Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 201 Shimizu Koji’s signature

He has a girlfriend, but this Suzuki Sonoko is not his girlfriend.

Ooka Momiji's face was startled, and when she heard Koji Shimizu talking about 'past things', her eyes couldn't help but become moved.

Sure enough, he remembered them all! Finally, admitted!

"Ms. Ooka, I think you just misunderstood your feelings and didn't think it through clearly. I hope you can calm down and think about it carefully again."

Shimizu Koji couldn't help but paused when he saw the change in Ooka Momiji's eyes.

"And if you, Miss Ooka, can think clearly, then we can get to know each other again and become friends."

After thinking carefully, no, no need to think carefully, just thinking about it casually, combined with Ooka Momiji's identity and age, Shimizu Koji quickly got an answer that he thought was reasonable.

It is easy to understand that a young man admires his love and a young girl loves his spring.

Ooka Momiji probably confused her gratitude towards him with the so-called liking and love, and it was quite normal for a wealthy young lady who had lived in a boudoir for a long time to have such a situation.

All this now seems reasonable.

Therefore, Shimizu Koji rejected her without hesitation.

The communication between the two was as elusive as a riddle to outsiders, even Haibara Ai, who thought she knew Shimizu Koji very well at this time.

But it's easy to figure out that it probably happened earlier than she knew Koji Shimizu.

Ooka Hongye's eyes flashed, he was stunned for a moment, and then softened.

With some understanding that Qingmizu Koji couldn't understand.

She naturally raised her hand and wiped away the crystal that could not help seeping out of the corners of her eyes, but her smile was soft and peaceful.

"I understand." Ooka Hongye's eyes and tone were very serious.

But what she thought was completely different from what Qingmizu Koji thought.

In the red leaves all over the mountain, we meet in old dreams.

This is the verse in the second sign of Qingshui.

Before the third encounter at this banquet, Ooka Momiji didn't actually pay much attention or think too much.

But now, she understood everything, in every sense of the word.

This is their fateful encounter.

Three years ago, in the courtyard with falling cherry blossoms, her mother lied to her, and she must have sent someone to warn Koji Shimizu, just like in many movies and TV dramas. Now, after receiving Koji Shimizu's response, Ooka Momiji has been convinced. .

Maybe not necessarily that way, but that doesn't matter anymore.

Three years later, during the season when the mountains were covered with red leaves, the strings of fate struck again.

After the sudden encounter, Qingshui Koji must have recognized her at noon, but Qingshui Koji had changed too much and did not speak, so she failed to recognize him.

And then, with the strength of Koji Shimizu, he discovered that she was in danger, so he followed her all the way and saved her again in a critical moment.

But, for some reason, he is unwilling or unable to recognize her now.

What's more, the time is not right, and the venue is not right either.

This can't be blamed on Ooka Hongye for thinking this way, because her mother's deception has become the ultimate solution to all unreasonable problems in her heart today.

Therefore, she was very determined just now and had no intention of asking Shimizu Koji anymore. She just stayed here and strengthened her heart towards the people around her, or in other words, towards herself and towards the world.

"I'm sorry for causing trouble to you. I will think about it carefully. Then I will leave tonight."

"Oh, by the way, can you tell me your name?"

"Kouji Shimizu."

Ooka Hongye nodded, put away his emotions, smiled lightly, bowed and left calmly.

Comes like the wind and leaves without a trace.

Even if her crying stops, her elegance will never go out of style.


In the end, Ooka Momiji did not explain anything to everyone, but just glanced at Shisubing Akihiko before leaving.

Shizuhiko's hand covered his brother's mouth harder, because this was no longer as simple as Suzuki Sonoko's friend.

Although the Ooka family may not be as good as the Suzuki family in terms of financial resources, in terms of real strength, the two families are equally matched. In fact, the Ooka family is even better.

And Ooka Momiji’s so-called husband

What is going on with this boy?

Ooka Momiji left, but Sonoko still held Shimizu Koji's arm and didn't let go.

Although Mitsubishi Suihiko's family is very powerful, the Mitsubishi Consortium is not a family consortium like Suzuki and Ooka.

