Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 939: Zhonglele

The correct opening method for Chen Hao to participate in "Living Alone".

Everyone knows that the first season of "Jailbreak" is popular all over the world, and everyone is guessing about the content of the second season. Michael Escape Eight escaped from prison. What is their future? It must be from a small prison, trying to escape the arrest after the second prison escape. Why is there the old man in the first season, and his money will be the cost of everyone's escape.

How to escape?

Where do you flee?

Who will follow Michael to escape?

According to the traditional style of American TV series, it is definitely necessary to have a box lunch, and it will not be one or two, often the most popular characters. It will definitely stay and add more drama.

T-bag is definitely going to add drama, this bad guy performed a long-term expectation of him, he is not the same as the brothers Michael, so how can he continue to increase the drama, and can also echo the main characters and the main line ? This is a huge expectation for the second season.

The two brothers must be together, and Sucre, who has always supported Michael, must have increased the drama.

Once that money is because the T-bag is damaged, or for whatever reason, Michael takes his brother and nephew, if you add a female doctor, what is the escape plan? Finally, where will they complete their escape?

Is it Mexico?

What if it does n’t work?

Will the plan not change fast? Michael will develop a strong IQ and make various adjustments temporarily. Will he finally lead everyone to a desert island? Where to dodge for a while, let the chase be less fierce, and then try to find a good place to live?

If it is, then it is interesting. Everything in "solitary living alone" today is to pave the way for the second season of "Prison Break", to make the promotion in advance, and to complete the most publicity method in history.

is it possible? Everyone says it is possible? You can make a difference in a difficult place like a prison. In the wilderness, there are a few helpers. Will Michael show you his high IQ again, and whether his tattoos are not only a jailbreak plan, but also Some backup plans, when all external forces have lost their effect, come to a desert island to survive, isn't it excessive?

That's fun.


Such a brain hole, after being spread crazy on the Internet, formed a competitive posture with the Chinese side 'Finding Hao Zijia', and began to become hot. As soon as the brain hole came out, everyone still recognized it, let alone say that it really was. may.

I lost the plane and wanted to go to Mexico. The difficulty is conceivable. There may be some problems. It is possible to run to some uninhabited areas to avoid chasing. In the face of overwhelming chasing, it seems that there is no one. Is the best choice.

A variety of similar brain holes have also begun to emerge. The producers of "Jailbreak" began to cooperate with the publicity, and the pictures being shot on each road also began to be circulated by netizens. Other supporting actors have also become hot citrons. The media issued invitations to them, hoping to interview them, and even more interviews with screenwriters and directors. Instead of seeking spoilers, they only wanted some tips, which would be enough to continue the liveliness on the Internet and increase the audience ’s interest in the show. Expected value, of course, the producer is willing to cooperate, the actors are more willing, this is undoubtedly a way to make them more famous.

This kind of publicity has also made many people feel incredible. It has completely become a chain that reflects each other. As long as there is a news, everyone can come over immediately and follow the heat. The strength of a finger is limited. A five-finger clenching fist will be stronger.

An online media gave them the most appropriate name for this type of publicity.

"Alone Better Together!"

Huaxia was also not idle. First, Chen Hao presented his home in Yanjing for the first time in the show. Powerful netizens, based on the occasional flashing screen outside the window, made his home very powerful. Reasoning, all kinds of evidence were put up, and the position was analyzed. Among the several positions that were finally established, one was really true. In the continuous research of everyone, there was a place where no one lived for a long time, and only the part-time worker occasionally packed it up. house.

Chen Hao is not in the country, and Xiao Di also has his own residence in Yanjing. The people around Hao Zi are all in the United States. Is this no-one's house his home?

Find the game of "solitary wilderness" around the world.

Haomen fans of Huaxia played a house finding game on Chen Hao's residence.

The whole chain news value of the 'lonely music is not as good as the public's music', the central point is Chen Hao. There is no doubt that, as one of Chen Hao's biggest community of interests, Lele will not be idle. The first issue of "solitary living alone" After the broadcast, it was announced publicly that Lele will publicly broadcast all the videos recorded by Hao Zi in the "Lone Living Alone" program. During the 48 hours after the program was broadcast, Lele belongs to Chen Hao ’s live room 55555 broadcasts the whole process, and is equipped with a special anchor to host, to avoid when Chen Hao is not talking in the program, the non-speaking voice guides everyone and reduces the fun of the program.

