Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 919: Invincible

High IQ genius who is in the chest.

This is the first impression of Michael Schofield played by Chen Hao. In the play, he is an authentic Chinese American. In addition to an Asian face, the United States is inside and out. In the eyes of the Chinese audience, he is Hao Zi, and Lincoln's actor is Sun Honglei, that's enough.

Throughout the first episode, the unfolding context began. Everyone felt that Michael was going to take his brother to escape from the prison is a huge plan. He came in with no regrets, and did not intend to put himself and his brother in prison and escape. He has sufficient self-confidence and he has done all his homework.

Seeing two Chinese actors appearing in popular U.S. dramas as actor, the Chinese audience feels much better. Regarding Chen Hao's $ 1.5 million episode pay, the 22 episodes before the episode was compressed This is also a way to win glory for the country. When I listen to it, I feel particularly energized and feel very enjoyable. We Haozi, paid in dollars, 1.5 million episodes of TV dramas, more than 10 million movies and a high box office share, Hao Fans of the door took these two data and swayed it online, calling it Banlufan directly. Aren't you very shouting? Come, explain this?

What's even worse is to talk about Deer ’s classmate being a Korean trainee debut. After he returned to the country to force the contract, he can be said to have lost all his fans in Korea. Wu Yifan and Huang Zitao are the same. They used to like their fans. Now everyone is shouting at them. Chen Hao is different. I do n’t have to go to South Korea to run a business. There will be **** fans over there. From my fans to my fans, can you compare them?

As soon as "Jailbreak" was broadcast, the Internet went crazy, and fans of Haomen felt as if they heard the Charge, and got a chance to launch a total attack, which they did not miss.

When Chen Hao was watching the TV with Xiaodi's family, he received a message from the second son, which contained the summarized online news. He handed it to Xiaodi to read, saying "I can't bear to look at it Bullying his fans. "

Thinking of Xiaolu's small arms and calves, thinking that he didn't have too much effort, to be honest, before he was regarded as an opponent, he respected each other, but now he can't bear it. The status of the fans on both sides is similar to them One is Huamei Nan, who likes him subconsciously wants to care for him, and the other is a hard-working guy, who likes him feels a great sense of security from him.

The feeling of a strong man bullying a weak young man.

"It's invincible."

Xiaodi heard Chen Hao-nian utter these words, smiled forward and closed, and lay directly in his arms and laughed. After a few minutes of delay, I missed a lot of the shots in "Jailbreak". Fingers stabbed at Chen Hao's ribs: "Why not be so confused?"

Xiaodi speaks Dongbei dialect. The taste is very pure and fun. Chen Hao likes to listen to her speaking Dongbei dialect with a sense of accent, which is particularly interesting. This is also a kind of private relationship between the two. Unique way of entertainment.

"Watch TV well, don't bother." Xiaodi's father was fascinated and seemed to be upset when he was disturbed by 'noise'. The drama is generally more appealing to men than women to women in terms of storylines. The attraction is that there are men who are not handsome guys. There is an alternative feeling, not that they are handsome, but just interested in the lives of this kind of men. In reality, little girls always like to talk to little boys in society. The approach is similar.

Throughout the first episode, the plot is compact and dizzying. Less than an hour of content brings a lot of information to all audiences. Characteristic appearances, including Michael's captivity, will make people associate. He is here. How can a place overcome difficulties through wisdom? How much suffering will he have to survive to save his brother?

At the end of the episode, there is a little trailer for the second episode. With the tension of this drama, find a few shots to make up the next episode of the trailer, which caused the audience to feel itchy, it is too simple.

After Xiaodi's father watched it, he quietly lit a cigarette and walked to the balcony. After he finished smoking, he said, "Haozi, when will there be a video on the Internet?"

"After twelve o'clock, here is the signing of iQiyi, and there will be a video area on Lele." Just after Chen Hao answered, Xiaodi's father took out an IPAD and asked Xiaodi to find him OK, he can go directly after zero.

"Well, I'll check it out too, the subtitles are too fast, and I don't see them in some places." Xiaodi's mother also echoed.

It can make a 50-year-old man have the idea of ​​two brushes for the first time, and it can make a middle-aged woman think that this film I have to take a closer look. Other information Chen Hao does not need to know. There is no reason for this. After more detailed script changes, there is almost nothing illogical. In the domestic market, the plot can also win excellent reputation.

In fact, this is indeed the case. On the way out of Xiao Di's house, although it is already close to midnight, there are still various news gathered.

The "Fanghua" novel has been printed N times, and it still sells well, and it has been published in several languages ​​in Southeast Asia.

