Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 245 The secret is revealed again

March 12, Kyoto.

Two days passed, and time returned to normal. In the blink of an eye, it changed from the scorching summer to the bright and gentle spring.

The Ooka family is located in the suburbs of Kyoto. Unlike the Western-style gorgeousness of the Tetsushi Manor, the main residence of the Ooka family is a traditional Japanese-style courtyard building.

There is no way of knowing how many times you enter and exit the courtyard. Perhaps you can only get a glimpse of its full picture from the sky. It is located on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by mountains and rivers. The green tiles and glazed tiles in it have both a modern feel and a classical flavor.

To a certain extent, even the Imperial Palace in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, may be nothing more than this.

After all, even the Imperial Palace is now surrounded and locked in the center of the city by countless high-rise steel buildings. Living there for a long time may even make you breathless.

In March, cherry blossoms bloom in the mountains and fields. If this place could be opened as a cherry blossom viewing spot, tourists would probably squeeze their heads out of one room.

"This spring is all over the earth - the flowers are blooming and fragrant -." (Singing)

A middle-aged maid wearing a plain kimono was sitting on her knees on the wooden corridor floor. She stretched her voice as if she was singing, but her singing was not good, or in other words, it did not conform to the style of contemporary pop music.

It's more like a simple folk tune, but this is the most authentic singing style in the song card game.

And just when she said two syllables, there was a soft "pop" sound, and on a bamboo mat in front of her, with a quick and neat wave of Ooka Momiji's hand, a light cyan card appeared Then he flew aside. .

"The flowers bloom in Namba Tsu——, and the face is closed in shame in the cold winter——."

At the moment of waving, Hongye's usually gentle and generous eyes became extremely sharp, with a strong edge and aura, and a young maid opposite her who was also wearing a plain kimono was shocked for a few seconds.

Carta game also has another more well-known name, "Carta". The name comes from the Portuguese word "Carta". It originated in the Edo period and was a unique court game among Japanese nobles. Until now, It has also become a card competition game unique to Japan.

The rules are complicated to say the least, but in the simplest way, they are one kind. The chanter, that is, the card reader (reading hand) sings the first sentence of a Japanese song (reading hand), and the competitor, also It is a game in which the card grabber (Totsu) competes with who can grab the card (Totsu) with the next line of the poem printed on it first.

The person with the fastest speed and the most points is the winner.

Of course, no matter whether everyone succeeds in snatching it or not, the chanter will continue to read the answer after reading the reading.

Because kata competitions are often intense and intense, competitive kata is also called "tatami fighting skills."

The red leaves were as beautiful and graceful as ever today, with turbulent waves. Even this feather-white, wide kimono printed with cherry blossom patterns could not completely cover her figure.

Her short curly brown hair has a moist sheen. She must have just taken a shower. Her snow-white skin is tinged with a light rosiness. Every time she moves, the unfettered waves in her kimono will ripple. Poland, which makes people feel distraught.

In the courtyard, the petals of cherry blossoms flying from the mountains and fields fluttered like silent spring rain. The breeze blew by at nine o'clock in the morning. Hongye adjusted his clothes and quickly pressed his hands back to the ground (this is the rule), with a focused expression.

Queen of Kabai - This is an honorary title that requires countless sweat and practice.

This is the only thing she can consider as her own glory.

Therefore, she will never forget the game three years ago and all the words Shimizu Koji said that day.

It is true that she likes Koji Shimizu, because he is her hero, twice.

But in fact, there is another important reason why her obsession is so deep, she wants to defeat him.

To clear the name of myself, Gepai, and even my missing teacher.

Therefore, in fact, from the very beginning, Hongye's feelings for Shimizu Koji were not entirely childish, but now, it probably is.

Shimizu Koji's experience, the two fateful intersections between him and her, Shimizu Koji's appearance, his mature and steady personality compared to his peers, and his perfect height

As a normal girl, it is difficult for Hongye to find something that she doesn't like or accept.

As for family background, it doesn't matter, at least to her.

"The rapids are blocked by rocks——, the two are helplessly separated——"

Hearing this line of singing, Hongye's eyes fluctuated and she was in a daze. She also realized which poem it was when the maid sang the second syllable, including the location of the corresponding song card of the next sentence.

The young maid opposite still reacted very slowly. After all, she was just a sparring partner.

This time, Hongye still didn't give her a chance. Although she was stunned for a moment, she took action quickly.

However, this time, she didn't knock the card away with a "pop" like before. Instead, he held it down with one hand, and then picked up the card.

"It's over here, Xiaohui, Ms. Nagano, you can go and rest."

