Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 938: Find differences game

"Is it firm?"

"There are still too few things to use, definitely not."

"Hao Zi's strength is really not built."

"This guy's physical strength is really bt. He cut five trees and cut off the branches for a simple break, fixed it, tied it, and never rested in the middle. This guy can always make people shine."

In the first episode and many subsequent episodes, Chen Hao will be a well-deserved protagonist. One episode of the week, due to the appearance of Chen Hao, was changed to two to three days in one episode. Give him a lot of time, it will not affect the time when others appear, interspersing these people into the gap in Chen Hao ’s timeline can also satisfy audiences of different tastes, and will not let people coming at him Feeling bored, the main thing is to show a comparison to everyone.

The cut off leaves are easily enough to become the burning material of the fire, set up the fire, pour water into the large-capacity thermal insulation cup, drink some water, and rest for a while.

This rest is purely for the camera. I still understand the clumsy truth. Putting my physical condition within the range acceptable to ordinary people. This is Chen Hao's bottom line. He doesn't want to show too much strength.

The three trees away from the five trees were cut and sorted, and the slightly thicker branches were set aside, and the thinner ones were used for burning wood, although they were a little humid, but when the flames rose, they were only added. Some squeaky burning sounds will also play a role in suppressing fire.

The machete came into play at this time, and began to trim the part of the thin trunk, cut out a spiked wooden stake, and fix the tip at the left and right sides of the low-lying land and the two sides of the wooden bridge. To **** a stake, once with a blunt head of a big ax, knock it into the ground, and fix it on the hard soil under the wet soil.

On this island, the number of rocks that can be used is very small, the most are trees, and the most can be used.

With a mountain knife and a folding saw, level the surface of the wooden bridge to achieve a limited level of time in a limited time.

After fixing, fix the huge tent cloth on the wooden stakes on both sides. Above the wooden bridge, Chen Hao nailed the two longest wooden stakes to the low-lying land on the side of the center of the wooden bridge and gathered about one meter. , Forming a raised part to allow space in the tent, another small tent cloth was laid on the wooden bridge, put the sleeping bag on it, and looked at the area below the wooden bridge, thought Think of it, one by **** and three fingers thick tree branches, one by one on both sides of the wooden bridge, in the hollow area between the wooden bridge and the low-lying land, a two-sided fence, although It can't be airtight, but the average rat-sized animal can't get in, and it won't delay once it rains, and the rain can flow below it, so as not to make his 'bed' wet or soaked in water.

After finishing this, the sun is about to go down. Chen Hao took the machine and walked more than 100 meters to the shore, facing the west, just looking at the sunset, very beautiful.

"This is the first day temporarily. I will slowly rest my home. I will go to the next net to see if I get hit by fish when the tide is high and low. I will set up some early-warning devices at night to check the neighborhood. When I saw the excrement of a bear, the ghost knew what else was on this island, or many were better, so I did n’t have to worry about food, but according to my observation, the animals on this island really do n’t Too much, especially those delicious. "

When the camera is here, Chen Hao fangs and laughs wildly, all the audiences are almost an expression, chuckle, okay, Hao Zi, you are good, we are here to watch your clothes b silently, to see how much you can A perfect score.

Whether it is blowing or not, we give you full marks on the first day of your arrival on the island.

In the first episode, since Chen Hao made a comfortable home, how to show his comfort is undoubtedly a look at the wolf of other people's home.

They are embarrassed, and they do n’t care. They come to tolerate and adapt. Chen Hao is brought with change. I have the ability to change the harsh conditions of the natural environment. Why should I be wronged to adapt to the survival here? Form, I don't want to live in the damp all day, can be comfortable, I still have to be more comfortable.

Therefore, after his first program aired, compared with the homes of three or four other people, the title of the most comfortable home also spread.

"I haven't watched the addiction. Is it the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow that there is a second episode, ah, why not one episode a day!"

There are many people who are very enjoyable. As a result, the show in fifty minutes passed. Everyone was too curious how Chen Hao spent the evening, how to solve his food problem, and, in the end, the show was It ’s true. In the evening, we have to see if Hao Zi lives alone. We would rather watch him sleep. Your show team asked him to record the whole process and speed up the playback. We have to see if he is really there. This wilderness life?

