Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 233 A lot of truth mixed with a little bit of lies

In Samkawa Ryu's room, Mouri Kogoro, who had arrived belatedly, was now completely awake.

He was the last to arrive, but now he was staying alone in the room, inspecting the crime scene.

This is a detective, and most of the time, his control over the murder scene takes precedence over the law enforcement power of the police.

After carefully confirming and observing the body of Samkawalong, Mouri Kogoro stood up with a serious face and turned to the people surrounding the door with solemn eyes.

"President Suzuki, this is indeed a murder case. Please contact the police immediately."

He said something nonsense very seriously, but to the people present, it was not considered nonsense.

Because Koji Shimizu had only briefly explained a few words to Xiaolan and Conan before, others did not know the specific circumstances of the incident.

After receiving Mouri Kogoro's confirmation, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

Suzuki Shiro's face was also a little ugly, or he was afraid. The shooting happened on his boat, in the cabin where they were resting.

You know, he is very at ease in this cabin, and there are not even bodyguards or guards.

Because you have to board the Suzuki Maru, you have to go through strict inspections one after another. It is impossible that such a situation will happen again.

but now.

Suzuki Shiro's expression didn't change much, but in his heart, he had already made up his mind.

When he returns to Tokyo tomorrow, he will immediately eliminate and replace those responsible for security inspections.

Forget it if you can't guard against Kidd, you can't even check out the most basic guns, it's a bunch of rice bugs! !

This point actually means that the Suzuki family's heritage is not deep enough.

Most of their security staff are hired from outside and have no direct connections of their own.

Shiro Suzuki asked Masato Nishino to call the police. At this time, Koji Shimizu finally changed his clothes and appeared in the corridor belatedly.

Haibara Ai didn't follow. After Qingshui Koji gave her a brief explanation, he took her directly to He Ye's room and asked her to help He Ye check the situation.

"The murderer should be Miss Pu Siqinglan."

Qingmizu Koji spoke calmly, attracting the attention of everyone surrounding the door of the room.

His face was calm, even a little indifferent, and the old man standing in front of him subconsciously gave way to him.

Sonoko, who was surrounding the door of the room, was not affected by the murder scene at this time. Hearing the voice of Shimizu Koji, he immediately turned his head with eyes shining.

This made the originally calm Koji Shimizu pause subconsciously.

To be honest, if Sonoko was a little more reserved, she might be fine.

But Sonoko is too enthusiastic. Even Koji Shimizu will be frightened by her accidentally.

"Miss Qinglan?!"

"That researcher!?"

Kasaka Natsumi and Chinnikov immediately exclaimed.

Suzuki Shiro's expression changed, and Mouri Kogoro rushed out of the room quickly, "What?! Are you talking about Miss Qinglan?!"

Shimizu Koji looked around and found no trace of Conan, feeling a little confused.

But facing everyone's gaze, he nodded calmly and deeply.

Mouri Kogoro stared in shock, and subconsciously opened his mouth to refute the beauty. This was his usual style.

But facing Koji Shimizu, whose eyes were as clear as a lake and whose aura was somewhat intimidating, he finally chose to shut up and believe for the time being.

This is not Conan. If it were Conan, he would have already received a big red envelope.

That is because Shimizu Koji always has a kind of temperament that makes people convinced from the bottom of their hearts, so at this time, everyone calmed down and looked at him quietly, waiting for his explanation.

"About half an hour ago, I ate too much for dinner and felt a little uncomfortable in my stomach, so I walked on the deck for a walk alone."

"The wind was very strong, but I vaguely heard a few small 'ding' sounds below the deck, like the sound of metal hitting."

“I didn’t pay attention at first, but when I walked all the way to the edge of the deck and looked down—”

Shimizu Koji took a breath, and a hint of fear seemed to appear on his calm face, "I saw Miss Pu Siqinglan, jumped off the deck, and was picked up by a speedboat."

Everyone held their breath attentively. Although Koji Shimizu's narration did not have many modifiers, it did not affect the vivid pictures that emerged in their minds.

