Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 282 The past game comes to an end

Fei Yingli acted very tough, and this was not the first time she had said this.

However, this time it was directly in front of outsiders and Xiaolan.

What Mouri Kogoro did this time has touched the bottom line of her patience. Which woman in the world would trust her daughter to follow an already jealous father who is a gambler.

And until now, Fei Yingli is still a little unbelievable. Although Mouri Kogoro has been decadent and done a lot of bad things over the years, this is the custom in Japan, such as custom shops and izakayas. Anyway, they are separated. , as long as Mouri Kogoro doesn't take people home, she can't care about them, let alone care about them.

But this time, Mouri Kogoro dared to borrow five million to bet on horses after already owing three million in debt.

Have you really never thought about the consequences of failure? !

Fei Yingli was very angry. This time, she had the ability and the luck to help Maori Kogoro clean up this mess. But what if there is a next time? What if next time Xiaolan didn't know about it, Maori Kogoro did something again. What about such a thing? !

Facing Fei Yingli with cold eyes, Mouri Kogoro's face suddenly became a little ugly, but he knew that he was in the wrong, not to mention that he couldn't be tough in front of Fei Yingli.

But his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he looked away.

Fei Yingli's character was too strong, so strong that he felt uncomfortable now. He was used to living a life of freedom. Suddenly, being lectured by Fei Yingli so forcefully made him feel depressed in his heart that could not be evaporated.

Fortunately, Xiaolan hurriedly waved her hands and got directly between the two of them, isolating their sight.

"Mom, you, don't say that, Dad, Dad, he will definitely do it next time -" Xiaolan also felt a little unconfident.

Fei Yingli looked at the panicked Xiaolan, and her eyes couldn't help but become a little struggling again.

After being separated for more than ten years, any relationship will become weak. Xiaolan has always maintained the bond between her and Mouri Kogoro.

However, it is more like a restraint than a maintenance. Of course, this is in the eyes of outsiders. For Fei Yingli, such a sacrifice is worth it for her daughter.

"Mom——" Xiaolan cried weakly.

On the side, Shimizu Koji and Conan were forced to watch the battle, and suddenly, Conan trotted forward and ran to Mouri Kogoro.

"Hey, uncle, do you still remember who you voted for in that beauty pageant held by Didan High School?"

At the critical moment, Conan decided to come to the rescue, and as a primary school student, the time was indeed right.

As soon as he spoke, the atmosphere between Yukiko, who was comforting Fei Yingli in a low voice, and Fei Yingli, whose eyes were struggling because of the pitiful Xiaolan, instantly changed.

Xiaolan looked at Yukiko and Feiying who had distanced themselves instantly with a cute look on her face. Although the two of them still seemed very harmonious, somehow, not only Xiaolan, but even Shimizu Koji also felt it. There is a thick barrier between these two beautiful people.


Mouri Kogoro was stunned and a little confused. Conan's interruption successfully made the unpleasant atmosphere disappear temporarily.

"It was the beauty pageant at Didan High School."

"That's right, Dad, didn't Mom and Aunt Yukiko compete for the final winner together? Mom and Aunt Yukiko each got 10,000 votes. Your vote was put in a piece of clothing you haven't worn for a long time. I I showed it to you after I washed it for you before."

"Oh, that happened twenty years ago."

With Xiaolan's profound reminder, Mouri Kogoro patted his head and showed a look of surprise.

Xiaolan's eyes suddenly became starry, and she stared straight at Mouri Kogoro, with her eyes almost writing the words "please say it to mother", but Moori Kogoro ignored her hint brilliantly. .

"Who did uncle vote for?!" Conan didn't have any other emotions this time, just pure curiosity.

He would not hint to Mouri Kogoro. He also wanted to know the truth, but at the same time, he was also very sure that as long as he was a normal person and as long as Moori Kogoro still wanted to maintain his relationship with Fei Yingri, the answer would not be suspenseful.

"It's most likely for Yingli. After all, your relationship was so good back then."

"Hey, I think it should be you, Yukiko. You were so cute back then that it was unbelievable."

Fei Yingli and Yukiko whispered to each other.

"I remember, I voted for Yingli."

"Hey! Dad!" Xiaolan just gave Mouri Kogoro a thumbs up.

In an instant, Yukiko succumbed immediately, hugging Shimizu Koji's arm and leaning on his shoulder very naturally, with a sad look, which made Shimizu Koji feel both speechless and funny.

Fei Yingli's face suddenly looked much better, "Even if you say so, I will not forgive your behavior this time. You must make a good self-reflection."

Mouri Kogoro didn't listen to Fei Yingli's words at all. He seemed to have recalled many happy things and looked a little excited, "Hey! But Xiaolan, you don't know, I actually didn't know anything about the beauty contest at that time. As I know, I thought miss meant reasoning, so I wrote the name of a very slow girl."

Eri Kisaki's eyes froze, and Yukiko suddenly raised her head from Shimizu Koji's shoulder. She had never asked Shimizu Koji's opinion from beginning to end, and just used it wantonly. However, Shimizu Koji did not dislike it. Just as Eri Kisaki said, although Yukiko was indeed old enough to be her mother, she was still cute and irresistible.

Very measured, and very good at "making trouble".

Xiaolan's face froze for a moment, her eyes became urgent, and she clenched her fists and looked directly at Maori Kogoro, "Then, Dad, after you knew the meaning of the game, who did you vote for?!"

"Uh, do I need to say this!? Of course I voted for Yukiko, who was cute and beautiful at the time!"

Maori Kogoro suddenly looked like a star, and his eyes became a little indescribable. Anyway, Yukiko was stunned for a moment, and quickly pulled up Shimizu Koji's arm as a cover.

"Huh?! Dad." Xiaolan was angry, and she wanted to punch Maori Kogoro in the face.

On the side, Eri Kisaki took a deep breath and resisted the urge to punch Maori Kogoro, the pervert, to death. However, the last bit of nostalgia in her heart gradually began to dissipate at this moment. Maori Kogoro had clearly given the correct answer, but he chose to change his words. Did he really vote for Yukiko? This question is not important. After more than ten years in the branch, when it is rare to meet old friends, and after just going through such an incident, Maori Kogoro's words are more like his choice. This is the language world of adults. "Uh, no, no, I mean, even if Eri was a nerd at that time, she was actually very beautiful." Maori Kogoro's explanation was not listened to. She reached out and picked up the envelope of money on the table. She was very elegant and directly pulled out a whole stack. "This time, it was with the help of Yukiko, Yusaku and me that we completed this commission, so we should have 10% of this money." "Goodbye, Yukiko, Yusaku, let's go."

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