Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 202 Cheers

"Phew - I finally left. I don't know why I came here. My sister usually doesn't take the initiative to introduce these people to me. I'm exhausted from laughing."

As soon as the person left, Sonoko's shoulders slumped, and his hands naturally let go of Shimizu Koji's arms.

She was instantly discouraged, and seemed to have completely forgotten about Ooka Hongye, because she had no reason not to forget.

In that situation, she actually made that move without thinking.

Although Sonoko could give herself an explanation, for example, at the Suzuki family party, Ooka and Ye wanted to steal her male partner, so it was natural for her to stand up and defend them.

But the explanation is a cover-up, and the cover-up is the fact, her wolfish ambition.

Well, well, it was almost exposed even before the banquet started (sad)! !

Haibara Ai didn't have any additional reaction, and she didn't plan to ask Qingshui Koji anything here, but she had already made up her mind to interrogate Qingshui Koji properly when she returned to the hotel in the evening.

As for the reason, it’s just curiosity, isn’t it?

Watching the group of people go away, Qingshui Koji also withdrew his gaze.

His mood has not been much disturbed, because in his opinion, although the episode brought about by Ooka Momiji is surprising, Ooka Momiji itself is also rational enough.

As soon as he said the words, Ooka Hongye took the initiative to leave. She was less charming and cute than three years ago, and she had grown into a young lady with a good personality.

Ooka Momiji left, Mitsubishi Suihiko also left, Suzuki Ayako and the others also left.

Because they were unexpected guests, this party had nothing to do with Koji Shimizu.

Looking back, Sonoko was wearing a pale pink dress. Coupled with the way she immediately "bowed her head and shyly" (actually embarrassed) when she saw Koji Shimizu turning around, she suddenly looked much more girlish.


Sonoko smiled coquettishly. After being discouraged, she still couldn't break the pot when facing Koji Shimizu. She felt embarrassed, but she still took the initiative to say hello to Koji Shimizu.

Facing Sonoko, although she is blushing now and has a shy attitude of refusing to welcome her, but based on her usual behavior, especially what happened before, it is really difficult for Koji Shimizu to treat her as an ordinary girl.

Shimizu Koji nodded and glanced at Haihara Ai. She was holding the cake as if nothing had happened.

"Sonoko, do you want some cake?"

Shimizu Koji also felt that the atmosphere was suddenly a little embarrassing, but he was not embarrassed himself, but a little worried that Sonoko would continue to be embarrassed.

However, Yuanzi followed Qingshui Koji's words and glanced at the cake in Haihara Ai's hand, but did not dare to face Qingshui Koji directly.

The embarrassment after the show was clearly reflected in her body and now.

Moreover, as long as she thought that her crazy hey hey just now was heard by Shimizu Koji and even Haibara Ai, she wanted to dig a crack in the ground and crawl in.

Speaking of which, the confrontation with Ooka Momiji actually helped her relieve a wave of stress.

Otherwise, she still doesn't know how to face Koji Shimizu, and maybe she will have to go to the bathroom again in a few minutes.

So Sonoko didn't say anything and just nodded lightly. Seeing this, Koji Shimizu didn't ask much, turned around and helped her cut a small piece of cake.

As a temporary male companion, if Haibara Ai is not here tonight, he will be alone with Sonoko, and then say hello to the friends of the Suzuki family, the upper class people here. When accepting this "task", Shimizu Koji I was already prepared in my heart.

At least, he would take care of Yuanzi a little and take care of her emotions, not to mention such an embarrassing thing happened.

Fortunately, Sonoko was not allowed to continue to be embarrassed when she was free. Although Suzuki Ayako and her group left, there were also friends of her own age at the banquet, both men and women.

Shimizu Koji's role came out, and Sonoko, also under Haibara's silent gaze, naturally stood together with Shimizu Koji and greeted the men and women who came to greet them.

Most of them are young masters and young ladies of a certain chaebol. Anyway, there is no simple one.

When Sonoko ran out of things to talk, she would take the initiative to introduce them to Koji Shimizu and Ai Haihara.

After some daily socializing at the banquet, soothing music gradually sounded in the banquet hall, and no one bothered them anymore.

Because most people's attention was focused on the party performances arranged by the Suzuki family and the more atmospheric dance party.

But in all this, Qingmizu Koji and Haibara Ai will definitely not participate in it anymore, and Sonoko will naturally stay on the sidelines of the banquet hall with them.

A few people were at the place where the dining car was placed, admiring the party from a distance.

"Would you like something to drink? Xiao Ai, Yuanzi."

After watching for a while, Shimizu Koji felt a little bored and thirsty. He turned his head and glanced at the drink table not far away and asked casually.

There was no theme for tonight's banquet, and there was no need for Yuanzi and him to appear on stage. If someone didn't come over to say hello from time to time, it would actually be quite relaxing.

It's equivalent to just changing to a place with a better environment to chat.

"Huh? I just want orange juice. Over there, let's go there together."

Sonoko was a little surprised when she heard Koji Shimizu's words, but she immediately gave her answer.

She originally felt that Shimizu Koji had become easier to get along with, but she didn't have much contact before. Now, hearing that Shimizu Koji would take the initiative to ask her what to drink, this kind of detail made her understand even more. Deep feelings.

However, she attributed this change to Tsukamoto Sumi.

Because no matter how you look at it, the former Koji Shimizu was not like a boy who would take the initiative to take care of others.

Sure enough, dating really changes people a lot. I’m so envious.

Haibara Ai subconsciously wanted to say coffee, but finally followed Sonoko's gaze and nodded and chose orange juice.

"Hey, Koji-kun, thank you for being my best man today, cheers~"


Shimizu Koji touched Sonoko, his face was calm, and he was still out of tune with the lively atmosphere of this banquet hall wearing a black high-end dress.

But here in the deserted corner, he looked peerless and independent, and Sonoko's eyes couldn't help but shine with starlight. At the same time, she was recalling the feeling of holding Shimizu Koji in her heart just now.

After clinking glasses with Sonoko, Shimizu Koji was not in a hurry to drink. Instead, under Sonoko's curious gaze, he bent down slightly and handed the glass in his hand to Haibara Ai.

Hui Yuan Ai was stunned for a moment, raised her head slightly and glanced at his face, then withdrew her gaze and looked straight ahead.

Her little face, which had always been cold, showed no change. There was just a subtle curl of the corner of her mouth, a slight snort, and she stretched out her hand to raise the cup.




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