Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 955: Finalize Will Smith

All the procedures required in the previous period have been completed, and the issuing company, Paramount, has also been discussed.

Everything is ready, just to start filming, all related matters have been carried out step by step. Chen Hao has edited, directed, and performed new movies that follow the Hollywood system completely, so the title has its unique influence.

Everything is strictly in accordance with the process here. Since you want to play, you must follow the rules of others, and simply compete for an Oscar best foreign language film, which is not what Chen Hao wants.

This is the first good news, and the other good news is that after some people's introduction and intermediate negotiations, Will Smith said that he wanted to sit down with Chen Hao and talked about it. He was very interested in the script, and also said that The pay can be seen in detail.

Five million, really few.

On the side of Denzel Washington, I had made contact with him many times, and I saw him once. The agent didn't talk about it at all. The intention of paying five million yuan was not recognized by the other party, and I felt it was an insult to Denzel Washington. The actor's opinion cannot be the dominant one, and that's almost impossible on Denzel Washington.

If you can sit down and talk, things will become more than half, so Chen Hao is very happy. He is not indispensable, but these two are indeed the most suitable at present, and they have a strong publicity effect. Had it not been for this propaganda effect, Chen Hao had not planned to pull out five million.

The good news followed, making Chen Hao particularly happy, inviting the crew of the whole crew to have a party, asking everyone to have a big meal, and the half-day of rest gave everyone a truly relaxing holiday. Before he joined the group, his film was a lot worse. During this period of time, he was shooting effectively in the crew every day, and his progress has been chased back. In order to show his sincerity, he took a leave from the crew and flew directly to Melmy and Will Smith. The family is on holiday here.

He didn't expect that he had just talked to the audience, and the next day I saw MOUSE, which is so hot that all artists are jealous.

The two sides have something in common. They did n’t meet each other and they had a good impression. They were first singers and then turned to actors. The two sides met in Will Smith ’s seaside villa here. He did n’t think Chen Hao was in a hurry. No one is stupid enough to negotiate like this. He is more willing to believe that the other party's sincerity is full, so he also chose a very sincere way of meeting, asking a stranger to his own home, and fully showing his sincerity. .

"Wow, MOUSE, your height is definitely false."

Will Smith's 6-foot-2 inch height is nothing to fake. He is 188 cm tall. When he saw Chen Hao shaking hands and simply hugging, he found that Chen Hao, who had officially reported 183 cm, had nothing to do with himself. It seems that there is a gap of five centimeters. In fact, these five centimeters are just a reflection of the standing position of the two sides or some visual difference. Will Smith is just a questioning tone to bring the distance closer to each other. The black movie star is undoubtedly A person with very high emotional intelligence.

When Chen Hao came, he also made preparations. He learned that at home, someone specially selected gifts for his family on the road. Before the two sides met, they left a very good impression on each other and had a relatively good one. Basis of negotiations.

Will Smith's agent was also there, but he didn't mean to stay. After a brief chat, he went to the yard to help Will's family prepare barbecue ingredients for dinner, giving him the greatest freedom.

Chen Hao also understands that now he only needs to negotiate with the person in front of him, and the matter has become clear. People have already made clear their attitudes-you are full of sincerity, I am very interested, and the false ones are not used, and sometimes the negotiation skills There is no value, sincerity is the most valuable.

Taking a sip of coffee, Chen Hao looked away from Will Smith's body, but looked through the window of the study, looking at a busy family outside, feeling the comfort of a little afternoon sunlight on his body.

Speaking the first sentence, straight into the heart: "Andy's role is male number one, Rhett is not necessarily male number two, go to the Oscar to judge, who can get it, according to their ability."

Will Smith's body was sitting tight and taut. He never imagined that the other party dared to be so bold, it was really young and mad, and he was really a bold artist. He dared to let everything go. This film is my Oscar battle. The two of us can compete in the throne of the film emperor. This is equivalent to indirectly acknowledging one thing. This script is actually a dual-core. Of course, Andy is the undisputed male number one, but Rhett played well, and Andy may also be in the male. The protagonist can't sit in the position of others.

The second sentence is still sharp: "I have more choices and choose to find you. I want to accept greater challenges. I also want to break through myself in the competition. I also want to make use of your reputation. Some free publicity, otherwise I do n’t even want to pay 5 million for this film.

