Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 896: Reload

The emotional drama of Michael and Sarah was slightly criticized in the early stage. It wasn't until Michael rescued her when the prisoners broke up and messed up that she was back on track.

A female doctor who has been in the prison all year round, seeing all kinds of prisoners, she is not a saint, and there is no idea of ​​rescuing and suffering, so Michael was easily dragged by the nose and fell into a love network where she did not know where the future was The relatively pale manifestation in the script, which also makes Nina somewhat do not know how to perform, or to play as an idol drama. There are not many emotional dramas, and it is impossible to show the reasonableness of the relationship between the two. .

In the face of a beautiful woman, Chen Hao will be a bit more powerful when performing herself. Who would not want to appreciate the beautiful things? Listening to music and drinking fragrant coffee to read the script in an elegant cafe, it is inevitable It's more effective; it's more difficult to do more with less waste in the dark and dirty alleys.

The missing part of the script can be understood as the plot does not allow the two to be given a lot of time to develop their emotions. Chen Hao can only understand that Michael is a truly attractive man, not only in his looks and temper, but also in his generosity. The knowledge, even when investigating Sarah, should also add his understanding of this woman's preferences, face her for a limited time after coming in, and go to her best in the most perfect way.

The two had a lot of opponent plays, one by one, but each one was very short, which made the performance very valuable. Chen Hao turned on all his own charm modes to play Michael, including the implicitly self-confident. With a smile, Michael is not an ordinary prisoner. When he sees more prisoner immunity, it will also cause a problem. Once a truly outstanding elite appears, the contrast will be stronger.

Nina's small loss of a few times has contributed to something that is difficult to express on the character. Seeing Sanford is shouting, what you want is this unique attraction, what you want is Sara Curiosity about Michael.

Why would such a man come here?

He is excellent, unlike most people here.

He shouldn't be here at all. He should be well-dressed and appear at the elite reception to talk and laugh. If he met him on that occasion, he would be attracted by him, right?

Several scenes were filmed, and Sun Honglei and other actors felt that the two of them would n’t really be patted and filmed. In the United States, this is normal. It does not involve any relationships that must be established, some intimate ones. For the film, I took a few shots, and the actor felt that they would not mind really having a real knife and a gun in private. It's nothing, just a good night's memory of each other.

Sun Honglei is a more traditional man and an older brother. He feels it necessary to remind the younger brother that you have such a good girlfriend and do n’t make a fool of yourself. You wo n’t be able to end it by then.

At the end of a play, Nina took Chen Hao for lunch, and the two sat side by side, talking and laughing. They were similar in age and had common topics. Even the crew and investors were willing to see such a picture. At about the same time, I would like to find some media to make fun of it and spread some gossip-this is the most traditional and most effective way of publicity for many film and television dramas. Did you admire Chen Hao when Kristin was interviewed?

"My friend came to me and we'll talk later."

Nina's eyes were a little nostalgic and undisguised: "The hotel I stayed in was not very good. How about your side? If the conditions are good, I will move over."

"Very good. You can ask the assistant to see it first."

"Okay, when we study script play, it will be more convenient."

At this point, it is actually a relatively straightforward invitation. I look at you pleasingly, I think you are handsome and attractive, and I hope to get in touch with you further.

Chen Hao smiled, didn't talk anymore, and was pulled by Sun Honglei aside, and said to him seriously, "Hao Zi, why didn't your girlfriend come to visit the class?"

Chen Hao looked at the big brother and showed a bright smile: "Brother Hong Lei, there is no need to do this between us, just say something."

Sun Honglei glared at him: "You still let me say straight, what's going on, you don't know? What is going to happen, I promise not to check with the media, the crew must be the first to contribute."

Chen Hao patted the outside of Sun Honglei's arm: "Brother, do you know why I hardly attend any receptions and events outside?"

Sun Honglei's ears looked like I listened to them.

"A lot of notes with phone numbers, and then the hotel doorbell would ring at least 30 times at night."

