Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 230 Stubborn persistence

For a while, He Ye didn't know what attitude to use to face Koji Qingshui.

She leaned against the bed and huddled under the quilt. She didn't dare to look at Qingshui Koji, her face was red, for various reasons, not just because Qingshui Koji's clothes were open.

She couldn't get angry, but at the same time she couldn't act like nothing happened.

While Heye was struggling in her heart, she didn't notice that Koji Shimizu had left the bed silently.

When the corner of her eye was blocked by someone's figure, Kazuo raised her little face blankly and saw Koji Shimizu holding a white towel and wrapping it around her still wet hair.

"Don't move, I'll wipe it for you."

So far, Shimizu Koji has only wiped Haihara Ai's hair once, and that was when she fainted.

Compared with Haibara Ai's short hair, He Ye's long hair is not so easy to wipe, and it requires at least twice the energy and patience.

"Qing, Qingshui, I, I will do it myself."

He Ye was stunned for a while, then hurriedly stretched out her hand to hold the towel above her head. Of course, she inevitably pressed Shimizu Koji's hand in the process, but after shrinking in panic, she pulled the corner of the towel again. .

Seeing this, Shimizu Koji was slightly silent, withdrew his hand and handed the towel to herself.

He sat on the edge of the bed and quietly watched He Ye wipe his hair.

What happened tonight was too sudden. Not to mention He Ye, who had walked on the border of life and death, even he himself still felt a vague sense of tension in his heart at this moment.

Intense fighting, blood boiling, heart speeding up, and blood vessels expanding are the physical instincts.

Qingshui Koji's brain was excited and clear, his thoughts were spinning, and he said in a deep voice: "He Ye, I may know why Pu Si Qinglan took action against you."

"Eh? Why, why?!"

After wiping her hair and putting the towel aside, He Ye Wenyan immediately raised her head, but as soon as she saw Qingshui Koji, her eyes trembled and she turned her gaze to the side.

Koji Shimizu didn't realize it. Although Kazuha was cute when she was shy and made people want to bully her, he was concentrating on making up white lies to deceive the girl at the moment and didn't want to bully her.

"Mr. Hanchuan is dead."


"Yes, I'm afraid it was Pu Siqinglan who killed him. I just went downstairs to investigate the situation and found that Mr. Hanchuan was dead in his room."

Koji Shimizu's eyes were sincere, and there was even a hint of confusion in his eyes that seemed a little scared at the moment.

Kazuye opened her eyes wide, covered her mouth, and did not dare to move. Before Shimizu Koji finished explaining, she had a vague guess.

"So, yes, Miss Qinglan thought I saw her——"


Qingshui Koji nodded with a heavy expression, "However, one thing that is certain is that Pu Si Qinglan is not simple, and he may have disguised his identity."

When He Ye heard this, his eyes were surprised, and then he woke up.

Yes, this is something that can be easily figured out. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why Pu Siqinglan, as a scholar, carries a gun.

"But now, she is dead, I killed her."

Qingshui Koji's voice changed. At the same time, he was also observing the changes in Kazuya's expression.

Although things were a bit troublesome now, he did not regret saving He Ye.

In other words, there is no regret in his dictionary.

Whatever comes to mind, do it.

And Heye's eyes flashed, and she subconsciously wanted to say something, but when the words came to her mouth, she was stunned and couldn't say anything.

Seeing this, Koji Shimizu couldn't help but frown.

Let's not talk about He Ye's psychological quality. There seems to be something wrong with this attitude.

The movements and demeanor of this vitality girl seemed to subconsciously believe that killing someone and saving her were completely different things.

In other words, Kazuha seems to have a resistance to murder that Koji Shimizu cannot understand? Girlish innocence?

Or some other emotion.

Anyway, this is definitely not what Koji Shimizu wants.

Such He Ye would sell him out accidentally, so he had to do some ideological work for her.

But we have to do ideological work for a girl like Kazuye who already has her own independent thoughts.

"Qingshui, I, I know, I know everything. Don't worry, I will definitely explain everything to the police!"