Hongye suddenly sat upright and spoke, which made the two maids stunned for a moment. This was an unprecedented situation. They were surprised, and they hardly needed to observe. They had actually discovered that the eldest lady who came home this time was very different from before. are different.


They stood up respectfully and left lightly, like cherry blossoms, leaving nothing behind.

Sooner or later, we meet again and again, and our worries become deeper.

On the light blue song card, this Japanese poem written in katakana made Hongye freeze in place, even a little distracted.

Printed on half of the song card in her amulet, it happened to be this Japanese poem.

The reason why even the maid could tell today that Hongye was a little different from before was because she came back specifically to see her mother today.

Naturally, she doesn't live here normally. When she goes to school, she always lives in a villa in Kyoto.

Hongye put the song cards back and sorted out the song cards scattered aside, then stood up from the ground.

Turning around to look, Iori Wuga was indeed not here. A sad look rose between her brows, but in her eyes, there was more determination, an unprecedented determination.

"Ah, Hongye, you came to me because of that boy, right?"

I walked to the yard where my mother was, and as soon as I entered the yard, I saw a beautiful young woman standing on the edge of the pond in the yard, spreading cherry blossoms in her hands, as if she was feeding the fish, but to be more precise, , is teasing the fish.

Just like she spoke directly without raising her head, all of a sudden, all of Hongye's preparations were disrupted.

Hongye thought deeply for more than a day. She originally thought that her mother would be very cold and would not mention this matter at all.

But now, she was caught off guard.

She silently walked into the yard and walked to her mother's side. Her mother was very young and looked not much older than her, but she did have a graceful and noble air, which was very similar to Michiko Tetsumi.

With a smile on her face, she glanced at the red leaves, and then looked into the pond.

The pond was filled with green water, and several fish were swimming around. The petals scattered on the water, causing them to scramble for them. But in the end, they found a petal, and the fish dispersed in a hurry. The corner of Ooka's mother's mouth , also slightly evoked an intriguing smile.

"Three years ago, these fish were first raised here. At that time, they were only the size of a finger. Hongye, do you really like him?"

Hong Ye was silent for a moment, then nodded, "I like it."

"If you like, bring him to me."


Hong Ye was a little confused this time. Just now, she could actually understand what her mother meant. She compared Xiao Yu'er to her young self at that time, which was a way of speaking that her mother liked very much.

But, bring Koji Shimizu to see her——?

Hongye was a little stunned for a moment and couldn't figure it out.

And Ooka's mother did not continue speaking, because her words had no connotations, they were just literal meanings.

Naturally, everything Ooka Momiji did at the Suzuki family banquet had already reached her ears, including Shimizu Koji's rejection.

And until just now, she couldn't help but laugh when she thought about her daughter's character and her expression of being rejected by a boy under such circumstances.

"Because that boy doesn't seem to like you." Looking at Hongye's puzzled eyes, Ooka's mother explained with a slight smile.

Hongye's face suddenly stiffened when she heard this, and then she blushed slightly. In front of her mother, it was difficult for her to maintain her calmness and elegance outside, because she was born to be a daughter.

"That's mother's fault!" Hongye retorted seriously with slightly red cheeks.

"My fault? No, it's not."

Throwing the last petals into the water, Ooka's mother seemed to have lost her patience with teasing the fish, but of course, she did not lose her patience with her daughter.

"Hongye, you must think that your mother gave that boy some strange instructions, just like in the TV series?"

Hongye's eyes suddenly became unnatural, and the blush on her cheeks became more and more, like a little girl whose thoughts were exposed, because thinking about her mother like this is obviously a very bad thing. Behavior.

And this was said directly to her face, so her mother definitely didn't do that.

"Giggle~~, it turns out that Hongye misunderstood her mother in this way~~, she really looks like she has a sweetheart~"

Hongye glanced aside subconsciously, lowering her head and not daring to refute. She suddenly felt that she was very similar to the fish in the pond. From the beginning, she had been played by her mother.

Her personality is different from Tie Zhuyu's. Although they are both facing their majestic and gentle mother, if it were Tie Zhuyu, in this situation, she would have shouted "Mom" and started acting coquettishly.

"No, mom just asked someone to give the child some compensation. His parents were subordinates of your grandfather's confidants at the time and died in the accident."

"Mom, how could I still embarrass a child who has lost both his parents?"

Hongye was stunned. All the secrets were revealed again at this moment, but it was much clearer than her previous speculations.

It turns out that this is what happened

"So, just bring that boy back. If you really like him, you can make him like you too."

Ooka's mother smiled slightly, turned and left.

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