Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 918: Be fight

This is a question you dare to stand up and be prepared to answer.

Chen Hao is very calm. Avoiding is not his character. With this condition, just like he said Xiaodi, we can be willful, otherwise we have to be fearful after fighting, what's the point?

"I hope that everyone can still look at things rationally and not be led by others. The choice of each sibling of Haomen is also my choice."

"When the show was filmed, we had a good relationship. After that, everyone was busy. Some people said that we were grilled on the fire by fans. Without fans, how can we have us?"

In just two sentences, the amount of information is very large, and the media is naturally happy. These two sentences can interpret a lot of things. After that, it depends on how powerful the pens of various media are. According to the literal explanation, Chen Hao is on the side of the fans.

Chen Hao came out and responded positively, and immediately caused a stir in the circle. Everyone was unwilling to announce things that they deliberately avoided. Why did you run out and have to show your own independence?

In Luhan, the company arranged a Weibo response for him at the first time, and only said one sentence: "I am here."

This time it was lively. He didn't say the same words as Chen Hao, but the meaning was the same. The choice of siblings and fans is my choice. I have you as your most solid backing. I am there at all times.

Everyone is waiting for Chen Hao to respond, but he has no voice. When everyone feels that he must respond or he will be recognized as counseling, he just doesn't talk, that's wayward, that's it Take an unusual step.

But even so, the media and the audience are excited enough. This is the first time the two have responded publicly. The fans on both sides are like being injected with a hyperactive potion that rushed to the battlefield. You're welcome, the appearance of Weibo and various public information on both sides was bombed by each other's fans. Douban scores of Fanghua and Prison Break and some corresponding voting data, all scores were pulled down to one It ’s terrifying. Similarly, all public activities of Xiao Lu students have been canceled. The variety show currently participating is also declared false. It is better to be questioned than to be filmed at the scene?

On the Internet, Lufan still has the strength to fight against Haomen fans. In reality, the two sides stand up against each other and are not a level opponent at all. Chen Hao, who has a huge number of **** fans, completely explodes the other side, and will not go with you The trouble of physical contact will definitely make you feel down.

Variety shows are getting more and more, unless you are indoors closed, you dare to shoot outdoors? No matter which city you are in, hundreds of Haomen fans gathered to give you a taunt of sarcasm and applause, all with skin and face, no one can stand.

Xiaodi and Guan Xiaotong were completely dragged into the pit, and would be hit by a hammer or a happy woman at the center of the topic. They really hooked with the results of the two men's war.

This is called 'Being Fighted'?

There are no personal grievances at all. You are dragged into the incident directly by a series of events and forced to engage in crazy battles. It is very clear in my heart that battles are free of blunders. Victory is not the key. The key is to be able to pull the front sufficiently. long.

The longer the time, the more the benefits. If there is no victory or defeat for a few years or a decade, the bad will become the good. Whoever makes you two right and who is a bit big will remind others of you. There is an opponent.

In the afternoon, the "Prison Break" promotional trailer was released, and Chen Hao, who was tattooed on his body, stood sturdy in the light and shadow, which was very shocking and exploded all Haomen fans. There are not many places where deer fans can hack into Chen Hao. It is really brainless to say that a man should not have a good figure but a good face. That is too shameless. The places where Luhan plays most are variety shows and songs and dances, and These two aspects are also Chen Hao's strengths. As for acting and singing, then don't compare them, not only is it an order of magnitude, I don't know how much it is worse.

The most legitimate fierce battles did not attack Chen Hao in this regard, leaving his "Prison Break" propaganda in full swing, still entangled with each other to find black spots and turn over old accounts to confuse each other. Haomen fans saw each other's advice. There is no pursuit in this regard. It is not difficult for us to kill you brightly. Why should we force you into shame and anger to stir up the boss's normal work propaganda.

In the hearts of Haomen fans, they have an absolute psychological advantage. Our boss's work can continue normally. Your idol is afraid to do all the public work now. It is safer to do music shooting and hide. This is no better than actual. The winner has long been split.

Several suspenseful shots and detailed close-ups of Chen Hao, combined with the title, have become promotional trailers.

"I want to save you out."

Facing Sun Honglei, Chen Hao said this sentence, which has a very powerful lethality among domestic audiences. The brotherhood between the brothers and brothers is passionate. I come in for you, and I want to save you out.

The previous "Soldier Assault" proved one thing, that is, a scene without a woman can be very successful.