"I chased all the way down and saw some bullets on the stairs. I got to the railing of the lowest deck, and the boat almost disappeared from my sight. But I looked into the sea. At that time, he unexpectedly found He Ye struggling for help. "

"Nani?! Heye!? She, why would she?!"

Mouri Kogoro exclaimed, and the others had similar reactions.

Shimizu Koji raised his eyebrows slightly. It was understandable that Xiaolan was concerned, but Conan, who was responsible for informing the others, didn't know how he did it. These people didn't know anything about what just happened.

These are all preliminary settings that he has simply laid out, and now he has to explain them a second time.

It's not a big problem, but Conan is so unreliable, why is it getting more and more outrageous?

And, where is that guy?

In fact, Conan told Mouri Kogoro exactly what happened, and then ran to the deck to search for clues.

As for the current problem, it all comes down to Mouri Kogoro, who was still shocked even after hearing it for the second time.

"Heye, how is she with Heye!?!" Yuanzi asked quickly with a look of horror.

"She's fine. I rescued her. I just came here to change my clothes."

Koji Shimizu's tone was calm, as if he was just talking about an insignificant thing.

When Sonoko and the others heard this, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but when they came to their senses and looked at the calm-looking Koji Shimizu, their eyes couldn't help but have a bit of a strange color.

That's jumping into the sea to save people!

Speaking so easily and calmly, this boy——!

Although Chennikov was two meters tall, at this moment, looking at the upright figure of Koji Shimizu, inexplicably, he had some racial discrimination in his heart, but now he can't discriminate at all.

Even, I feel vaguely that I am a head shorter.

Because he didn't dare.

He would never dare to do it. No one knew how terrifying it was in the late night sea than he, who was once a sailor. It would take a lot of courage for ordinary people to just jump off the ten-meter-high deck.

And none of the people here have the decisiveness, courage, and strength to take action.

Shimizu Koji did not continue speaking. He walked slowly to the door of the room. Mouri Kogoro was stunned and quickly made way for him.

After walking a few steps in the room and pretending to take a look at the situation in the room, his eyes glanced at the body of Samkawa Ryu. Shimizu Koji directly looked away and continued to speak softly:

"It was Pu Siqinglan who forced He Ye to jump into the sea, and I was originally confused as to why He Ye was chased by Pu Siqinglan, but now that I think about it, 80% of the time it was because she accidentally broke into this murder case."

"As for the reason why Pu Siqinglan wanted to kill Mr. Hanchuan, I speculate that it is most likely because of his missing ring pendant."

As Koji Shimizu spoke, everyone's eyes followed his words and looked at the body of Hankawa Ryu.

In less than a minute, Koji Shimizu completely took over the scene.

"But due to the accidental collision with Ye, Miss Pu Siqinglan, who had no idea what her purpose was and pretended to be a scholar, was consciously exposed, so she did not dare to stay on the ship any longer."

After hearing Koji Shimizu's simple and reasonable inference, everyone nodded. Following Koji Shimizu's train of thought, they subconsciously felt like this: things should be like this.

But Koji Shimizu, even after just visiting the scene for a few glances, was able to keenly sense Pu Siqinglan's murder motive. This was definitely not a source of information brought about by chance encounters.

This was completely discovered by Shimizu Koji himself!

Everyone was deeply impressed by that ring, and many people even saw that Han Chuanlong was deliberately showing off.

It's not surprising that Koji Shimizu found such clues, but he beat them and Kogoro Mouri too much.

Even, for a moment, there was a strange illusion pervading everyone's minds - now, it seems that the police are of no use anymore, right?

Mouri Kogoro just looked at it carefully and seriously several times before finally confirming that it was a murder case.

But the little-known Koji Shimizu, just like when he first saw through the secret of the egg of memories, just took a few glances. After a while, even the murderer's motive for killing and escaping motive were deduced. An answer that should almost be the truth.

Here, who is the detective? !

The shock in everyone's hearts was hidden in their hearts. After Koji Shimizu's explanation and leaving Nishino Masato to guard Hankawa Ryu's room, they all rushed towards Kazuha's room.

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