Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 234 Shark! ?

But when they arrived at the door of Heye's room, all the men who came to visit were blocked by Xiaolan.

"No! Dad, Heye is injured. She hasn't woken up yet. Please don't disturb her yet!"

Xiaolan stretched out her hand to block the door, her attitude was very firm.

Shimizu Koji no longer led the crowd because he had no intention of entering.

Mouri Kogoro at the front, facing his daughter with fierce eyes, opened his mouth and hesitated, but in the end there was nothing he could do.

Regarding this situation, although everyone was curious and concerned about whether He Ye knew any other clues, in line with the principle of giving priority to the injured, they did not feel there was anything inappropriate.

After all, Koji Shimizu had almost solved the incident by himself. Next, they only had to wait for the police to deal with the mess.

In the end, Suzuki Shiro communicated with Xiaolan and said that he would let the female doctor on the ship come to check on the situation later. Xiaolan naturally agreed.

However, the night was long and no one wanted to sleep.

Suzuki Shiro went to contact the outside world, and the others returned to the lounge.

An hour later, Shiro Suzuki came to invite Kogoro Mori and Koji Shimizu to go to the deck to greet the Tokyo police.

The night was deep and the sea was vast. On the deck, Shimizu Koji met Conan as expected.

Conan was outside and had been enjoying the sea breeze for more than an hour.

I don’t know how he had such perseverance and physical fitness. In short, when the emergency helicopter dispatched by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was about to arrive, he continued to follow eagerly.

The helicopter was flying towards the ship from a distance, but looking at the black shadow in the sky, Shimizu Koji couldn't help but feel a little weird.


He didn't doubt himself, he wasn't wrong.

But is this because Suzuki Shiro feels that the incident is almost over after listening to his own reasoning, or is it because the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department only has so many manpower, or that they don't pay attention to the murder incident in Suzuki Maru at all?

No matter how you look at it, this incident is much more serious and bad than Kaitou Kidd, right?

Just to protect an egg, thousands of police officers could be deployed in front of the Suzuki Museum of Art, and several helicopters had been flying buzzingly since the morning.

But with one person dead, even if the prisoner escaped, the situation in Suzuki Marujo should at least be considered a crisis. What about the strength of more than ten ships and more than twenty helicopters that went to the sea to salvage Kaito Kid?

Originally, the reason why Shimizu Koji made so many arrangements and did all the psychological work for Kazuha was because he was worried that the police would come in large numbers again.

But now, in the distance, a helicopter was flying close in the night sky alone.

This could not help but give Koji Shimizu a rare feeling that his work was in vain. He really shouldn't pay much attention to these policemen, but of course, it is better to prevent problems before they happen.

However, if I had known this earlier, even if I told Conan the truth directly about the matter and asked him to help cover it up, there wouldn't be much of a problem.

This guy Conan should be more flexible than He Ye, right?

"Hey, Brother Qingshui, Uncle Maori, this is the bullet I found."

Just when Shimizu Koji was thinking about it, Conan smiled and raised a small transparent bag in his hand, which was full of about ten rounds of bullets.

! ? What a mental state this is.

Shimizu Koji instantly strangled the thought in his heart.

If this guy Conan knew that he had killed someone, even if there was a reason, being targeted by him would be more troublesome than being targeted by the police.

The helicopter landed on the Suzuki Maru tarmac, and six people got off.

The lights here were turned on at this moment, and Koji Shimizu recognized two of the policemen who looked familiar.

Officer Megure, as well as Officer Takagi, who was often mentioned by the three young detective team, and a man in a suit with curly hair, whom Shimizu Koji did not recognize.

The rest were forensic personnel carrying luggage and wearing police uniforms.

"Officer Megure! We are waiting for you!"

Mouri Kogoro looked serious and stood at attention to salute, but he was not wearing a coat at the moment, just a short-sleeved shirt. He was shivering a little from the cold. While saluting, the sea breeze blew, and the tie on his chest was rolled up and smeared on him on the face.

Officer Memu held the hat on his head with a serious face, but when he saw this, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

"Really, why are there always cases happening wherever you are?"

After Officer Megure finished speaking, the surrounding police officers, and even Suzuki Shiro and Conan behind him, all showed awkward smiles.

"I think this should be God's will, haha."

Mouri Kogoro smiled awkwardly.

Officer Megure stopped paying attention to him and walked towards Suzuki Shiro. Then, Shiratori who followed him, the curly-haired policeman whom Shimizu Koji didn’t recognize, added lightly,

"It should be said that Mr. Mori is a god himself."


"It's Death."

Although it was a joke, Mouri Kogoro's face suddenly became a little ugly, and Shimizu Koji's eyes became quite strange when he heard this.

But he didn't feel weird about Mouri Kogoro, but looked at Conan beside him.

The two of them were standing at the back to make up their mind. The night was dark, so no one noticed them at this moment.

Of course, what Koji Shimizu didn't know was that Shiratori Rensaburo's eyes were completely surprised when he saw him and Conan.

Kaito is no longer unfamiliar with Conan, and is even wary of him.

For Shimizu Koji, Kuroba Kaito just has a feeling that he has seen and forgotten, familiar but unfamiliar.