In the trailer for "Jailbreak", it is still a man's paradise, but everyone has begun to look forward to it. Some netizens have seen the first episode of a pure English version abroad through some channels. I feel that the plot is very compact and I can't control my breathing. After watching it in one breath, I slowly exhaled, full of anticipation and speculation for the next episode, ran to a domestic website to show off the strong brain hole and plot expectation of this TV series.

How did Michael go out?

How many enemies will you encounter in a jail?

Strength, wisdom, and anxiety that you do n’t know what happened in the next second, the story of an hour is so attractive. A Monday episode, I really do n’t know how to spend the next week.

Fortunately, from morning to 7.50, the time is not long. The small steel cannon specifically called Chen Hao: "Do you know? You successfully blocked yourself, we are from 6 to 9 tonight The tickets were sold poorly. "

"Daoer, do you have to break the record of War Wolf 2?"

"Oh, stinky boy, I'm waiting to watch your performance. I'm watching TV with your sister Fan at home and telling you that I'm going to let your boy make up for the time I waste."

Chen Hao was at Xiao Di's home, and she was eating dinner with her parents, sitting in front of the TV and watching TV together. In the morning, the two old men went to the cinema to watch "Fanghua", and returned to Chen Hao. After a boast, bluntly he played well. For his daughter, the two old men's most permissive evaluations also gave Xiao Di some confidence.

Watching the movie, there is a slight resistance and hatred for the role played by his daughter, which in itself illustrates the success of Xiao Di's role-building, and the acting skills that have been neglected because of his face value are also following along with each other. The role and hard-working attitude gradually became important.

After the news broadcast ended, Qiao Xinmei sent a video invitation to his son: "Son, is your TV series Mango Channel? Hey, you are at Xiaodi's house, hurry up, let's see the in-laws and in-laws."

Chen Hao turned the lens of his mobile phone to Xiao Di ’s parents. The old people of the two sides have met and talked about each other. They are already so called each other. They get along well. Qiao Xinmei is very introverted, but Chen Yu acts as a bridge. Video call, then let the mother communicate with each other, and now they get along very well. After saying a few words of greetings, Xiaodi took the cell phone over and asked for warmth, but also uncle's work is busy, aunt you do n’t want to Farming hired people to do it.

Satisfied with Chen Hao, Xiaodi's parents naturally enjoyed seeing her daughter get along with her future father-in-law and mother-in-law, and always smiled. Xiaodi's father also took advantage of the future son-in-law's presence and would only be available on the balcony on weekdays The cigarette that was taken out lit a cigarette in the living room. When Chen Hao saw the eyes of Xiao Di's mother, she had to smirk secretly. At this time, she must cooperate with the future husband, and it was Xiao Di who just hanged up the video and saw two The man did so and went to the kitchen to take out the ashtray in the cabinet.

Facing his mother's slightly ridiculous eyes and smile, Xiaodi spit out his tongue, squeezed behind Chen Hao and lay down on the sofa, took the dried fruit plate, and took out a few open hazelnuts ~ ~ Handed it to her mother: "Mom, you have to look at my dad, Hao Zi doesn't smoke on weekdays."

"Well, isn't this married yet?" Xiaodi's father shook his head, and Xiaodi's mother also nodded her forehead with a finger, smiling petulously.

A girl can show her double-maintenance to her boyfriend in front of her parents. She can't pretend to be pretending, and will definitely be seen through at a glance. If she doesn't pretend, it means that she gets more care and pampering from each other. This will show you in front of your parents, and you will show off a little bit of happiness.

"It's started." Xiaodi pointed at the TV, moved his body upwards and sat up, giving up the position under his feet, signaled that Chen Hao could sit more comfortable and lean on the back of the sofa.

The first act is the tattoo artist ’s play with Michael, with praise and sporadic tattoos, to Michael getting dressed, and the tattoo on the back, there is a process from sitting to standing up, from the process of wearing clothes During the exhibition, the audience saw that the audience was overjoyed, and Xiaodi's parents turned their attention to Chen Hao.

"It is a special pigment that can be washed off after shooting."

There are tattoos all over the body. This kind of picture is generally not acceptable to people who are a little older. If it is really for the purpose of making a joke, Xiao Di's parents also feel terrible.

Bang Bang!

Soaring shots, facing the police outside, facing the siege he would never run away from, Michael revealed a mysterious smile, only this smile was interpreted by Chen Hao with some magic, all who saw this scene The audience will obviously see that he was arrested intentionally, and then feel the transmission of a message.

"This is just the beginning, a real game, it's started."

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