Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 283 Taking off the disguise

When we walked out of the Mori Detective Agency, it was just twelve o'clock at noon.

It was still very bright outside, even a little hot. As soon as he got in the car, Shimizu Koji tore off the disguise on his face without hesitation and threw it on the passenger seat in disgust.

In the back seat of the car, Yukiko, who had just fastened her seat belt, saw this and immediately became unhappy, "Kouji-kun, what are you doing? This is the makeup I spent an hour putting on for you."

"Huh? So what?"

"So, so——"

"So, Yukiko, no man likes to pretend to be another man, especially when he has to wear this face and walk with a beauty like you. You, please don't do such a thing in the future."

Fei Yingli helped Qingshui Koji explain, and at the same time she sounded a little emotional.

And it was not difficult to guess what she was thinking. In her eyes, Kudo Yusaku and Yukiko were still a model couple, but she and Mouri Kogoro had fallen into this situation.

Sometimes, she could even hear gossip about her in the lawyer circle, mainly about Maori Kogoro. Although the former Maori Kogoro was not as popular as he is now, as her husband, who was known as the 'Queen of Law', Those in the lawyer circle are naturally curious.

And if it's just curiosity, that's it, but Mouri Kogoro is often rushing to deliver bullets to the other party. Those male lawyers, and even some prosecutors, often meet Moori Kogoro in bars and style streets after midnight.

Thinking about it, it makes people feel breathless. Tokyo is huge, but rice cakes are very small.

However, Shimizu Koji is not as much as Fei Yingli expected. Although Fei Yingli said it is indeed reasonable and he does not like it, but now he takes off his disguise just because there is no need, and it is hot.

"Then, Your Royal Highness, Your Majesty the Queen, where do you two plan to have dinner?"

Shimizu Koji adjusted the rearview mirror so that he could see the two people behind him, and his words suddenly stunned both Yukiko and Fei Eri, and they blushed slightly at the same time.

Others said, and even they themselves said that they usually felt fine, but the sudden appearance of Koji Shimizu, who always looked serious and steady, was really unexpected.

"Hey, Haoji-kun, you have become bad."

"Ahem, Qingshui-san, this is the name."

Shimizu Koji saw the reaction of the two people through the rearview mirror, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly. He was really in a good mood, otherwise he wouldn't be able to make such a joke to relax the atmosphere.

"I was just influenced by you, Yukiko."

"Hey, Mu Lu Sai!"

Yukiko was immediately furious, Fei Yingli was slightly stunned, shook her head and smiled without saying a word, and the low atmosphere where the two of them had been whispering from the time they went downstairs to getting in the car was indeed gone forever.

"Hmm——, Yukiko, how about we go to the Toto Hotel? The food there is pretty good."

"Huh? I haven't been back to Japan for a long time, so of course I will listen to you."

"Dongdu Hotel?"

Shimizu Koji silently picked up the map from the side, and when Fei Yingli saw this, she immediately unbuckled her seat belt and stuck her head next to him, "Mum, it's right here, Tsukimi Road, right next to Tokyo Tower."

"Oh I see."


Twenty minutes later, on the street.

"Haoji-kun, are you really not going to stay and have dinner with us?"

"No, I don't think you want me, an outsider, to disturb your rare gathering."

Shimizu Koji's explanation was very straightforward, which made Yukiko, who rarely wanted to be polite to him, suddenly felt embarrassed again, and her eyes couldn't help but reveal a fierce light.

She had already discovered that Koji Shimizu was deliberately going against her.

"Hmph! It's good that you know!"

When she hummed, her nose almost turned up to the sky. When Fei Yingli saw this, she couldn't help but feel a little speechless. Yukiko did have a childish temper, but this look also made her feel that something was wrong.

Oh, yes, Koji Shimizu has been pretending to be Kudo Yusaku for two days after all, and Yukiko probably hasn’t appeared yet.

Fei Yingli found an explanation for herself, "Okay, okay, Yukiko, Shimizu-san, let's just say goodbye."

"However, next Friday night, Shimizu-san, don't forget to keep your appointment. I will have to thank you properly then."

"next Friday?"

Shimizu Koji was in a daze for a moment, and then he remembered that Xiaolan had said before that Mrs. Hosaka wanted to treat him and Fei Yingli to dinner, but he almost forgot about it.

Next Friday, Shimizu Koji flipped through the latest calendar. If he remembered correctly, this day should be quite far away. There was more than a summer vacation in between. At least it was when he returned from traveling in Europe.

"Oh, okay, no problem. Just call me when the time comes, Madam Concubine. I'll leave you a number."

Shimizu Koji and Fei Yingri exchanged mobile phone numbers. In front of Yukiko, Yukiko blinked her eyes, looking confused and curious. What is going on? !

Her 'husband' was raped in front of her.

Shimizu Koji had no intention of explaining to Yukiko. He took the mobile phone handed back by Fei Yingri, raised the car window, and walked away in a hurry.

The black car that had been watching Koji Shimizu disappeared from afar around the corner of the road. Yukiko withdrew her gaze and looked at Fei Yingri beside her, "Eri?! What's going on?"

Yukiko's eyes widened and fluttered, with a strong curiosity on her face, as if she was trying to find out some important national secrets.

"Yukiko, what's your reaction?" Fei Yingli raised her eyebrows and stepped back half a step.

"What reaction?"

"You look like-"

Fei Yingli hesitated to speak, but finally did not say anything.

There was helplessness in her eyes. As her best friend, it was indeed easy to be influenced by being with her.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that Mr. Qingshui helped a client of mine, and that client wanted to treat us to dinner to express his gratitude. It's that simple."

"Ah, that's it." Yukiko was disappointed.

"Otherwise, Yukiko, what do you think will happen?"

Fei Yingli smiled, turned around and walked towards the door of the hotel behind her. However, Yukiko's next words made her almost stumble and fall to the ground.

"I thought Yingli you were planning to date Koji-kun. I also thought I just mentioned it yesterday and you suddenly had a goal——"


"Ara, don't be angry, don't be angry, Yingli!"

Yukiko quickly stepped forward and grabbed Feiyingli. Feiyingli was quite embarrassed, but in public, she couldn't be as open-minded as Yukiko.

They could only be pestered by Yukiko, and the two of them entered the hotel together.

"But speaking of-"


"Think about it, Koji-kun. He's really a pretty good boy. It would be nice if he were a little older. And with your charm Yingri, even if he's like that-"


On the side, the waiter waiting for Fei Yingli's order was startled.

"Female, madam, our desktop is made of marble. If you, please"

"Shut up."

The waiter immediately shut up, and Yukiko smiled coquettishly, playing with the tea cup, turning her eyes away, and closed her mouth.

Opposite me, seeing Yukiko finally settling down, Fei Yingli sighed softly and couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"If you like, go on your own."

"Uh, ah haha, how is this possible? After all, Haoji-kun also has a girlfriend."

Three black lines suddenly appeared on Fei Yingli's forehead, "Then what else do you say."

"Uh, okay, okay, no more talking."

Yukiko's eyes dodge. She did have some thoughts flashing through her, but it was just an idea when she was thinking wildly, and she couldn't count it.

Shimizu Koji's girlfriend, Yukiko swallowed silently as she recalled what she saw that night and the huge visual impact.

In every sense, that, that's not right.

Although she and Shimizu Koji had only known each other for two days, Yukiko did already regard him as her junior, and she did feel a little uneasy when she thought about the risk of her juniors committing crimes.


Yukiko quickly shook off her fleeting unreliable thoughts.

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