"Since you two have understood, then prepare some coal, iron basins, basins, coarse cloth, live pigs, and thick ropes. I will teach you how to conduct heat The facilities, ready, wait for me in the playground."

Zhang Feng smiled with satisfaction, waved to the two of them, and was about to turn around and walk towards the playground, suddenly remembering something, turned and looked towards the two of them : "By the way, the pig must be more than 100 catties, otherwise it won't work."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the playground.

Live pigs?

More than one hundred catties?

Ma Zhou and Hao Chujun are dumbfounded.

These other things can still be understood. What is the operation to live pigs?

Does your benefactor want to eat pork? There is no need to kill pigs in the playground.

Although the two of them didn't know what Ben Gong was going to do, they always believed that Ben Gong's words were right.

That’s right, Blessedness just let himself touch the wire just for his own good. Hao Chujun would not have this blessing if he could always remember this experiment.

Ma Zhou glanced at Hao Chujun, eagerly to prepare the materials.

Hao Chujun is like a monk who is two feet old, he can't figure it out, but he also prepares.

After a while, the two drove the live pigs to the playground.

This scene attracted a crowd of students to watch. They frowns, looking at them with a puzzled face, and almost said something insulting and gentle.

"My dear man, we have brought the things, and this live pig, how do you kill it?"

Ma Zhou put the rope and other things on the ground, panting Looking at Zhang Feng.

How to kill?

Zhang Feng twitched his lips.

So these two guys thought they wanted to eat pork?

"Who said he was going to kill? Tie the pigs up and use them later for the experiment."

He gave the two of them angrily.

The two heard the dissatisfaction in Zhang Feng's tone, and quickly grabbed the pig and tied it up.

"You two put the coal in the iron basin, then light it, and tie the rope."

Zhang Feng glanced at the two and said with a smile.

The two did not suspect him, so they quickly followed Zhang Feng's instructions.

Ma Zhou had experience in burning coal before, so he was quick to do it and ignited the fire in less than a moment.

"Men, the fire has been lit, what should I do now?"

Ma Zhou squatted half on the ground and looked towards Zhang Feng with his head up.

"Now support the coarse cloth, place it on the brazier, and then hang the pig under the brazier to see if the coarse cloth can rise."

Zhang Feng looked up and looked up. Towards the sky, I felt a little worried.

In fact, this method is the only one he can think of now.

There are no other materials, only coarse cloth and hemp rope can be used instead.

Ma Zhou nodded, hurriedly tied the pig under the brazier, and the coarse cloth was already tied up, and now he waited for Grace to say he was flying.

The two of them are holding on to the rope, trying not to let the rope be burned by the fire.

It's a pity that the coarse cloth still doesn't move, and it doesn't even move. If the two of them hadn't been holding on, I'm afraid it would have burned out.

"Men, when can this coarse cloth fly?"

Ma Zhou held the rope and looked towards Zhang Feng.

He couldn't help it a bit. Ever since they drove the pig over, many students have come to watch, and now more and more, the look in his eyes is like looking at a monkey.


Zhang Feng took out a cigarette from his waist, then looked up towards the sky.

In fact, he has no bottom in his heart, and he doesn't know when this thing will rise.

Just blame this damn lack of balloons, baskets, heating devices and reinforced nylon, otherwise, you can fly anytime, anywhere.

The three people waited in the playground like this. After about 5 minutes of time, the students slowly dispersed.

"My dear, I can't stand it anymore."

Ma Zhou has constipation on his face, a bit unable to stand it, and his arms are already sore.

"Wait a minute, it will be done soon."

Zhang Feng said impatiently.

tone barely fell, there was a cold wind on the face.

He was overjoyed. Once the wind blows up, the hot air balloon will float easily.

"Hurry up and support the coarse cloth, hurry."

Zhang Feng suddenly turned his head, looked towards the two and said in surprise.

"Oh oh."

Ma Zhou quickly greeted Hao Chujun, pulling a corner alone to prop up the coarse cloth.

At this moment, the strong wind blew up and directly lifted the coarse cloth, and the hot air balloon began to float in the sky.

However, the hot air balloon floated a bit crookedly, as if it was about to fall down right away, and the pig was kicking its legs in the air, making the hot air balloon look even more unstable.

However, this didn't affect Ma Zhou's thoughts of being strange. He ran to Zhang Feng's side, happily like a child, and exclaimed.

"I'm flying, my benefactor, I'm flying."

Zhang Feng took a deep cigarette, nodded, posing as an elder.

"I saw it, it's all trivial. You can also manufacture it in the future."

tone barely fell, I only heard a'pop', the hot air balloon fell to the ground, even The pig also let out a scream and passed out.

"Why did it fall?"

Zhang Feng looked at the falling hot air balloon and was a little confused. Although he knew that he would not fly for too long, he did not expect to fall so quickly Ah, he threw away the cigarette butt in his hand: "Let's go and see what's going on."

After that, Zhang Feng took a stride towards the hot air balloon, and Ma Zhou followed closely behind him.

The hot air balloon that fell to the ground was not far away, about ten meters, and the three of them came to the front sooner.

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