The old village chief’s real name is Sun.

Called Sun Dequan.

In the early years, I had been slicing food in Chang'an City, and accidentally went to Kong Yingda's Fuzhong to do work.

Because of his upright nature and accidentally bumping into Kong Yingda at that time, Kong Yingda finally became compassionate and asked him to take a letter of his own to the Cháng'ān government office. At this time, he had the position of governor of Tonghui Street.

It is also equivalent to the head of a village.

Although I don’t care much.

That is to run errands for the government, and coordinate some trivial matters of the entire Street Market.

After all, some trivial things, impossible to go to the county government?

Then you must not exhaust County Magistrate?

There is not much payment for a month, only thirty wen, but this is a very profitable business in Chang'an City at this time.

The point is, don't care about anything.

No tax is required.

For this, the old village head has always been very grateful to Kong Yingda. Although the old village head will let his son go to the Confucian Mansion every year on New Year’s Day, but...

No one was seen.

This is the place that the old village chief has always been worried about.

But today, the old village chief didn't notice him at first, but mistakenly thought that the old man was the father of a student and wanted to go to the mountain to see his son. ,

He sees things like this every day.

At this time, the affairs of Tonghui Street were inherited by his son.

But Mt. Kui Street Market is almost his word, and it is also counted as Chief Steward of the entire White Deer Academy of Classical Learning.

He has to take care of everything. After all, in his opinion, this is Feng'zi, which is a second-rate industry. If he doesn't come to worry about someone to deal with it, Zhang Feng’s character would have long been game over.

Seeing the old benefactor again at this time, the old village chief is not surprised.

I hurriedly looked up and down Kong Yingda and said, "Duke Kong, what do you mean by...?"

What can Kong Yingda say?

He stopped for a long time and didn’t say why. When the old village chief saw this, he turned around and said: "Qian youngster, you quickly take these blank papers and hand them to Feng'zi. Ah! I met a benefactor here, and I’m going up the mountain later!"

Qian Wanli didn’t notice Kong Yingda either. He just thought he was just an old farmer who wanted to come here for a certain livelihood. He greeted him and hurried up the mountain.

After all, she was carrying a hundred kilograms of white paper on her back.


After waiting for a few people, the old village chief said enthusiastically: "Duke Kong, it’s rare for you to come here. Earlier, the little old man always wanted to come to thank you for his kindness, but what kind of status? The humble has been making progress..."

Kong Yingda also seemed to see the light of being able to go up the mountain.

Said with a smile: "Where is it, it's just the servants in the house. Some The Dog acts fierce when his Master is present, that's all. When the old man returns to the house, he will surely take care of it!"

The old village chief hearing this, waved his hand again and again.

"How dare you, you don’t have to bother Duke Kong for such trivial things. After all, this country has national laws and family rules. Now that Duke Kong is here today, there are just so many little old man, little old. Can the man dare to invite Duke Kong to the little old man’s residence, so that the little old man can show his friendship as a landlord and repay the kindness of the year?"

Kong Yingda's eyes rolled up Said: "Dare to ask Old Sun, you are on this mountain..."

"Oh! The little old man thanks the dean, most of the neighborhoods on Tonghui Street have been found on the mountain It’s a good job, and the little old man is honored. I take care of the entire paper mill, and some of the daily affairs in the Street Market are also maintained by the little old man. "

This time, even if it is Kong Yingda, both experienced and knowledgeable, was directly confused.

The pestle is on the spot, looking at the densely packed white paper on the edge of the mountain col not far away, and said in amazement: "You mean, you are operating this paper mill?"


The mysterious of the paper mill is famous throughout Cháng'ān.

Everyone wants to come to this paper mill to find out.

After all, when this paper mill appeared, it directly replaced the papermaking process of the past. It is conceivable that the daily output of several hundred kilograms of white paper, but the output of the past month!

How terrible is this?

Originally, Kong Yingda thought that this paper mill would definitely be heavily guarded, and would be a heavyweight, guarding it, but how did he know that there was no guard here!

And such a slave old fogey is in charge? ? ?

What is this operation?

In Zhang Feng's eyes, this thing is so worthless?

At this moment, Kong Yingda's whole person is not well.

Looking blankly at the paper mill, and following the seemingly showy introduction of the old village chief, he walked into a brick house that looked elegant. ,

And what surprised him even more.

This brick house is also exactly similar to the houses in the Street Market.

What is this?

How many of them can be built by turning their heads?

But, although it's not a blue brick, it's a red brick, but this damn thing is also turning his head!

This thing, except for those Aristocratic Family Great Clan, the rest are waiting, let alone turning their heads to build a house, even if you install those on the door, you need to go It's a book written by the government office!

Even the Imperial Palace, not all of them are made by turning their heads. Here...

Kong Yingda is a little dizzy.

I couldn’t help but interrupted the old village chief and asked: "Old Sun, all the houses here are made of red bricks?"

Old The village head proudly touched his beard and sighed: "Yes! All of this is made by Feng'zi. My place is still rudimentary. You haven't gone up the mountain. The mountain is splendorous and serious. Majestic!"

"By the way, Duke Kong, why are you here today?"

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