"You were in self-defense, no, no, you were trying to save me, but, but"

Heye's central processing unit seemed to be somewhat insufficient, and she was caught in a conflict of cognitive concepts.

It's not hard to hear that she was trying to find a reason to exonerate Koji Shimizu, but she obviously couldn't find one.

But Koji Shimizu didn't want to be involved at all, at least, he didn't want to be involved in the deaths of Urasi Qinglan and Hankawa Ryu.

It would be best not to let others know whether Pu Si Qinglan is dead or alive.

"He Ye."

Qingmizu Koji suddenly spoke up, interrupting He Ye's hesitation. His faint voice seemed like a cold stone cone, nailing what He Ye had not finished saying.

"Pu Si Qinglan is not dead."


"She took a boat that came to pick her up and fled the sea."

“You saw her murder Mr. Hanchuan, and then she was chased by her, and then she was forced to jump into the sea.

As for me, I was too full after dinner and went out for a walk. I unexpectedly discovered and rescued you. Therefore, I only saw Pu Siqinglan fleeing but did not kill her. "

In fact, if Kazuha had fainted at that time, Koji Shimizu wouldn't have had to go through so much trouble to perform the Grand Memory Reshaping Technique on her.

But unfortunately, Kazuye knew that after she fell into the water, he came down to save her, rescued her, and recovered his Masamune while still on the deck.

No matter which point it was, if Koji Shimizu had lied to her from the beginning and was not discovered immediately, afterward, when He Ye realized it, the problem might not have been a big problem, but would have become even bigger.

At this time, in front of Kazuya, Qingmizu Koji was holding her shoulders, his eyes fixed, and he looked at her closely.

Kazuye blinked and her eyes were a little dazed. She didn't expect Koji Shimizu to say that, nor did she expect that Koji Shimizu would suddenly do this.

She felt the heavy force on her shoulders. Although it didn't hurt, the weight was as clear and palpable as if Koji Shimizu risked his life to save her.

But with this heavy life-saving grace, there was an unavoidable cognitive conflict in her heart, that, that was murder!

Her father, Toyama Ginjiro, who is the chief of the criminal police, has taught her through words and deeds since childhood. Her childhood sweetheart Hattori Heiji always exudes the sense of justice of a detective.

And she herself has already developed a character that hates evil and is enthusiastic and kind.

That's a human life.

"If I didn't do that, you would be dead."

"He Ye, I don't want to be associated with the murder case. I'm just an ordinary high school student."

Shimizu Koji's words were undoubtedly a heavy blow to Kazuha.

He Yedai was stunned, and a little sparkle gradually oozed out of the corners of her eyes.

"I, I know, but, but--, I just want you, me, and us to be together."

She understands, but she is just like this, a young, inexperienced girl, childish and naive, yet stubborn and persistent.

What Kazuha couldn't accept the most was that Koji Shimizu killed someone to save her.

And Qingmizu Koji wanted to hide this kind of thing, which made her feel puzzled, confused, and even a little painful.

She wanted to face it with Koji Shimizu, because in her opinion, there was nothing wrong with them in this matter, definitely, definitely.

There will be a fair and just outcome.

"I killed Miss Qinglan! This way, I have nothing to do with you, Haoji!"

Heye suddenly changed his words, his eyes became watery, and there was a tear. His voice was very firm, but also filled with sadness that could not be concealed.

She didn't understand, didn't understand why Shimizu Koji had to choose to conceal the facts.

But she clearly felt Koji Shimizu's distrust of her.

It may also be due to distrust or resistance to the police and Japanese law.

But it doesn't matter who killed Pu Siqinglan, it doesn't matter at all.

However, the sense of justice that had grown up with her since she was a child, and her identity as the daughter of the Osaka Police Chief, did not allow her to lie and conceal the truth about murders.

It can be said that she is stubborn and naive, but now, she is just like He Ye.

Kazuya's eyes sparkled with tears, and it could even be said that the pear blossoms were raining with rain. Koji Shimizu didn't understand, and he couldn't understand her persistence.

He is already a person who is no longer bound by the laws and moral constraints of human society.

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