Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 954: Start the life of being chased

Chen Hao prepared some food for his status in the crew, let alone more than seven in the morning, it was late at night, and someone who wanted to eat would get him the first time.

As a super big coffee, Chen Hao has always maintained the modest humility in the crew, there is always no specialization, but it makes people feel uneasy, and occasionally do something similar, everyone thinks it is normal.

A saint, an ordinary person, or the latter looks more earthly.

The four apprentices lively control the rhythm in the live broadcast room. They are all mature anchors, and there is no need to worry that this number is too much to control. Master is sitting there. All they need to do is fully exert their strength. .

There are many ways to draw a lottery. There are lotteries every few minutes, ten people, five posters, five other gifts. Although the live broadcast room with millions as the unit, the probability of winning ten times is very high. Low, everyone ’s enthusiasm is extremely high. The field control management of the studio over Meicheng constantly pulls the winning visitors to the special subchannel below, and confirms the statistics of the other party.

A large fruit plate, a bag of plastic dried fruit snacks, some burger fries and fried chicken.

Lowering the position of the camera can take care of the food on the table. Chen Hao also saw some English typing information on the public screen. Although it is not much, it can form a wavelet rhythm. If the anchor watched it carefully, he could still be on the public screen. See this information on.

"It's still morning, it's not fair, we hope MOUSE can broadcast live at night."

Chen Hao didn't pretend to be invisible: "I went to the studio at 9:30 and can broadcast live for more than an hour. Now it is evening in China. Fans of Huaxia are very happy. In order to take care of everyone, if there is time in the evening tomorrow time I will broadcast live, and if the domestic audience can't see it in the morning, we will upload the live video as soon as possible. "

As an entertainer, idol entertainer, sometimes it is a nanny who has to work hard, and all of you are given to you by these people, so you can't have any complaints about them, they will hold you on the altar, you also have to Give them their greatest tolerance and care.

The early morning live broadcast was very successful, and Chen Hao also enjoyed it. It felt that when I was with Xiaodi, I was most filling. The biggest reason for Xiaodi ’s fitness is not to say that the woman is for beauty, but for You can eat special foods. In order to enjoy the taste of delicious food, she would rather grit her teeth and continuously burn out the negative energy that is harmful to the body.

There is no Xiaodi eating while watching a movie and playing a game together. In front of the live broadcast room close to 4 million people, so many people watching themselves eat and feel very good.

Chen Hao, like hamburger fries and fried chicken, does n’t like it. He likes dried fruit and delicious fruits. He sits and eats it. Everyone looks at it. It makes him feel a little bit wrong, but everyone ’s enthusiasm is really high. They all feel good about what idols do. As long as they can see where the idols are different, they are easy to satisfy.

The checkout speed of the magazine is very fast. Chen Hao is ready to go to the studio after the live broadcast. The magazine has divided the sale of the boutique limited edition posters directly to his account. The increase in the number is now somewhat immune.

I painted in North America and accumulated a total of $ 360 million at the box office. After arriving at the studio, everyone congratulated them. The Chinese movie is still being released, and it has exceeded 3 billion. Ten million box office.

Many people on the crew side also got the news that the online limited edition posters were sold out. At this time, they looked at Chen Hao's eyes and were full of worship. We may be envious of the achievements you have created, but then The real numbers of money are there, and everyone ca n’t help but worship. The lethality of money is infinite, and its appeal to everyone is infinite. How big is MOUSE, less than 30 years old, and they have created it. Hundreds of millions of people, thinking of this, everyone will have some more or less frustration, at the same time, there is a little more respect in the worshiping eyes.

Nina Dobrev was putting on makeup, and when she saw Chen Hao, the previous enthusiasm in her eyes was even more fierce, but this ferocity never dared to let go, but converged as much as possible and hid deep in the eyes.

Nina Dobrev also knew Chen Hao's strength, and she did not let down the two grandchildren. She had a strong background in the Chinese community. The first season was hot, and she went to Huaxia again and witnessed this. The strength of a man, when his agent is conducting business negotiations in Huaxia, just under the banner of Chen Hao, there is a lot of trouble and a lot of things, not to mention trouble in a public event, a The phone call to Chen Hao, not only was all right in less than 20 minutes, the other party also came to apologize to himself.

