Zhang Feng really doesn't know this.

Even in the old and new Tang books, there are very few records of these four schools.

He also accidentally read a Great Tang novel written by the author of the street, and there are some descriptions in it, so he came out to test this person out of curiosity.

But it's really true!

Is this Gao Family really the pawn of Zheng Clan of Xinyang?

So, is Bai Family Mijia, these are not related to these gentry?

Now two have been identified, and that is the Gao Family, which seems to be really unaware, as for the Tang Family...

It is really the biggest suspect.

He mentioned Surname Wang.

And the people from Surname Wang also came with the people from Tang Family.

This Tang Family is not simple.

In history, it has always existed with Cháng'ān since the pre-Qin period.

It wasn't until the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties that Tang Family went into decline. Until Yang Jian came to power, Tang Family completely lost the possibility of recovery.

Until now.

It seems that this Tang Family is really not simple!

Li Chengqian saw that Zhang Feng had been silent all the time, and couldn't help asking: "Feng'zi, did you say that this time, did Surname Wang really do it? That said. , The black hand behind is this Surname Wang?"

Zhang Feng shook his head, looking tiredly at all the worried and frightened people in front of him and said: "A little impossible, just relying on his Surname Wang, I can’t do this yet, I now suspect that this was simply not done by Surname Wang. On the contrary, the people of Surname Wang were also taken advantage of!"


Li Chengqian couldn't help being shocked.

I thought about it and thought: "Feng'zi, how is this possible? Surname Wang has been against us since Lantian, and that Iron ore was broken by Surname Wang. ?"

"You said that he didn't do it now?"

At this time, Shiva, Wei Shuyu Du Gou and the others couldn't help but looked towards Zhang Feng , Ma Zhou Hao Chujun and the others also showed a look of confusion and curiosity.

Some things, although they know a little bit, they don't know much after all, and they don't understand the various relationships of these Great Clan, which makes several people more confused.

Zhang Feng nodded said: "They used too much force!"

"Think about it, we can all think of this matter, then you think the people of Wang Family , Will all be fools? People who can become Great Clan, there will be no fools!"

"On the contrary, these Great Clans have always stood on the premise that their interests come first. This is the prerequisite. They did not dare to stand up and confront us easily. After all, they didn't take me to eat us!"

"So, if you were Surname Wang's patriarch, you would be so impatient. Stand up?"

In an instant, Li Chengqian wanted to understand everything.

Ma Zhou and Hao Chujun Guo Shouyi and the others listened to what was in the cloud and the mist, and they were incomprehensible.

These Great Clan, how can they look up to them normally?

But at this time, they also heard some know-how from the dialogue between Zhang Feng and Li Qian, and the understanding of Zhang Feng at this time was even more shocking.

In the subconsciously of ordinary people.

In a rage, there is often an abnormal impulse, but Zhang Feng is different, he will hide everything under the appearance of this rage.

How can this not make them admire?

During while speaking, everyone came to the gate of the Mi Family.

At this time, the people of the Ministry of Justice seemed to have known that Zhang Feng was coming. Except for the Patriarch and important members of the Mi family, all the finances and people were taken away. .

Only a few guards were left, these guards saw Zhang Feng and the others arrived, but also hurriedly handed over them, and then slipped away.

This time, Zhang Feng took only one meal and took out useful things from the mouth of Mijia.

That is behind the Mi Family, it is actually Lanling Xiao Surname!

People from Shandong Province.

How come you have contact with the Mi family?

This can't help but make Zhang Feng even more confused.

The old rules left people to Chen Tieniu. On the road this time, Zhang Feng didn't say a word, and hurriedly led everyone into the Bai Family again.

Bai Family, practice medicine in the times.

It’s the world-famous Aristocratic Family. In the Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang’s era, it was also his most glorious era. It was just that when he saw Yang Guang’s concubine, he inadvertently touched When he touched the arm of the imperial concubine, Yang Guang was almost annihilated.

These descendants of the Mi family are also foreigners who are scattered outside the Mi family. Finally, after the Tang Dynasty Feudal, they were able to recover some of the land from the original ancestral home, but the merchants’ things were I can't take it back anymore. At that time, land production was the least valuable thing.

Waiting for Zhang Feng to enter Mijia.

People of the Mi family basically left an Old Lady from the Mi family, sitting at the gate of the mansion, seemingly waiting for the arrival of Zhang Feng.

This makes Zhang Feng a little surprised.

Behind Old Lady, a group of people from the Mi family, almost all of them left, lay on the ground, their faces were purple and black, and they obviously committed suicide by taking poison.

Seeing the arrival of Zhang Feng, the old woman said with a smile: "Noble Son Zhang, you are here!"

Zhang Feng didn’t talk nonsense, and asked directly: "Say Let’s talk about it, who is the chief envoy behind you?"

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