Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 241 The wronged He Ye

The next morning, with a long whistle, the Suzuki Maru docked at Tokyo Port.

He Ye woke up, but soon, the medical staff who had been waiting at the port came aboard and carried her on a stretcher to the hospital.

The police and others questioned her as usual, but He Ye was silent and said nothing. Maybe she found another reason for herself.

If she didn't speak, she wouldn't be lying.

Or maybe there were other reasons that made her change her mind, but no one knew.

And she was going to the hospital with not only Xiaolan, who was accompanying her, but also Shimizu Koji and Huiyuan Ai.

The group of people who had been traveling together, as soon as they got off the boat, they completely parted ways, which was very abrupt.

But for Shimizu Koji, the purpose of his trip had been achieved, and he really didn't have much interest in the castle and the egg of memories.

If it was a precious gem or something, he might still be interested, because he had agreed and promised it last night.

It's OK to buy a bag normally, but for gems worth hundreds of millions or even billions, Shimizu Koji may have to be Kaito Koji with Kaito Kid in the future.

The four of them left for the hospital, while Conan, Kaito, Maori Kogoro and others continued to accompany Kosaka Natsumi.

Shimizu Koji also returned the pigeon to Kid in the end.

It is conceivable that Conan will be very happy now because no one cares about him, but in the end he will find Kid's expression will be particularly exciting.

In the ambulance, the atmosphere was a little silent.

After sleeping, He Ye's complexion has improved a lot. Originally, Xiaolan wanted to inform her parents, but in the end, He Ye refused.

She was conscious, but she was a little inconvenient to move, and there was no serious situation. Suzuki Private Hospital did not have so many strict rules and regulations. She could make her own decisions and take care of herself, so she naturally didn't want to worry her parents.

He Ye was lying on the stretcher with her face up, but her eyes could not help but look to the side quietly.

Shimizu Koji pulled open his sleeves, with a bandage on his arm. Huiyuan Ai sat next to him, with a cold face, and yawned silently.

He Ye's little action naturally attracted Shimizu Koji's attention, but as soon as he looked over, He Ye quickly withdrew his gaze, and a blush rose behind her ears.

When she woke up in the morning, Xiaolan was beside her, and then she learned from Xiaolan something that took her a long time to understand, but she could not accept it at all.

Her clothes were changed by Xiaolan, but the clothes that Xiaolan helped her change were the wet clothes that she had already changed before.

He Ye subconsciously clamped her legs together, and the blush on her face became more and more obvious. In her eyes that gradually became ashamed and angry, there was still some grievance.

"He Ye? What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Ah, no, no, nothing."

He hurriedly avoided Xiaolan's sight. He Ye didn't know why she wanted to avoid Xiaolan's sight. She just subconsciously didn't want to face anything.

Hearing this, Xiaolan blinked strangely, but didn't say anything more. She just helped He Ye carefully cover the corner of the quilt again.

Shimizu Koji saw everything, but he was silent and didn't interrupt.

Because Haibara Ai was still beside them, the relationship between them had been completely determined.

Well, Haibara Ai would not admit it, but she would not deny it either.

Everything that happened last night was still vivid in his mind, especially the agreement that was reached at the end, which made Shimizu Koji feel a little embarrassed when he thought about it now. He didn't plan to pay too much attention to He Ye for the time being.

After all, He Ye is still injured now. Everything last night can be explained as an operation under emergency, but if he still takes the initiative to mess around now, it would be a bit inhuman.

There is still a difference between hentai and inhumanity.

The reason why Huiyuan Ai is now cold-faced, exuding cold air, and looking very angry is because last night, despite her objection, Shimizu Koji actually hugged her and slept until she woke up in the morning.

Huiyuan Ai secretly gritted her teeth in her heart, thinking of the clear touch from behind in the morning.

She really wanted to step on Shimizu Koji, but there is no doubt that it would not only not make Shimizu Koji painful, but might just suit this guy's wishes.

She couldn't do anything with Shimizu Koji. He always stepped on her bottom line that was constantly being lowered accurately, and she could do nothing except blush and get angry.

Damn Shimizu Koji!

The ambulance drove to Suzuki Private Hospital in Beihua Town in silence.

Shimizu Koji is a frequent visitor here, just like going home, and Huiyuan Ai has also been here once.

Kazuha and Shimizu Koji were sent all the way to the VIP ward. Even Shimizu Koji, whose physical activities were not restricted, was finally forced to sit on the bed.

They didn't have to wait long. In just a few minutes, several male and female doctors in white coats arrived at the ward.

In fact, He Ye was a little confused when she was sent directly to the ward, and now she was even more confused when she saw these doctors coming to her home to see her.

She really had never seen the world of the rich.

Although her father, Toyama Ginjiro, was a senior official in the Osaka Metropolitan Police Department, he was a just and honest person, so her family's conditions were only slightly better than those of ordinary families.

In fact, her family may not be as well off as Xiaolan's family, but no one cares about these things and pays close attention to them. Just like Yuanzi and Xiaolan playing together, friends rarely see these things, especially since they have relatively simple personalities. .

However, this kind of battle did give Kazuya a little shock.

There was a clear division of labor between male and female doctors. Because of the special location of the wound, Heye raised the bed curtain, but not long after, the two of them were pushed out of the ward by the medical staff as Xiaolan and Haihara Ai watched.

From the beginning to the end, there was no doubt about the doctor's professionalism, and he did not neglect the accompanying family members such as Xiaolan and Haihara Ai, and there were dedicated nurses to explain the doctor's diagnosis to them.

Soon, the building was empty. Xiaolan gradually relaxed as she watched the nurse push the two beds away.

"Xiao Ai, let's go out and buy something."


"Just buying some fruit and lunch. It looks like we may stay here all day."

Xiaolan's sudden suggestion surprised Haiyuan Ai, but when she turned around and looked into Xiaolan's worried yet relaxed eyes, she thought about it and nodded in agreement.

But here comes the problem. The two of them are actually not very familiar with the nearby roads, and after asking the nurse, the examination may take more than an hour at the fastest.

After leaving the hospital, Xiaolan sent a text message to Shimizu Koji and Kazuha, and then, after discussing it, she and Xiaoai walked towards Dr. Agasa's house in 2-chome.

After thinking about it, instead of spending time buying things, I might as well cook for myself.

And this was actually suggested by Hui Yuan Ai.

Although meals are provided in the hospital, and although she is still itching for Shimizu Koji's toothless menstruation, after all, Shimizu Koji is still an injured patient.

Last night, apart from Koji Shimizu's last actions that made her angry, those words and the kiss before.

Humph. A sweet-tongued guy!

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