The so-called rough cut refers to that sometimes Chen Hao records a picture for a long time, such as when he sleeps, for example, when he is doing some things that seem tedious and time-consuming, he will make some edits. Otherwise, if he records eight to ten hours a day, A play also seemed too long.

Every variety show in the world has a very obvious feature. After the fire, everyone is dissatisfied with the length of the show, looking forward to the place where the show is not edited, and want to see the clipped parts behind the scenes.

Lele took out such a big benefit that it had a very good effect on the development of its entire platform abroad. In order to obtain this exclusive copyright, Lele smashed a lot of money on the "solitary living alone" program group and also Chen Hao. Smashed a lot of money.

Cannot destroy the rules of the platform, then we can only cooperate in reality. The wool is on the sheep, and Chen Hao's pumping is pumped to him. He has made a huge contribution to the entire platform. There are even some internal voices, as long as Chen Hao can still maintain such influence, it is appropriate to absorb him as a shareholder, and everyone sells a little less and gives him a slightly lower price. The growth of everyone ’s assets has exceeded the value of those who have been sold, and bundling into a community of interests is the king of development.

If Lele did not have a more ambitious goal, it would be the highest price-sex-price-to-purchase ratio in the acquisition of the Joyful Age. In the past, many people did not believe that a webcaster could have such a big influence. Now they cannot help but believe it. Thinking of Michael Jackson of the year, Sony could not pay the cost of signing him, and tying everyone together with shares was the best option for them to develop the company.

Chen Hao's "Loneness in the Wild" just started, and made him earn a few bucks. His agent team had to sigh. The original point walk, participating in commercial shows, including endorsement products, are not necessarily the fastest way for artists to make money. It must be Hao Brother.

A program makes a lot of money, and the period is relatively short. If it is not a short period, of course, everyone knows that making movies is the most profitable, especially with an investment or a box office share. You need to know that Chen Hao's "Prison Break" gave him more than 30 million US dollars in pay. Although the tax and mess were left much less in his account, it was still a terrible figure. Many mainland Chinese The coffee actor can't make so much a year, and the money alone gives him the confidence to buy the Great Leap of the two third rings.

First was the $ 5 million in "The Solitary Wilderness", which arrived directly when he landed on the island.

Immediately following the second season of "Prison Break", the pay was 10 million in advance.

Lele got the exclusive behind-the-scenes copyright of "solitary living alone" ~ ~ Lele company paid Chen Hao a 10 million RMB fee separately.

The exclusive behind-the-scenes premiere was in five five live broadcast rooms. During the live broadcast, some gifts will also be given away. According to Chen Hao's fame, the value of the gifts will not be too low, and must not be counted as dumplings and meat. Ranks, and it should be a piece of valuable fragrant meat.

Some of these costs are actually his appearance, such as "Jailbreak" is derived value, the concept of the first arrival and group arrival of this money is slightly different, the amount of money has not changed, but the commercial value of Chen Hao I have improved a few points to let everyone know that if you want to cooperate with Hao Zi, sometimes you should make some changes. He is a partner who will not let you down.

Chen Hao does n’t know about this yet. He is completely isolated from the world. Every day, he can have a special network signal source to allow him to transmit video content. There are also supplies for program equipment, but he has not contacted people outside. Now, he has the same philosophy as the show team. Since we have done this show, we should do it as hard as possible, be as realistic as possible, one's loneliness and seeing other people when you are shooting every day, that's completely The two different concepts also lose the status that this show name should have.

A person lives in a place that is completely strange, dangerous, and lacking in living materials, and speaks to a DV person. Sometimes, sincerely, not for the effect of the program, but to use this method to solve the pain of loneliness.


After watching the sunset, back to the camp, the trees in front of the camp were cut down, and some of the sky was still bright after the sunset. It can shine in. The lonely night is coming. This night, it will be a challenge to overcome the fear. Adapt to the new environment at night.

What about the belly?

I'm also hungry.

:. :

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