Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 229 Clean Heye

He also found anti-fever medicine for Kazuye and asked her to take it. After Koji Shimizu told her not to leave the room by herself, he left the room by himself.

Kazuya didn't ask a lot of questions, but the main thing was about the murder by Shimizu Koji. He was so shocked that he couldn't tolerate other thoughts.

She didn't know about Han Chuanlong's death, but even if she knew, it didn't affect her simple logical reasoning.

When she was in danger, Shimizu Koji discovered that in order to save her, in desperation, Shimizu Koji chose to kill the gun-wielding terrorist Pu Si Qinglan.

Therefore, the most that can trouble He Ye for the time being is why Pu Siqing Lan wants to attack her.

Shimizu Koji left, and the room suddenly became deserted and quiet.

"Ah sneeze——!"

Heye sneezed and his face became more and more rosy.

She quickly took off her wet clothes, and even though Koji Shimizu had turned on the heater for her, Kazuya still shivered the moment she took off her clothes.

The tips of the bamboo shoots were a little stiff from the cold, and He Ye glanced down subconsciously. Less than ten minutes had passed on the red fingerprints on his chest. Not to mention the faint pain, it was naturally clearly visible.

You can even see that because someone's palm is too big, the fingerprints of their fingers are imprinted in places where they shouldn't be.

He Ye's little face turned red all of a sudden. She shook her head, trying to get rid of these distracting thoughts, but her wet hair, with the salty smell of sea water, was thrown on her face, which made her very uncomfortable. On the contrary, it made her recall everything before more clearly.

While she threw the wet clothes on the ground, she reached out and grabbed the clothes on the quilt that Shimizu Koji helped her take out from her luggage before leaving.

Three times five times two times, He Ye will be dressed up again.

The frozen memory before she fell into coma was still lingering in her mind, but it was difficult for her to tell whether it was true or not.

Because Shimizu Koji doesn’t look like he was bitten by a shark at all.

He Ye recalled, suddenly reaching out and tapping his lips.

Logically speaking, she should be ashamed and angry, because Koji Shimizu never explained why her bra was missing.

But thinking of the cold and serious face of Koji Shimizu, it was difficult for Kazuha to connect him with the word "deliberate".

Koji Shimizu is very serious about saving her.

Following the same pattern, Heye changed into a short skirt on the bed, but her hair was wet and smelly, which she couldn't stand.

Although there was an injury on her leg and she also had a fever, her mobility had indeed recovered a lot at this moment.

Gritting his teeth, Heye stood up on the bed and walked to the bathroom.

Just wipe your hair.


Qingmizu Koji walked out of Kazuya's room. He did not leave directly, but stayed at the door of the room.

He just needs some space and time to think, and also to give Heye some time to buffer.

He stretched out his hand and pulled open his sleeve. His right arm was bitten by the shark. Unexpectedly but reasonably, the injury was not serious, just the flesh was bitten.

The physical strength of people in this world is not very scientific, so for Koji Shimizu, the pain is not very strong, and it does not affect his activities.

Although blood was still flowing out slowly, Shimizu Koji could clearly feel that his wound was healing.

This feeling is a bit strange, but it does exist. Perhaps it is the more detailed observation ability brought about by his Sharingan breakthrough?

Shimizu Koji is not sure yet.

Touching the tattered sleeve on his arm and looking at the blood stains on it, he still didn't have time to study his Sharingan carefully.

The current situation is complicated. After all, it happened suddenly and left many traces on him, He Ye and Pu Siqinglan.

Although it may be possible to process the matter and explain it to others without much problem. Because Pu Siqinglan didn't look like a good person at first glance, but it would be very troublesome to investigate like that, and it involved murder. Koji Shimizu didn't want to expose himself to the police's sight.

He has never been a person who likes to be in a passive position, but if he wants to completely smooth things over, Han Chuanlong's room can no longer be treated as nothing happened just by destroying the corpse and removing all traces.

