Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 244 Sudden Stop

Just as Qingmizu Koji was about to turn around and leave, he was stunned when he heard the sound of water.

He Ye also froze on the spot before he finished speaking.

The air fell silent for a moment, leaving only the sound of gurgling water.

He Ye, He Ye's brain has gone blank because, because, she hasn't even taken off her clothes yet.

It's over, it's all over.

Her eyes became blurry and she felt her head was dizzy, but that was not all——

"Heye, do you have any underwear in your bag?"

Shimizu Koji quickly calmed down. He had even thought of how to deal with it carefully.

But he didn't expect that He Ye actually let down his guard at the end.

And his expression was very serious, because at this time, if there was a trace of irregularity, he would definitely not be finished, and he could be compared with Ye's current state.

Either she was stupid, or she was so embarrassed and angry that she wanted to kill him.

But there is a high probability that she will be stupid on her own.

So far, in addition to leaving Koji Shimizu with the image of an energetic girl full of energy, most of the rest has the impression of being a little silly, cute, and a little stubborn.

And when Kazuye woke up from her dream when she heard Koji Qingmizu calling him, she felt that she was almost going to see the Buddha just now, her cheeks were so hot that her vision was a little blurry.

Qingmizu Koji looked very serious and did not look at Kazuha.

Kazuya raised his head subconsciously and saw Koji Shimizu's averted eyes. Indeed, his mood could feel a little better, but only a little.

And in her trance, she roughly understood what Shimizu Koji meant. She opened her mouth and said as calmly as possible in an almost mosquito-like voice: "Yes, yes."

"Then let me bring it in for you."

Shimizu Koji nodded, quickly opened the door and walked out.

Although he didn't feel very novel or concerned about this kind of thing, after all, it was just an embarrassing thing, not as good as the surprise glance, two glances, and three glances he had last night.

Kazuha is in good shape, and he also kindly helped Shimizu Koji learn some new physiological knowledge. For example, it turned out that even high school students can be really clean and live without a hair.

This is magical and beautiful, almost like a work of art, because when this happens to a young girl who has grown up, she looks very pure.

The spiritual impulse and visual impact brought by something like Haibara Ai are completely different things.

However, when something like this happened, it was really terrible for He Ye at the moment.

Putting himself in Kazuha's shoes, Koji Shimizu could only feel that he might be burning with panic.

Quickly returning to the ward, Shimizu Koji found a brand new purple coat in Kazuya's bag and took it out.

He didn't look closely or anything. He didn't have that hobby. He still liked people and didn't have any fetishes.

About two minutes later, Shimizu Koji estimated that he and Ye were almost healed, so he took his clothes and walked to the bathroom door again.

"He Ye, I'm going in."

He knocked on the door in advance and said hello. After Kazuya's weak response came from inside, Shimizu Koji officially turned the doorknob and walked in.

A few steps away, very close, Shimizu Hao didn't squint, he just looked at Kazuha's eyes, never looking anywhere else.

But despite this, Kazuye was already so embarrassed that she snatched Qingshui Hao's small clothes from his hands like flying. She calmed down. She couldn't calm down at all.

Obviously, everything should not be like this, but who should be blamed for this! ?

He Ye felt like crying but didn't have any tears in his heart. One day ago, they were just ordinary friends who were very harmonious and friendly.

"I'm out. Call me when you're ready."

Shimizu Koji didn't care about her actions and turned around to leave, but at this moment——

"I didn't expect Qingshui's lunch box to be prepared by you, Xiao Ai. No wonder he likes you so much, haha~"

"Just occasionally."

The ward door opened, accompanied by the distinctive voices of Xiaolan and Haihara Ai. In the bathroom, Shimizu Koji, who had already put his hand on the door handle, and Kazuha, who was watching his movements from behind, all froze unconsciously when they heard the sound. live.

Only the slightest movement of breathing proved that they were still alive.

what to do? !

This question immediately appeared in their minds at the same time.

But Shimizu Koji quickly reacted and turned around quickly, "Put it on! Change it quickly!"