Restarting cooperation, Nina began to change her strategy. She also learned about the relationship between Chen Hao's fiancee, and then she changed her strategy, worked hard, and took the best form to play a good role. After getting the recognition and respect of the other party in the work, I have as much private contact as possible.

She is confident in her appearance and strength. Now even if your MOUSE is a stubborn rock, I will surely wear it in the end. Any man who wants to resist a beautiful woman who is gentle to you is almost impossible.

"Let's look at each other and connect with yesterday's drama. Is there any place to dress and dress?" Nina put on her makeup and went to Chen Hao. She pointed to the clothes he was wearing and signaled that when shooting yesterday, Michael's clothes There was a sweat stain. The area of ​​that sweat stain today is smaller than yesterday.

"Well, you are a bit too pretty today." Chen Hao looked at Nina, this beautiful recognition is sincere.

Nina stunned, and immediately understood what the other party meant, showing an apologetic smile: "Yeah, the status of the character now seems better without makeup."

Chen Hao looked at Nina standing behind herself through the mirror and gave a thumbs up: "I hired a team of Chinese chefs. Starting today, we can eat Chinese vegetables anytime, anywhere."

In a crew, everyone wanted to benefit from the relationship. After the opponent's offensive situation changed, Chen Hao also changed his attitude. No one wanted to cooperate with each other awkwardly.

Nina smiled: "That's great, I like to eat, pot-bag-meat!" I went to learn Huaxia every word, and looked very cute.

Since Chen Hao brought Chinese cuisine to the crew, after eating, many people like Chinese cuisine with a variety of flavors. Compared with the relatively monotonous simple meals here, Chinese cuisines can make more simple meals. For this kind of taste, Chen Hao paid for a small team of Chinese chefs by himself, and earned him a very good popularity at the bottom of the crew.

Even if he does n’t do this, his popularity with the crew is very good. One of the biggest coffee actors in the crew who deserves it, never makes a big gesture when he is filming. In this regard, it is enough to make him more Get some positive reviews.


Compared with the first filming, the second film is much more difficult and has more resources available. When shooting some outdoor scenes, you will always encounter onlookers.

Although the American audience is more sane in chasing stars, because of the presence of Chen Hao, he is now rated as the most attractive male artist in the eyes of women. Every time they watch, they are either **** fans of young people or women from all walks of life. Huazhe is looking forward to a scene that will confuse herself-will MOUSE smile at me and will he come over to say hello to us when we call his name during the filming?

The most interesting scene, Michael took the team to find the old man buried in the underground money. The hostess found a very beautiful actress. In the script, the hostess caught the eye of Michael, and it almost made T -BAG did it, from a group of strong guys let her dreams ~ ~ to a group of fugitives who scared her completely.

This actress was posted directly on Chen Hao's body as soon as she started shooting. For a few days in a row, the director was helpless. The hostess she showed didn't need to perform just to discharge to Michael. Too much, the machines are facing, and there are actors nearby, and they have begun to speak directly to Chen Hao, the stance is clearly no longer possible, there is a makeup car next to MOUSE, otherwise we can go up and be happy .

Although Chen Hao's face sank, the cast also directly fired the actress, but this section became a very funny joke in the cast. In the second season, Nina began to change her strategy and cooperated for a period of time. Down, as she suspected, the relationship with Chen Hao was much closer. This time, she took a little temptation to think about it. The most laughter was her, observing Chen Hao ’s reaction in secret, Finding that the other party was not angry, Nina was secretly happy, glad that she had sensed the pulse of the man, and became more and more determined that she wanted to catch a long line of big fish.

The crew is getting better and better, and the shooting atmosphere is getting better. Several major actors have a tacit understanding with Chen Hao. The daily shooting progress is very fast. It is not a problem to catch up with this autumn. Two seasons is not easy, and not a few crew members have such efficiency.

More than half of the shooting progressed into the hottest end of August. Chen Hao's continuous large income and continuous good news created a good result of 3.84 billion in Huaxia, which did not make him extra excited. There was no news in the eyes of others that was happy. He was overjoyed and talked directly with the director. After a long vacation, the whole crew had a party, and he invited guests.

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