The "Fanghua" movie continues to be popular. After the box office comes out every day, it will give the accumulated total box office a step beyond the high box office movies.

The first episode of "Jailbreak" became a weapon for attracting fans. Compared to Liu Feng's image in the movie, it is not strong enough. Michael does not have the force in the "Wolf Warrior" series, but has a high IQ strategy and works in the most brutal environment. Playing wit, this greatly stimulated the nerves of the audience.

Another point is that the professionals in the circle can see that the style in "Prison Break" can be broadcast on Huaxia, which fully proves that after a few years of rapid development of the country, it has gradually opened up its cultural embrace and no longer made too many restrictions. Let film and television literature and art have as much relative freedom as possible.

Looking at the metropolis with neon lights flashing out of the window, Chen Hao suddenly thought a bit: "Lao Kang, Gangzi, find an old-fashioned shop, let's go eat something, this time, not many people, before we were surrounded I left after eating. "

"it is good."

Although neither of them is a child, he can stay with him or take him away at night. Chen Hao still feels embarrassed, so after watching TV, he talked for a while, and then he stayed with him. The two of them were bored for a while. They left from her Yanjing house at eleven o'clock, and when they saw their parents give him away, Chen Hao felt that he was doing it right. The parents could stare. At least if it is an engagement, you can be justified in the grand evening in front of us all alone, this is a respect for the elders and the proper etiquette.

An authentic old Yanjing burst belly shop is almost twelve, and people are about to snooze. In this time period, you can see a crowd of people in some lively neighborhoods, and the more remote shops have no customers.

The waiters came home from work. A couple in their fifties was doing the final clean-up. The small shop was cleaned more carefully. The door opened and the guests came.

Chen Hao is very proud. I can see that this couple is not a person who is concerned about entertainment. Maybe they don't know a few stars and can recognize themselves at a glance. It is very proud. The popularity as an artist has also been most intuitive. Confirmation.

The couple took a group photo, and they took a mobile phone with their son ’s video to make you stay away from home. If you are at home tonight, you can have a close contact with the idol, let alone take a photo, and sit close to talk. A few words.

"Parents, wait for me, I'll fly back, soon, quickly."

It is destined that the young man can't see Chen Hao. He left in less than half an hour. When the owner's couple rushed back, Chen Hao just walked for less than ten minutes, looking at the photos on the parents' mobile phone, and looking at the free signature. In "Fanghua", the young man yelled and held his mobile phone, and started the most sad circle of friends.


"Don't think I'm crazy, I'm crazy, I shouldn't go to the bar tonight, what have I missed, what have I missed !!!!!!"

At the back is a picture of Chen Hao eating in his own shop with pictures.

"This is my shop. Just now, just now, Hao Zi came to my house to eat. I was not at home. I want to treasure this chair and cutlery, which Hao Zi used."

His circle of friends was instantly lively ~ ~ You can see the circle of friends, most of them are relatives, friends, colleagues and the like. Of course, they know that their family opened an old ancestral store, and if you look at the photos, you know the truth. I responded one by one, letting the comment area of ​​his circle of friends be lively, and the comments below a message were chatted, and there were hundreds of them.

The owner ’s son is still confessing. The store rushed in several times in a row. I did n’t see Chen Hao as a regret. It ’s a small restaurant that I ’ve eaten. We ’re definitely going to taste it. Location, taking a photo from the perspective of a big star, this is more bullish than any net red shop.

Chen Hao was photographed when he went in and out of this store. Since the era of the media, holding a mobile phone, he can be a filmmaker and news maker. When he saw Chen Hao, he went to take pictures and shouted Chen Hao. He got a waved response, and the small video that was taken can directly become a popular work in Lele's small video area. It was also forwarded by some websites and became a real-time update.

From twelve o'clock until three o'clock in the morning, this small shop barely managed to snooze. Later, there was no food, and the guests who came in were still endless. It did n’t matter if they were eating. Come to soft drinks. We do n’t drink a bottle of two. Bottles, get more, what's on, we do n’t picky eaters, we do n’t have to order, but we must eat more, so that you wo n’t open the door so late.

What's more interesting is that there were a few deer rices that were too drunk that night. I was nearby and saw the news coming together. There was also a little shouting about what to do. As a result, more than fifty people were greeted by Hao. The door fan team was directly scared away, and this scene was also filmed, and the speech was more free on Lele. Below the small video, there was a team-type response: "You clamor online and slowly clean up you, and you dare to clamor on the spot. Just hit you. "

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