At this time, Kong Yingda felt that there was a problem on the mountain more and more.

These turning heads, let's not say whether he is a blue brick or not, but he turned his head anyway. In Great Tang's laws, this thing is subject to strict control.

Even in his mansion, only the gate was built with bricks, and the others were still rammed with clay.

But compare with this one at this time.

In an instant, Kong Yingda had an illusion, like a native chicken walking into the Phoenix den. ,

Although this Phoenix nest is very small.

Seeing Kong Yingda still immersed in shock, and still holding a brick in his hair.

The old village chief just shook his head helplessly, took advantage of the situation and walked out of the room, found some Tonghui Street jobs, and asked him to hurriedly go to the food factory to arrange food with a note.

After all, the food factory at this time is no longer the previous food factory.

In the food factory at this time, the pigs were basically not killed. They were basically making some cooked food and processing them, as well as the places where Cháng'ān and the hotels opened by the Guanlong clans in various places were equipped with corresponding halogen materials. .

There is also a place to teach some skills to those who want to come here to learn the art of Ding Ding.

To put it bluntly, this is the entire White Deer Academy of Classical Learning. The dining room where thousands of people ate, and the place where students from the mountains learned the art of paparazzi.

After the old village head turned and returned to the house, Kong Yingda had already returned to normal, just lowered her head and smoked violently.

The comfort in the heart of the old village chief can hardly be described in words.

At last, his eyebrows exhaled.

Seeing Old Sun head back, Kong Yingda asked: "Old Sun head, you mean you are in charge of this paper mill and the Street Market on the mountain?"

The old village chief smiled silently and said: "This is Feng'zi. The youngster knows how to care for the elderly. Otherwise, do you think that little old man can have this opportunity?"

"Furthermore, this Youngster is also a guy with value emotion and value friendship. Basically all the trivial things on the mountain are handled by us."

while speaking, the old village chief gave a lot of up and down Kong Yingda and said: "Duke Kong , You are dressed like this, are you...really old?"

Kong Yingda heart startled.

Does he also know what happened yesterday?

Hurrying cautiously asked: "What do you say?"

The old village chief cautiously closed the door of the room, and this is whispered: "This morning, go to Chang'an The City delivery person said that you were dismissed by His Imperial Majesty yesterday? Is there such a thing?"

Kong Yingda didn’t know how to answer, cautiously asked, "Who did you hear from? "

"This is spread in Chang'an City, don't you know? I heard that you had a dispute with His Imperial Majesty yesterday, and then His Imperial Majesty..."

"Of course, I don't believe it. After all, you are a good Small Official and not only a little old man. At this time, many people in Chang'an City are talking about this, and there is also a writer on the mountain talking about it."

hearing this, Kong Yingda is nodded a little relieved.

Sighed and said: "Yes! Yesterday at the Imperial court, it was indeed contrary to the opinions of several National Duke, plus being tricked by Niu Jinda that reckless man, this is...oh!"


The old village mayor hearing this, complexion sank, scolded: "The old bastard, don’t let the old man encounter it. If the old man encounters it, the old man will call him bloody! Duke Kong does this. How can a loyal person suffer such injustice?"

"No, walk around, Duke Kong, you follow me up the mountain. Today, a little old man doesn’t have the skin, he will definitely let the dean himself I will write you a testimony and avenge your grievances! You said you don’t know that the youngster and Lord Zhangsun, the dean of my family, knew each other, and if you didn’t see it last time, even if it’s the Institute of Great Culture, Imperial College of Supreme Learning, even Prince Li Xiaogong and Duke of Chen have come to the mountain, and there are four Great Confucian..."

"Presumably, you came to the mountain this time for this. Right? Or want to get a job in the mountains? Let me tell you. Although this Feng'zi looks at carefree, he respects you as a talented university person very much. If you go up the mountain, Feng'zi will definitely not fall asleep happily. Feel it!"

The old village head boasted about Zhang Feng fiercely, and he was about to take Kong Ying Dara up the mountain.

But at this time, Kong Yingda, who learned of this incident, was here to find evidence. Where did he want to go up the mountain?

Besides, there is Old Sun. Going up the mountain is definitely no problem. Even in terms of safety, how can there be a safer place than here?

The most important thing is that the Duke of Chen and Crown Prince's activities, who doesn't know about the imperial court?

Dare to come here.

There must be a conspiracy!

Plus Li Xiaogong, who are you these all?

This is not treason. What is it?

But, obviously, this old village head must know a lot of secrets, so Kong Yingda has no idea of ​​going up the mountain at this time. Instead, he patted the old village head and said: "Old Sun head, don't be impatient, the old man is tired. It’s not too late to take a rest here and go up the mountain!"

The old village chief only reacted at this time.

Hurry up and asked: "Duke Kong, you are..."

Kong Yingda nodded said with a smile: "Even in officialdom, the old man is the same. I want to find a quiet place when I get dark in my old age. I have long heard how this White Deer Academy of Classical Learning is, so today is like a disguise to come and have a look. Although it is not up to the mountain, but this Street Market, It’s already refreshing the old man. This Zhang Feng is indeed a talent, and all of this seems to be your old man’s credit!"

The old village chief haha ​​laughed heartily and waved his hand again and again: "Where, where? These are all made by Feng'zi's youngster. I will tell you, Feng'zi is having a major event on the mountain right now. Don't tell outsiders!"


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