Will Smith nodded. Of course, he and his team knew that this was not a crazy box office movie. There were no beauties, no special effects, no action scenes, and the elements needed in those commercial films. None in this film. His nod was Chen Hao's openness and honesty. What I was looking for was to use your fame for propaganda. This also means that you have joined in. We will do the propaganda together.

"You are really embarrassed. With your appeal, this film received an investment of 100 million yuan. There is no problem. I have read the script and got a prize. The box office is enough to support the investment without losing money. , Uh, please forgive me for taking out the box office of Huaxia. I think now that people who want to find you in the world will take this issue into consideration. That is a huge market. I have seen the data of Huaxia box office. It's scary. "Will Smith also spoke.

Chen Hao spread his hand: "That's why I dare to ask you for five million. Come to this show. You will have a wider market and fans in Huaxia. Your joining will also make us a film. The publicity in the early stage and even the later stage saves a lot of money, as long as you throw in the performances of 5 million and 3 million pieces in the early stage.

Will Smith laughed. After a short period of negotiation, he felt right, and his attitude became more casual. In his heart, promises to participate were just a few words: "You are one of the investors Three million is just a left-to-right hand. I only have five million on my side. I think my agent and agency will be very dissatisfied. "

Chen Hao smiled brightly: "Will, I think we should shake hands now, and then go to the beach to swim together. In the evening, you invited me to taste your craft."

Will Smith also laughed, with a bit of helpless bitterness in the smile: "Well, I admit that it is a very stupid thing to negotiate with you." Then, standing up, reaching out, two big hands were held Together, another collaboration that can make headlines in the world entertainment world was born.

Five million is just a guise. This price is definitely not to come to Will Smith, even the friendly price. He and his team fancy the huge market behind this movie and Chen Hao's personal money. Want to make money, cooperate with Chen Hao and rely on the huge market of Huaxia. You can make enough money by going there. Take a look at Kristen Stewart. That is the best example. Not only make money in Huaxia, but also get large quantities. Supported by fans, I got the Asian endorsement of Chanel's perfume series directly after returning. The most important thing is the Chinese movie market, which can indirectly affect Hollywood's assessment of artist level.

In addition, the script itself is unprecedentedly attractive to Will. He wanted to challenge him. The male No. 2 was uncomfortable. When Chen Hao said the first sentence, he was impressed. The other party was an investor. , Self-directed, self-directed, and surely still the most powerful producer, now this is tantamount to promising that the role of Rhett in the script will not be cut and compressed to any extent. Who is the male number one, when we filmed, we really See the true chapter of Kung Fu, you played well, even if I hang the name of the male number one, really after the screening, the audience's eyes are clear.

In less than twenty minutes before and after, Chen Hao and Will Smith stepped out of the study room. Will faced his agent, helplessly spreading his hands, knowing nothing about the other party, he was persuaded, and the two sides reached Cooperation ~ ~ and on the condition that MOUSE originally opened it.

"Oh man, I said that MOUSE is a eloquent person. It seems you haven't won anything for yourself." The agent came to shake hands with Chen Hao. When shaking hands, he looked at Wei Here, there is a kind of good joke in my tone. The two sides have decided to cooperate, and the friendly transfer is one thing that the team members on both sides know how to operate.

"MOUSE, take a lap?" Will Smith raised his head deliberately, pointed to the seaside not far away, and ran to the sea to swim, even in the offshore area, it was a difficult challenge. , Technology, physical fitness, courage ...

Chen Hao deliberately exaggerated: "Will, you really don't know me. If I were you, I would choose to open the computer now and search my information."

This afternoon is destined to be an afternoon when Will Smith's confidence is lost. After returning his head, the agent handed in the most detailed information. Chen Hao, who he knew in the past, was working. Now these materials are relatively living. Here, Many times emphasize that MOUSE is a powerful man.

Will Smith has learned that this afternoon is not only swimming, but also skateboarding, he has seen what is called 'invincible'.

"My barbecue is very ..." The "stick" behind Will didn't say it. The material in the show is Chen Hao's information in the program. People who live in the wild can cook delicious meals. I want to It's impossible to get back from the barbecue side. These materials made him have a keen interest in all of them. Tonight, we will see how he performs in the show.

His agent made a joke: "Will, fortunately you didn't say you practice boxing on weekdays ..."

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