Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 272 Real best friends

"Dad?! Why are you, you, you and mom, what's going on, what is going on?!"

Conan's eyes were confused and messy, and not to mention him, Koji Shimizu was also in a mess.

He wanted to say that this was all your mother's fault, but now he could only fool him twice. Facing Conan, Shimizu Koji couldn't pretend to be someone he had never even met.

She could only reasonably guess the relationship between father and son through Conan's tone of voice.

Oh, there is another option, that is to admit his identity

However, this option was undoubtedly abandoned by Koji Shimizu. If there had not been the scene just now, he could have admitted it generously and dumped the blame directly to Yukiko Kudo, but now, he had better be a qualified dad.

Otherwise, although Conan is small, Shimizu Koji does not doubt that he has many murder methods in his head. Although he is not very afraid, he is not afraid of thieves, but he is afraid that thieves will remember him.

Moreover, he was still the completely unreasonable party. At least in that situation, there was almost zero room for explanation for him.

"Ahem, children should not get involved in adults' matters."

Before his voice came, Yukiko Kudo had specially calibrated it for him. With his superb body control ability, although it could not be said to be perfect, it was eighty-nine points similar, so there was no problem at all.


"Do you want to reveal your identity here?" Qingshui Koji glanced at Xiaolan and quickly changed the topic.

Conan suppressed his blush and recalled the scene just now. He really felt that he had nothing to ask, but his eyes couldn't help but become weird, "Then, what are you here for?"

"Fujieda Shigeru, one of the owners of this villa is my friend. As for my purpose, it should be the same as yours."

Shimizu Koji said calmly and smiled slightly, just like when he first deduced Kudo Yukiko, and sure enough, after hearing his words, Conan was completely unaware of his true identity.

"As expected of daddy (Kouji Shimizu: Stop barking, stop barking, I can't stand it anymore. If this keeps up, I, I'll get used to it)."

The surprise in Conan's eyes flashed away, and then he smiled knowingly, everything seemed to be unspoken.

"So, have you untied it?"

"No, I just arrived."

"Yukiko, it seems that I came at the wrong time."

Fei Yingli had a slightly teasing look on her face. This was a domain that belonged exclusively to adult women. Naturally, Xiaolan was excluded from it.

Such a look rarely appears on Fei Yingli's face, it can even be said that it almost never appears.

Because she no longer has anyone with whom she can tease and joke like this. Ever since Yukiko Kudo went to the United States to settle down, and she separated from Kogoro Mori and opened a law firm, her dealings have been either fame and fortune or trivial matters.

The only person in the office who can speak is Kuriyama Midori, one of her subordinates.

"No, Yingli, you came at the right time."

"But don't get me wrong, we were just fighting."

Yukiko's face was unusually red at this moment, but she was still angry more than anything, but she just couldn't say it out loud.

"Ah, yes, yes, haha." Fei Yingli smiled and she wouldn't be surprised if Yukiko did anything. If she said it was a fight, it was probably a fight.

For Yukiko, Fei Yingli came at the right time, because in the situation just now, although there was no ambiguous atmosphere and no suspicion of being taken advantage of by Shimizu Koji, she was so easily suppressed by a high school student. It was really Very angry.

Especially when an acquaintance saw it, he was even more furious.

However, when Fei Yingli saw her like this, she felt completely different.

"You are really the same old person, you like to pretend to be young, but even if you were the princess of Emperor Dan, you can't seem to be able to resist the aging process." Fei Yingli said with some emotion.


Fei Yingli's suddenly raised voice made everyone in the room pay attention.

Yukiko couldn't help but be stunned. Facing Fei Yingli's sharp offensive, she came back to her senses and her mood slowly calmed down. She curled her lips confidently, looked into Fei Yingli's eyes, and suddenly smiled knowingly.

"Ara, this sentence is very suitable for you."

"Her Majesty the Queen is aged with heavy makeup on her face~~~."


What are these two people doing?

Wasn't it the same as you and me just now?

This question not only appeared in the hearts of Koji Shimizu, but also appeared in the hearts of Xiaolan and Conan.

"Um, you two, don't be like this-"

Xiaolan quickly stepped forward to start a fight. Although she didn't understand, she was very courageous.

But to everyone's surprise, there was a "pop", and suddenly, Fei Yingli and Yukiko's hands were tightly held together.

Orange is great.

"Yukiko, long time no see."

"Yes, Yingli, how are you doing recently? We haven't seen each other for more than ten years, right? We are still the same as before, Her Majesty the Queen has a vicious tongue, geez~"

"You're not bad either, Her Royal Highness the Princess of Didan."

"The last time we met was before you and Kogoro broke up. I remember that Xiaolan was still very young at that time, but in the blink of an eye, oh, giggle, sorry Xiaolan, we met in the United States. "

Yukiko was obviously into the drama again. She smiled and stuck out her tongue, looking very naughty. Seeing this, Xiaolan couldn't help but feel a little shy and awkward, so she could only lower her face slightly and nodded in response.

"Hey, Yingli, how are you doing now?"

Yukiko asked casually, Fei Yingli's expression did not change at all, but Xiaolan couldn't help but become nervous.

"Ah, they are still separated, it has been more than ten years." Fei Yingli said with a relaxed expression.

After hearing these words and seeing Fei Yingli's reaction, Yukiko blinked and then smiled with relief, "That's it."

She casually glanced at Xiaolan aside. The hesitation, confusion and confusion in the girl's eyes at this moment were clearly written on her face.

It’s not nice to meet someone~. Yukiko sighed silently.

Fei Yingli naturally saw Yukiko's actions under her eyes, and for her, this had long been an open secret that did not need to be disclosed. If it weren't for Xiaolan, who would have endured the waste of the most youthful years, being wasted by a piece of paper? The credentials were tied to an alcoholic and lecherous gambler.

"Then, Yingli, why are you here?"

After hearing this, Fei Yingli paused and couldn't help but sigh, "Oh, it's not because of Xiaolan's father."


Fei Yingli had nothing to hide about Yukiko. Regardless of Xiaolan's shy look to dissuade her, she explained everything from beginning to end to Yukiko and Shimizu Koji who had already walked over.

After hearing the whole story of the incident, even Shimizu Koji couldn't help but fall silent.

If he remembered correctly, when he was in Osaka a while ago, Mouri Kogoro seemed to have lost all his money playing small steel balls and was driven to the hotel corridor by Xiaolan to blow off.

He's an old gambler

As for Yukiko, it was difficult to comment in front of Xiaolan, and she just silently tightened Fei Yingli's hand.

A true best friend will never fade with time.

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