Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 242: Alone in the Hospital

Shimizu Koji still got off the hospital bed. He was still not used to being watched. After the doctor examined him, he was also surprised by his injuries or recovery.

“The wound is not deep, and the stitches are professional. According to the examination results, there is no possibility of infection.

You are lucky, sir. To be honest, over the years, I have rarely seen a few people who have been bitten by sharks, because in most cases, it is difficult for someone to come out of the sea alive after encountering a shark. Yes, most of them died of excessive blood loss halfway through. "

"Your wound clearly looks like it was almost a bite from the front, with the bite force of a shark." There was obvious confusion and confusion on the doctor's face, and his words were stuck.

But in the end, facing Koji Shimizu, who had always looked calm, the doctor smiled and could only skip those unreasonable topics.

"It should be nothing serious, just need some medicine."

They didn't know that Shimizu Koji had recovered, and they just attributed Shimizu Koji to a lucky guy.

But this was exactly what Shimizu Koji wanted. He didn't explain anything, and what he said was often wrong. Although it was a Suzuki hospital, it was necessary to be on guard against others. To a certain extent, Shimizu Koji was becoming more cautious now. , because he is no longer alone.

The doctor asked the nurse to lead Shimizu Koji back to the ward. About half an hour later, another nurse came in with a trolley and gave Shimizu Koji medicine.

Haibara Ai gave Shimizu Koji a simple stitch, but this did not affect the application of medicine, and the arm was bandaged again. Shimizu Koji simply moved twice before sending the nurse out of the ward.

This VIP ward is larger because it is a double room. If you exclude the professional instruments piled aside, it would actually be an exaggeration to say it is a luxurious executive suite.

The bathroom is about the size of a normal bedroom, and the decoration style makes it impossible to tell that it is a ward. It is even divided into two rooms. There is a separate door in the bathroom, and there is a bathtub inside, and there are fresh flower petals next to it. Filled a whole basin

How can I put it, living here seems to be more enjoyable than living at home, and there are more than ten nurses who can provide professional care anytime and anywhere.

While Shimizu Koji was in the bathroom, the door to the ward opened with a click, and then there was a very clear sound of drums.

Kazuya was also sent back. Vaguely, Koji Qingmizu heard her voice, and then the nurse's footsteps left the ward again.

It seems that Heye is not used to being surrounded by people, or in other words, being surrounded by these nurses' enthusiasm is really not something that most people can enjoy, unless they have been pampered since childhood.

And they were treated like this because Suzuki Shiro personally greeted them.

Pressing the flush button, Koji Shimizu washed his hands, opened the door, and walked out of the bathroom.

At this moment, Kazuya, who had just seen off the nurse and just breathed a sigh of relief, was dumbfounded when he saw Koji Shimizu coming out of the bathroom.

In particular, Koji Shimizu smiled slightly at her!


"How can you--wait, where are Xiaolan and Xiaoai?!"

He Ye's voice was a little panicked, but Koji Qingmizu didn't know why she was so flustered. No matter how stupid he was, he wouldn't take action against her in this situation.

However, Heye's state was a bit strange. He looked at him, but he was lying motionless in the hospital bed.

"Didn't you see the message Xiaolan sent you?"

"By the way, what's wrong with you?"

Shimizu Koji walked to Kazuya's hospital bed, pulled up a chair and sat down.

Heye's face suddenly turned red, and he subconsciously turned his head to the side, not wanting to look at him.

However, instead of looking at Shimizu Koji, she became even more frightened. In just a few seconds, she turned back.

The vigilance in his eyes became more and more intense, which made Koji Shimizu speechless. At the same time, he became more sure that something was wrong with Kazuya's state.

"Don't worry. Let what happened last night pass. In that case, my best choice is to let you have a good sleep."

"You don't know how troublesome it is for me to be involved in a murder case, but you can imagine that in the next few months, maybe even longer, I will have to constantly deal with the police and the court people to deal with.”

"And once others accidentally find out about it, and this kind of thing spreads to the school and neighbors, I will be completely isolated."

Shimizu Koji began to package himself. He has mastered this skill relatively skillfully. Lying, in a sense, is the basic skill of being a scumbag.

Kazuha did not understand his true situation, otherwise he would have known that what Koji Shimizu said was completely nonsense.

Isolation doesn't exist. He was isolated from the beginning, and he isolated himself from the entire class.

Qingmizu Koji's eyes were sincere and without any impurity. After listening to his explanation, some of the doubts and knots in Heye's heart were indeed somewhat loosened, but there were still many things that she couldn't figure out.

No, it makes sense, but it’s completely unacceptable!

She is not clean anymore.

If it were before, Kazuha would have still 100% believed in Koji Shimizu's character and character, but that aggressive kiss last night.

She couldn't believe it, she couldn't believe it, let alone imagine what happened after she fell asleep.

Therefore, she subconsciously did not think deeply and did not dare to think deeply.

At this moment, facing Koji Qingmizu, Heye was entangled in his heart, biting his lips lightly, and it took a long time before he spoke softly.

"I know, don't say that again, I, let's forget it."

At this point, I believe Koji Shimizu's explanation is the best choice, and it sounds like Koji Shimizu's reasons are indeed very good. Being isolated is also very scary.

"Xiaolan, did Xiaolan send a message? I didn't notice it. The doctor just performed a debridement surgery on me. Now, I can't move my legs for the time being."

Kazuha quickly changed the topic, and Shimizu Koji was indeed diverted by her.

Debridement surgery?

Such a short time? And He Ye didn't even tell them?

Oh, well, if it's just a debridement surgery, Heye is already an adult, not a primary school student who needs others to make decisions. She can indeed make her own decision for this kind of minor surgery.

The reason why Xiaolan and the others did not accompany the inspection was naturally because the VIP inspection was a real inspection and very detailed, eliminating all extra procedures. Naturally, there was no need for any escort to wait in line.

"Did you take anesthesia?"


He Ye nodded carefully. She was a lot more relaxed than before, but not much.

She was already so lively, natural, innocent and energetic when we first met. I have to say that gains are always accompanied by losses.

He unexpectedly got the opportunity to kiss Kazuye, but from then on, he probably lost the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the energetic Kazuye before.

He Ye's character is still very innocent, but now in front of him, because of his shyness, he can no longer let go.

But Qingmizu Koji actually didn't know that if it was just that kiss and the explanation just now, Kazuya could indeed understand it.

He just thought that He Ye was still struggling with the kiss, but he didn't know that the careful He Ye had already discovered his more excessive behavior, and his mind was full of clothes.

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