You know, Bey himself admits that in addition to shooting the show, when the camera is turned off, he goes back to the hotel to sleep. Those seemingly complete wild life are just the effect of the show, and he is most attracted to Nothing more than the courage to try many things as your own food.

You must know that there are many and many conspiracy theories. Everyone believes in one thing: I don't believe it.

I do n’t believe it ’s really hard and dangerous. Even if I believe it ’s hard, I do n’t believe in danger. The show crew will let everyone live in a place where bears infested. If there is danger, according to American law, it ’s estimated The show crew can be sued to bankruptcy.

After watching the show, some people are outspoken. Even if we believe that the show team really wants to make a good effect, there is a premise. The show team sent someone to enter the semi-embedded island in advance and learned that there is no truth in it. The big beasts or the big beasts are cleared away. The so-called bears are artificial artifacts created to scare the participating players and let them withdraw. Take another 10,000 steps, and really put in bears, not adult bears, and control them in a relative area. After the players fixed their own camps, there will be a secret restriction and protection. Here Everyone is at least semi-professional and prepared to deal with such matters accordingly.

Before coming, the program team will remind you in advance of some of the more important things. You feel that you can cope with it to a certain extent before you enter. Otherwise, even if we have the fastest rescue, we will be too late.

True and false, it is impossible for the show to be really exposed, which also made a strong black man who participated in the show before, the appearance of the momentum was very strong, the last day did not pass, because I saw the dung of the bear- Then, I quit the game on the first day of fright and became an absolute joke. The most ridiculous thing was that this guy first boasted a bull. When recording the video, he joked about what would happen if he encountered a bear?

"Then you hurry to rescue the bear."

This bull, after seeing the traces of the bear, blown it a little bit.

The choice between curiosity, guesswork, disbelief and belief has made everyone's expectations of the show come out. A considerable number of people said that they liked the show more than that. Their main purpose is one. I want to find out The loopholes in this show tell everyone that all of this is fake. Chen Hao is not as powerful as you think. Those who cut trees to make camps also have fake places. Don't believe it.

Find differences game.

One is very attractive, it will make more people pay attention to this show, and follow Chen Hao.


The global publicity strategy of "Smith and Mrs. Smith" has been temporarily adjusted. Since there is a gimmick like Chen Hao, the content of "Living Alone in the Wild" will be displayed every time the publicity scene is made, and Chen Hao will also say something about this from time to time The topic of a movie.

Such as: "I do n’t know how the movie promotion went. I did n’t participate in the movie promotion. I ’m so sorry for everyone. I hope they will forgive me when the show is broadcast ~ ~ "Smith and Smith" and "Prison Break" as an advertisement, I came to this show to show you how powerful I am, then these characters I have created are also strong. I hope such recognition and impression will be able to Let everyone like my role more, they are just like me. "

"I knew that I would follow the propaganda, eat well and drink well, what to eat and drink here, hey, don't want to go, go to sleep, sleep in the afternoon warm and comfortable, very comfortable."

From director Dougman to Kristin, the female number one, every scene of propaganda happened to add a segment of Chen Hao's life in the show, a powerful guy, shaving with a dagger. The first propaganda was to see him. How to fight against the harsh environment, in the later years it is slowly to see how he enjoys his life when others are living hard.

In front of media reporters, Dougman also cooperated with Chen Hao's program to do a win-win promotion for both parties. Otherwise, a shootout commercial blockbuster is inherently unattractive. Now, let ’s take a look at Haozi. All the shots in which all the shots are played in person, this is his first pure shootout. What would a tough man look like? Do you want to see it?

In this way, I also promoted Kristin, a woman, how she overcomes difficulties. All the pictures are played on her own. She has been wounded in several battles. A drama so desperately performed can't be seen in the cinema. I promise you will regret it.

"Jailbreak" is the most interesting aspect. They cited a brain hole opened by a netizen on the Internet and attracted more attention to the shooting of the second season. A good media such as Chen Hao attracts the machine if it is not used well. I'm sorry for the two million episodes he paid.

This brainstorming fire has spread all over the world to the "Prison Break" TV fan group.

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