But after passing each other, Kaito put these things behind him. He was now the perfect police officer Shiratori. Kuroba Kaito felt relaxed, pulled his tie, and followed Suzuki Shiro with high steps.

Are there cases everywhere you go?

grim Reaper--?

Koji Shimizu looked at the laughing Conan with strange eyes.

Having seen a lot of strange worlds, Koji Qingmizu took people's jokes a little seriously.

Because there are so many unreasonable things about Conan, but if you think about it carefully, the God of Death is still a bit out of place and ridiculous.

After receiving the call from the police, the group returned to the cabin again.

However, after arriving at the cabin, Shimizu Koji and Conan walked to the lounge together, and did not follow the police and Suzuki Shiro to investigate the scene.

Conan wanted to go to the scene, but Koji Shimizu grabbed him by the collar.

After Conan was stunned, he gave up struggling and followed him obediently.

Naturally, he has not forgotten the reminder from Koji Shimizu during the day. Although it will be difficult to talk about it after he said it, at least Conan still understands and cooperates.

It’s just that I’m a little unwilling.

"Qingshui, are you sure? Is it really just a temporary murder case?"

"What? What more complicated situation do you want? A secret room murder? From the cases you have solved, it seems that you like this type of case very much?"


Conan smiled coquettishly. There was nothing wrong with Koji Shimizu's words, but they sounded strange. What did he like about it? It was because the prisoners were all very smart, but he was just better at winning one move.

The two of them quickly walked to the door of the lounge without saying a few words. As soon as the door opened, Conan obediently shut his mouth and acted like a primary school student.

The atmosphere in the hall was quite heavy. Old housekeeper Sawabe was sitting next to the door. He was dressed in a black waiter's uniform. He looked very suitable for the occasion, like a funeral dress.

At this moment, more than two hours have passed. Except for Xiaolan, who still stayed in Heye's room to accompany him, everyone else gathered here.

Haibara Ai sat at the same table as Sonoko and Kasaka Natsumi. She was currently wearing a black knitted sweater, and she had obviously changed clothes.

She sat there quietly, her eyebrows lowered, as if she was a little worried, her spoon slowly stirring the steaming coffee, and a white dove standing on her shoulder, which made her look inexplicably elegant.

When Qingshui Koji and Conan walked in, Haibara Ai raised her head, and the dove on her shoulder also fluttered its wings. Although it was injured, it was only a dozen steps away, and it still landed smoothly on Qingshui Koji's body. On the right hand.

Everyone in the hall was attracted by the sudden sound, but when they saw it was Koji Shimizu, they all looked away.

Haiyuan Ai looked at Qingshui Koji's commanding right hand. Her eyes were stunned at first, and then her brows furrowed deeply, not hiding her suspicion.

Sonoko, who had always been active, seemed to be because he had seen Kazuya's injury or was sleepy. At this moment, he was slightly silent. When he saw Koji Shimizu coming in, he just waved.

"How is the situation with He Ye?"

Shimizu Koji and Conan sat on the sofa together. He sat next to Haibara Ai, Conan sat on the outside, and Sonoko and Kasaka Natsumi were opposite them.

Qingshui Koji's words broke the silence. Yuanzi thought Qingshui Koji was asking her, but Haihara Ai remained silent and did not speak.

"Some fever, but everything is fine, that is."

Sonoko was talking with a complicated expression when she suddenly discovered that opposite her, Haibara Ai suddenly started to pull up Koji Shimizu's clothes.

Of course, it's just the arms.

And the moment she made a move, Shimizu Koji noticed it, but still didn't stop her.

These had no effect now. When he saw the thin sweater that Haihara Ai had put on, he knew that she must have gone back to the room later.

It was impossible not to notice the holes and blood stains on his clothes.

The clothes he changed into before were just a casual round-neck jacket, which was very loose. Haihara Ai pushed up his sleeves without much effort, but he also carefully pushed up his sleeves.

When the gauze on the shoulders was exposed, whether it was Sonoko and Natsumi Kasaka on the opposite side, or the curious Conan and Haibara Ai who had expected it, they were inevitably startled.

"Koji!?" Sonoko exclaimed, her eyes showing worry.

Hui Yuan Ai's eyes trembled, and his little hands couldn't help but tremble a little.

He raised his little face and didn't say anything, just looking at Koji Shimizu closely.

Koji Shimizu didn't know why, but he really wanted to imagine that her eyes were looking at him as watery as Kazuya's before, and if that was the case, Koji Shimizu asked himself, it seemed that he really might not be able to stand that level of cuteness.

It's just that Haibara Ai can't be that cute, but there is indeed a look in her direct gaze that makes Koji Shimizu feel a little guilty.

"Qingshui, what are you doing?"

Conan took a breath, and Natsumi Kasaka also cast a concerned look.

"Don't be nervous, it's nothing serious, it's just a bite from a shark."

Shimizu Koji smiled slightly, and in a very calm tone, he said something that shocked everyone to the core.

"Shark, shark?!"


When he returned to the room to change clothes, Shimizu Koji also helped him treat and bandage his injuries.

But if he encounters a shark, if others don't take the initiative to ask about it, he won't take the initiative to tell it. After all, it's better to do less than to do more.

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