrealistic.

"Well, that's a good idea. Let the two of you do this."

Zhang Feng nodded, with a smug smile on his face.

Hao Chujun's face is a bit ugly.

I just made a point, so I don’t need to give the whole experiment to myself.

At this time, he only felt a chill behind him, not only the fear of the hot air balloon but also the illusion. Looking back, Ma Zhou was staring at him.

He turned his head quickly and was about to shirk his excuses, but Zhang Feng said: "I will give you this experiment. Don't let the two of you live up to my expectations. Also, remember that you two did the experiment. You must use pigs, but you must not use living people. The facilities are not perfect now, and people may die."

The two are a bit reluctant and nodded.

It's not that they don't want to do this experiment, but the experiment is too difficult.

It takes a live pig to do an experiment. That's not even counted. The two of them have to lift up this deadly rope. How can this be done?

Up to now, the arms of the two of them are still sour, but now the benefactor has already spoken, and he has to answer if he doesn't answer. It seems that when the time comes, he can only ask the students from the Academy.

Zhang Feng, regardless of their careful thoughts, waved at will: "You two pack up, take care of this pig, find a chance to continue the experiment, I have something to leave first."

After speaking, he left without looking back, leaving only two people with helpless faces.

"How can I do this? My arm is still sore."

Ma Zhou looked at Hao Chujun and shook his arm.

"I am also sour."

Hao Chujun was a little dissatisfied.

"I blamed you just now. If it weren't for you, why would my benefactor give such a huge experiment to the two of us? When will this fucking experiment go?"

Ma Zhou squeezed his sour arm and grumbled.

"How can you blame me, Blessed Man clearly wants the experiment to be handed over to us, even if the excuses are of no use."

Hao Chujun gave Ma Zhou a white glance. He was also lazy just now. , The arm is always sore.

"Find someone to move things, I can't move them anyway."

Ma Zhou twitched his lips, turned around and left after speaking.

In fact, he had already seen just now that Benevolence was going to entrust the experiment to himself, and there was no way to excuse him. Now he can only do the experiment wholeheartedly.

The two left one after another, and within a moment, a large group of students came over.

They were all called by Ma Zhou and Hao Chujun to move the equipment. Their arms were sore that they could only be called coolies.

"What is this stuff?"

"You don't understand, right? I saw the dean and Mr. Ma sitting on this coarse cloth and ascended directly to the sky."

"Ah, can this thing ascend to heaven?"

Everyone surrounded the coarse cloth, like a rare treasure, and kept talking.

A leading man took a step forward, picked up a roll of coarse cloth, and looked towards others: "You said the dean used this thing to ascend to heaven?"

His name is Jin Kai , Ma Zhou’s dísciple, usually belongs to the diligent and studious category.

"Yes, I saw that the dean was tied with hemp rope with coarse cloth. The hemp rope was attached to the brazier underneath. It blew for a while and he went up to heaven."

The man replied.

His name is Peng Xue. He usually likes to play basketball and go out to play. Today, when I saw a new thing like a hot air balloon, I suddenly felt that the basketball in my hand was not fragrant. One ran over.

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