Shimizu Koji carefully considered all the previous details in his mind.

From the perspective of him being the perpetrator, the victim was Pu Siqinglan, but she had already thrown her into the sea with her gun, and the blood stains and traces on the deck had been wiped away.

In addition, this sea area is also an area where sharks are active, as well as Suzuki Maru's sailing speed and the case that will not break out until tomorrow morning at the earliest, there are many places where he can operate, and he does not need to worry too much.

So now, the only thing he should care about is the witness, He Ye.

Qingshui Koji frowned slightly. It wasn't that he didn't trust Heye, but he just didn't think that Heye, who had suffered a gunshot wound, could hide tonight's events seamlessly with the cooperation of the police and detectives.

Oh, and there’s also Xiao Ai’s side

Qingshui Koji suddenly remembered it again, and he hurriedly came out of the room. No matter how stupid Haihara Ai was afterwards, he still thought that the matter had something to do with him.

But he is not afraid of this. Hui Yuan Ai is not stupid, but smart enough, and he is one of his own in the true sense.

When he got back in the evening, he gave a rough explanation and found that the problem was not big.

Qingmizu Koji stood at the door, frowning and thinking, but suddenly, his ears moved, and there was an exclamation in the room, accompanied by the sound of heavy objects falling.

With a bad feeling, Koji Shimizu turned around and pushed the door open.

In the room, Kazuha on the bed disappeared, but it was not difficult for Shimizu Koji to find that the light in the bathroom, which was not turned on, was now brightly on.

After closing the door, Shimizu Koji walked quickly to the bathroom. The door was half open. In front of the sink, Kazuha fell to the ground, with a face full of grievance and pain.

The moment she saw Shimizu Koji appear, she was obviously panicked. Although she was now well dressed, she subconsciously felt as if she was exposed to Shimizu Koji's eyes without wearing anything.

"Why did you run down?"

Shimizu Koji walked into the bathroom and squatted down to help her up.

But what he didn't expect was, or even what Kazuha had forgotten was-


Kazuha blushed instantly, burst out with strength, and pressed down the hem of her skirt. Shimizu Koji's action of reaching out to help her up also paused.

The instantaneous glimpse made him a little stunned.

So clean, white and tender.

Just like an elementary school student.

Pah! What are you thinking about? !

Kouji Shimizu blushed for a rare time. Facing He Ye's dodging, which seemed to be angry but not able to speak, he still chose to reach out and hold her up.

"Why did you come down?"

"My hair was too wet, so I wanted to come over and wipe it with a towel, and I accidentally..."

He Ye was held up by Shimizu Koji from under his ribs, and was very close to him, but even though she was extremely ashamed and angry at the moment, it was impossible for her to push Shimizu Koji away.

She could only try to avoid recalling what happened just now, even though the bottom of her skirt was still a little cold.

Kouji Shimizu prepared clothes for her, but he forgot to prepare underwear for her.

But there was originally, but it was also completely soaked by the sea water. After entering the bathroom, He Ye thought about it and took it off.

She originally planned to finish drying her hair later, then go back to the room to get her underwear from her luggage and put it on, but she accidentally fell to the ground. She thought that Shimizu Koji, who was supposed to go out to investigate or do something, actually appeared in front of her again after hearing the sound.

As soon as Shimizu Koji squatted down, they both found something wrong at the same time.

He helped Heye back to her bed, and as soon as Heye got on the bed, she slipped out, and her legs instantly got into the quilt.

She was wearing a round-neck long-sleeved knitted sweater, which was close to her body. Shimizu Koji glanced at it and also looked away.

Heye looked down and her already feverish face became even redder. She pulled the quilt over her upper body again.

In the short silence, Shimizu Koji's thoughts were actually a little messy.

If you don't count the accident with Huiyuan Ai at the beginning, it seems that many of his precious firsts were taken away by Heye tonight for no reason.

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