Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 273 Fei Yingli’s Difficulties

After a few minutes, the atmosphere in the lounge gradually became quiet.

But as Fei Yingli sighed, Xiaolan's sobs suddenly became clear again.


Xiaolan stood behind the sofa and stretched out her arms to hug Fei Yingli from behind. She burst into tears, but no one said anything to comfort her at this time.

Fei Yingli's face was calm, even a little disapproving. Some words had been held in her heart for a long time, so they would not affect her mood.

She has become accustomed to these things. She just always wanted to find an opportunity to talk to Xiaolan, but talking to Xiaolan directly would easily hurt Xiaolan.

And today, through Yukiko's words, she finally settled the knot she had always felt.

"So, Xiaolan, from now on, please stop trying to reconcile your father and me, okay?"

Fei Yingli spoke softly. Although Xiaolan was behind her and could not see her expression, everyone present could feel this tenderness.

In fact, even Conan, a wooden head, watched silently, without interrupting, without making any unnecessary excuses or help for Mouri Kogoro or Xiaolan.

Fei Yingri paid for Mouri Kogoro's office and helped repay the loan. If Fei Yingri hadn't said it herself, no one would have known about it.

However, if you think about it carefully, there is really only this possibility. How could Mouri Kogoro, a homeless man who resigned from his position as a police officer, have the money to buy a three-story street-facing building in Tokyo, where land is at a premium.

When Xiaolan heard Fei Yingli's words, she paused and wiped her tears with her hands.

I wanted to nod, but still couldn't make up my mind.

At this moment, some of the doubts in her heart have been solved. No wonder that when Kogoro Mouri was too poor at home, he would sometimes suddenly come up with a sum of money. It turned out that this was all a call from her mother.

"Well, although it's a bit inappropriate, I'm a little curious as to why you, lawyer concubine, can't get the commission."

Koji Shimizu coughed slightly and spoke out to break the embarrassing situation that was about to fall into.

Eight million yen is actually a big number for Fei Yingli now, which is indeed a bit unpredictable.

If Koji Shimizu remembered correctly, Fei Yingri should have the title of Queen of Law, with a 100% undefeated record. He got these scattered information from Sono Ran, Conan, and even newspapers. , have also learned about it.

Fei Yingli didn't get an accurate answer from Xiaolan, and her eyes couldn't help but look a little helpless. Although she was a little surprised when she heard Qingmizu Koji's question, she thought about it for a while and continued to explain, "It may be ridiculous to say it, even though he is known as a lawyer in the legal profession. The undefeated queen, but the average reward for the cases I take on is generally less than two million yen, and in the past two years, the situation has been even worse.”

Yukiko was thoughtful, but when Koji Shimizu heard this, or before asking the question, he already had a vague answer in his heart.

"Is it because, lawyer concubine, you are unwilling to litigate cases for those wealthy politicians and capitalists?"

Fei Yingli was not surprised that Koji Shimizu, who was wearing Kudo Yusaku's vest, could guess this. She nodded lightly, "To be precise, they are unwilling to compromise for the sake of legal justice. If they are indeed their own If the rights are compromised, then I am happy to help, but in many cases... you understand."

"Oh, so Suhua has found a great big shot to help me this time."

"Jie Jie Jie, aren't you willing to give in for justice? Then if you, a big lawyer, help me find the murderer, it should be considered a very just thing."

The door of the lounge suddenly opened, and a short, fat man with a chicken coop came in. He looked very rich, and it was not difficult for people to guess her identity from what he said.

Fei Yingli raised her eyebrows and said, "Mr. Mikio."

"Ah, it's okay. I'm just passing by. I'm going to read a book later. I hope you, the concubine's lawyer, can serve me well. It's best to help me find that guy today."

Mikio Fujieda looked drunk, and no one wanted to get close to him. Yukiko only glanced at him and looked away.

"What a surprise. I thought you were just the agent of that idiot and boring detective, but I didn't expect you to have such a big background."

Fujieda Mikio's eyes passed over Feiyingli's face with deep meaning, and this also made Feiyingli's face freeze instantly, "Mr. Mikio, please speak with some respect."

"Hiccup, it doesn't matter, I won't disturb you anymore."

Mikio Fujieda had not yet entered the door, and turned around to leave. However, before leaving, he stopped again, turned his head sadly, and looked at everyone in the room, especially Fei Yingli, "If the case cannot be solved, If so, you will have to pay double the commission fee.”

"Mr. Mikio, what do you mean?!"

"Hahaha, it's nothing. I just want to remind you that your detective husband told me that he was sure, but he couldn't solve the case. He couldn't even get back the one million yen deposit I paid in advance. In the end, he ended up with me. I signed a gambling agreement, and the time limit seems to be this weekend, right?"

"It's only a few days~~."

After Mikio Fujieda said meaningfully, he closed the door and left without hesitation.

"This guy is so annoying. Is this the person we want to help in this commission?"

Yukiko spoke frankly, but her eyes of disgust and blame glanced at Koji Shimizu.

Shimizu Koji looked confused, what do you think I am doing?

This is not your husband's business, what does it have to do with me?

Yukiko naturally reacted immediately, but she didn't know if she did it on purpose. Anyway, she smiled apologetically at Koji Shimizu, stuck out her tongue, and quickly looked away.

Shimizu Koji didn't bother to argue with her about whether or not she had these things.

Fei Yingli got up from the sofa, her face looked very ugly, Xiaolan looked worried, and Conan already wanted to go out.

"what to do?"

Xiaolan asked.

She is now a little worried that Fei Yingli will really give up her hands.

Therefore, the way the question was asked was also somewhat thoughtful. There was no mention of Kogoro Mori, nor was there any mention of money or any agreement.

"What else can we do! Of course we need to investigate." Fei Yingli seemed a little annoyed.

Xiaolan smiled and avoided Fei Yingli's gaze. She also felt uncomfortable, but no matter what, she still didn't want to give up.

Because when she thought about the complete divorce between Mouri Kogoro and Fei Yingli, and the two people had their own lives, she felt really uncomfortable and could even find it difficult to breathe.

However, the adult world is often so real and cruel.

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