At this moment, even if it was just Ooka Momiji's actions alone, Mitsubishi Suihiko was actually already thinking about how to get down the stairs.

Not to mention the acquaintance between the Suzuki sisters and Shimizu Koji shown later, which made him even more dizzy and sweaty.

Shizui Akihiko didn't mean to be humbled by this, nor was he afraid. It was just that there was no need, no big deal, this was not his biological brother.

There is absolutely no need for him to offend the eldest ladies of Suzuki and Ooka at the same time for such a trivial matter.

The siblings Mitsui Payne and Mitsui Fuyuki actually came together with Ooka Momiji. Now if I have to say who is the most shocked, it is undoubtedly the two of them.

However, the Mitsui family and the Ooka family have no business dealings and no interest in each other. They are just friends who simply know each other, nothing more.

Suzuki Ayako watched in surprise as Ooka's red leaves drifted away. She did not expect that the matter would suddenly be solved in such a simple way.

She looked away and found that everyone had not come back to their senses. She coughed lightly, breaking the short silence.

"Ahem, since what happened just now is a misunderstanding, don't worry about it. Sonoko, Mr. Qingshui, let me introduce you to each other."

Everyone came back to their senses, even Shishizu Akihiko, and smiled kindly at Shimizu Koji and Sonoko.

Sonoko came back to her senses at this moment, and still held Shimizu Koji's arm tightly, because if she let go now, she would be even more embarrassed.

Especially under her sister's inexplicable gaze, Yuanzi suddenly wanted to become a carefree ostrich, but she had no choice but to raise her head and smile.

As for Haibara Ai, she was too small. If Koji Qingmizu hadn't held her hand again, no one would have noticed her.

"This is Mitsui Payne, the eldest son of the Mitsui Consortium, which mainly operates in the field of heavy industry. This is his sister, Mitsui Fuyutsuki."

Suzuki Ayako began to introduce each other to everyone from far away.

Yuanzi was not in a calm mood, and everyone could see it. The Mitsui brothers and sisters did not say hello anymore, but just nodded.

As for Shimizu Koji, he was fine. It was natural. Ooka's red leaves came and went quickly, so he didn't take it to heart. As for the subtle looks of these people, there was no discrimination, just envy one after another, and it didn't affect them. He what.

Qingmizu Koji just held Haihara Ai's hand a little harder than before, because this awkward guy was trying hard to pull away.

"This is Mr. Muto, the second son of the Osaka Muto Foundation."

"Good evening, Miss Yuanzi, Mr. Qingshui."

"Good evening"


"This is Mr. Instinct Daji of the Benyuan Group." This is a bald young man, who is quite eye-catching.

"And this is Miss Natsue Emotomoto, the heir to the Tokyo Emoto Foundation."

"And the last one, the eldest son of Mitsubishi Bank, the Mitsubishi consortium that mainly operates in the financial field, and his younger brothers, Mitsubishi Akihiko and Mitsubishi Machi."

At the end of Suzuki Ayako's introduction, Shitsubo Akihiko smiled slightly, nodded, greeted Koji Shimizu and Sonoko, and took the initiative to pull his brother out of the queue.

"Sorry, my brother is still young and may have been a little offended just now. I apologize to Mr. Qingshui on his behalf."

After speaking with a gentle smile, Shisubing Akihiko bowed slightly.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person, and Shimizu Koji is too lazy to argue with him. On this occasion, he is giving face to the Suzuki family.

"It's okay, you're welcome."

At this moment, no one, not even Mitsui Payne, who had deliberately brought everyone here in the first place, did not take the opportunity to ridicule Shiling Mingyan, even if they were enemies.

And this also makes the atmosphere more harmonious.

After a few simple polite conversations, Suzuki Ayako took the initiative to stand up and took the initiative to take a group of people and say goodbye to Shimizu Koji Sonoko and the other three.

No one had any objections to this. After all, it was an accident that they came here. They and Yuanzi were not in the same age group.

However, those young ladies of the consortium have probably already remembered Koji Shimizu in their hearts.

In addition, there were those who were watching from a distance just now, but they must be even more confused about Shimizu Koji and did not have that much energy to investigate.

At most, it's just an anecdote for future jokes.

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