Of the Gao Family members, only seven people can stay at this time, and apart from Patriarch, who is only about forty years old, the others are basically 50 to 80 years old. Wait.

At this time, all the people who saw the Ministry of Justice have left, and then cautiously lifts the head.

But at the moment of seeing Zhang Feng, everyone's face suddenly changed!

White’s Mai, this is extremely conspicuous, and what happened to Mt. Kui today, they don’t know what’s going on, but at this time everyone from the Ministry of Justice is here, which also means The plan failed.

And given them absolutely didn't expect, these people came here in filial obedience. What does this mean?

Especially Patriarch of the Gao Family. He thought about what he wanted to face once it failed. But at this time, he really saw Zhang Feng and their white clothed suits. They know that things are getting bigger today.

Who can come with His Imperial Majesty Imperial Edict?

Zhang Feng sat across from a few people, looked at them, and played with the Mitsubishi Army Spurs in his hands and said: "Let’s talk about it, who is behind this incident?"

Gao Family Patriarch saw that Zhang Feng’s tone was calm, so he boldly asked: "I wonder if this Noble Son is..."

"Zhang Feng!"

hearing this, Gao Patriarch and a high-level member of Gao Family were shocked instantly.

Zhengzhu'er personally came to the door, it seems...

When he saw this, Gao Patriarch put away the smile on his face: "The original Dean Zhang Feng, since the matter is yours I know, if you want to kill, kill and watch, I have nothing to say!"


Zhang Feng did not hesitate.

Wave a hand. ,

Gao Kan shot instantly.

The Double Edged Saber, which was snatched from the Guard army, cleanly chopped off the head of a person next to Gao Patriarch.

In an instant, with the fall of the head, the blood mist all over the sky, like rain and spring, gushing out.

Patriarch's face changed wildly in an instant.

"Zhang Feng, what on earth are you going to do? We are not right about this matter, but His Imperial Majesty also knows about it, and it has been handed over to the Ministry of Justice to investigate and deal with it. You dare to be here broad daylight Killing people, where do you put the king?"

"This is the Imperial Edict, do you want to see it yourself, His Imperial Majesty said, this matter will be handled by me, and all the power of life and death It’s up to me for the time being!"

"I Zhang Feng is not an unreasonable person. Your people indiscriminately killed my brother and wounded me Mt. Kui Street Market and Zhang. Feng dozens of people, you can calculate this account first, and then tell whether this person should be killed!"

While speaking, Li Chengqian opened the Imperial Edict in his hand, and stuck to the high Patriarch and the others. In front of him: "Look carefully, this is the Imperial Edict of His Imperial Majesty! If you tell the master behind the scenes exactly, maybe today your Gao Family will not be extinguished sect, if you dare to lie, he is yours Lessons from the past!"

It was also the first time Li Chengqian saw murder with his own eyes. At this time, the look pale was a little scary.

Seeing Zhang Feng at this time, it seemed that he really wanted to kill someone and raise his power, so he said quickly.

And the rest of the Gao Family were also chilled instantly.

High Patriarch's forehead is even more dripping with bean-like cold sweat.

Looking at Zhang Feng with calm eyes, he said, "Noble Son Zhang, all of this is Tang Family. Yes, it is Tang Family. After Kong Yingda returned from Mt. Kui three days ago, he took you The phosphate fertilizer that was obtained was proclaimed everywhere that it was poisonous and would kill people if it was eaten. Then Sun Simiao Divine Doctor Sun personally went down the mountain to confirm that it was non-toxic, and it could really increase food income..."

High Patriarch is really scared.

He said the whole thing clearly and clearly, and also excluded the Gao Family.

But everyone is not a fool.

Zhang Feng is not the case.

At this time, after he finished speaking, Zhang Feng asked: "So, your Gao Family was also persecuted by this Tang Family?"

"Right, yes, all of this They are all persecuting, otherwise, where would I have the courage to do such nasty things, and Tang Family also said that if I wait to participate, I just need to stand behind them, and I will definitely wait. Share phosphate fertilizer."

"But if I don’t want to wait, he will join the Mijia Bai Family and destroy my Gao Family! And they also said that this was instructed by Kong Yingda Senior Kong, so I'll wait until..."

Zhang Feng hearing this, staring into Gao Patriarch's eyes and said: "But how did I hear that all of this was led by your Gao Family and Tang Family Patriarch? "

"And do you think I, Zhang Feng, don’t know anything? Your Gao Family has always been related to the Zheng Clan of Xinyang clan. It has always been Zheng Surname’s pawn. This time, is it true that Zheng Surname is here? Instructing behind?"

hearing this, Gao Patriarch's face changed drastically, and he knelt on the ground hurriedly and said: "Noble Son Zhang, all this is really done by Tang Family!"

"And behind them is Surname Wang. Surname Wang had a feast with Noble Son Zhang earlier, and this time Surname Wang came personally with the Tang Family people, so the little ones were guilty and agreed. Ah!"

"I hope Noble Son will investigate it!"

Now, what dignity, what normal arrogance is all nonsense,

In life and death In the major event, Patriarch still chose to live, and he was also secretly surprised. How would Zhang Feng know this?

You should know that the relationship between his Gao Family and Zheng Clan of Xinyang is basically unknown. It has always been correspondence, and if there is no major event, generally he will not contact him. Recently, he is sure that there is no contact. I have been in contact with Zheng Surname, and even people of high family property level don’t know such a secret thing. Why would Zhang Feng know?

When Zhang Feng saw this, he sighed: "Stubborn!"

"Iron Ox, I will hand them to you for interrogation, this house, if you want to stay, don’t let it go , And burned it together for the funeral of brother ten thousand li!"


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