His mouth shape should be very clear. Kazuye was stunned for a moment and came to her senses. However, although she understood Shimizu Koji's mouth shape, she did not understand his meaning.

Still, she did it, subconsciously.

Her little head was completely dizzy. She did whatever Koji Shimizu said and obeyed.

"Eh? Where are Shimizu-san and Kazuhato?"

Xiaolan looked at the empty hospital bed, but it was obviously the hospital bed that someone else had just laid on, and she expressed confusion and confusion.

This, did she go to the wrong ward? !

Beside her, Hui Yuan Ai was quite sure that they had gone to the right ward, but he was also very confused.

However, when they turned around, they found that Koji Qingshui, supporting Kazuya, suddenly and without warning appeared at the door of the ward.

The four of them looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. He Ye blushed and could hardly look at Xiaolan, but they still gritted their teeth and persisted.

Xiaolan and Haihara Ai were a little more confused, but it was okay because they didn't see which door Qingshui Koji came out (entered) from.

"Heye suddenly felt uncomfortable just now. The nurse was sent away by us, so I took her to find a doctor."

It cannot be said that Koji Shimizu's lies are inferior, but they are not high level.

It was easy to deceive Xiaolan, but there was absolutely no way to deceive the thoughtful Huihara Ai.

It's not that Xiaolan is not thoughtful, but she is the kind of person who doesn't think too much. She and Haibara Ai are completely opposite.

And sure enough, after listening to his words, Xiaolan suddenly showed a look of relief but concern, and quickly walked over to support Heye.

"So what's the situation? Are you seriously injured, Heye!? What did the doctor say?"

"Ah, I, I'm fine, just a little hungry."

Kazuya seemed flustered, but he didn't blame her. Koji Shimizu didn't have time to give her a confession, and he didn't even tell her the reasons in advance.

Xiaolan was stunned, then chuckled, and naturally took He Ye from Qingshui Hao's hands. She supported or half-carried He Ye and walked back to the bed.

"Are you hungry? We just prepared a delicious lunch seriously."

"Hey, yes, Xiaolan, did you and Xiaoai do it together?"

"Yes, I forgot to tell you, this place is actually not far from our home. I went there with Xiao Ai just now."

On the other side, due to subconscious avoidance, he also left Qingshui Koji, and coupled with Xiaolan's infectiousness, he and Ye actually chatted with Xiaolan smoothly, just like usual.

But these are only superficial phenomena. He and Ye carefully pinched the corners of their skirts until they went to bed, and did not dare to relax.

She didn't completely relax until she was covered with the quilt, and when she saw Koji Shimizu standing with Haibara Ai, she would still subconsciously avoid his eyes quickly.

For lunch, the exquisite lunch box contained the meal carefully prepared by Haihara Ai and Xiao Lan. It was very light but very healthy.

In addition, there are additional fruit cuts to match, which is very good overall.

Some of the embarrassing situations that had happened in the ward seemed to have gradually disappeared over lunch.

Xiaolan didn't notice anything wrong from beginning to end.

And Xiao Ai, unexpectedly, did not attack Koji Qingmizu until the end because of an exchange with Xiao Lan on the road. But there were other reasons. For example, although she could tell that Koji Shimizu was lying, she never expected that to be the case.

"Xiao Ai, I asked you, will people become smaller?"

"Gee, I'm sorry, I said something stupid. How can a person become smaller? But I don't know why, when I'm with you and Conan, I always feel like I'm communicating with my peers."

"Maybe, we are all relatively precocious."

"Huh? That's true. Sometimes Conan really looks a lot like Shinichi. Alas, I just don't know where Shinichi went. He actually disappeared without saying a word. Even the house was gone. I lent them to Qingshui-san. Counting the time, it’s been almost two months.”

The person you like is obviously around you, but he is from two different worlds and cannot be touched at all.

Compared with Conan's almost gap between heaven and hell, her fate seems to have finally been favored by the God of Destiny.

Ever since I became a child, everything in my life has gradually become brighter and brighter.

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