As soon as he said this, Sun Honglei understood it, and nodded: "Haozi, you understand people, so I won't say more."

"Brother, I know you are for my good. I know in my heart that I will not be easily taken advantage of by them."

Sun Hong Leile was happy: "Smelly boy, you know that you are blind and poor. The" Biography of the Great Tang Shuanglong "produced by you is about to be aired. Would you like to go back to the publicity?"

Chen Hao shook his head: "No, the time is tight and the task is urgent. The" Fanghua "side is about to enter the publicity period. I ca n’t broadcast it with my hand, and now I have done everything, yes or no. Let the market test and the audience judge? "


The filming of "Jailbreak" was intensive. At the beginning, the producer planned to finish shooting in the first season to arrange for the fall season to compete with various American dramas. However, the shooting was changed. The decision was changed. The four episodes directed by Sanford will end immediately. Post-production and then launch directly.

Although the American drama and the movie are two separate schedules, with the development of the industry, the exclusive schedules can no longer meet the output of the product, especially the American drama is no longer a season of about twelve episodes, which also makes it necessary to seize certain At that point in time, it became less important.

"Jailbreak" is scheduled to start in April, and various productions have begun.

At the beginning of the new year, Chen Hao began to be busy. The first two months were busy for the awards season. Entering the end of February and March, the busy shooting season began.

First, "Fanghua" and then "Prison Break". The director-general "The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography" will also be officially broadcast in the country. At the same time, the nomination of the Xiangjiang Golden Award is released. The crew accepted the publicity photos and publicity interviews shot by Xiangjiang Media.

Still nominated for the Golden Horse Awards, "One Mind Unknown" asked him to nominate the best director and best actor, and "C vote" and "Wolf 3" let him nominate the best supporting actor, while "One Mind Unknown" And "Certificate of Appreciation" have become candidate films for the best film. As for the Golden Award, many acquaintances have called Chen Hao, so that no matter how busy he is, he must come back to participate and support the Golden Award.

Although it ’s only the past few months, the Golden Horse prizes are all linked, but Chen Hao ’s identity has been completely different. The winner of the Oscar ’s best supporting actor has currently participated in the movie with a investment of 100 million US dollars as the male number one. Acting in large-scale investment in American dramas as the male number one, the personal film has reached tens of millions of films, personal television dramas paid 1.5 million US dollars.

In other words, in China, there is no crew, whether it is a film crew or a TV crew, can not afford him, just like Jackie Chan and Jet Li of the year, unless it is a self-decreasing price, the current investment in China ’s largest investment is also absolutely Can't afford him.

Although he is a nominee, he will almost certainly get some awards. No one will think that this is the reason why he must be there. Only you to support the Chinese movie is the best reason.

The schedule was full, and his busy life did not allow him to have any personal contact with Nina. In the crew, the two parties were still as enthusiastic as ever, and some media reported this news. There was nothing. For the actual thing, the viewers do n’t buy the news. They always hype the male and female protagonists. They also watch a lot. Unless your media shoots something that can be called real evidence, otherwise the news will not cover a large area. The effect is limited.

The crew of "Jailbreak" changed directors, but the shooting was still normal. The actors slowly ran in and found the state. The system with Chen Hao as the core of absolute performance also formed. All actors had a clear perception. ~ ~ The things you shoot yourself must be better than those without him.

Part of the post-production has been completed, and it has been confirmed that it will land in North America in early April. At present, the promotional film has been made and began to spread out in an orderly manner. The goal of Chen Hao is also achieved. The direct film has not yet been broadcast in the United States. , Several domestic video sites have sold sky-high broadcast rights.

After the release was confirmed, the shooting became tense, and some overtime behaviors began. Everyone can understand that if it can't be finished, it will be a disaster for everyone. Chen Hao also took the most professional I take the initiative to take extra shots, and I have the most drama, from morning to night, sometimes at night, and one shot is one night.

In the midst of busyness, the hustle and bustle of the Chinese side began, and "Dang Tang Shuanglong Biography" began to broadcast. During the non-prime time, one episode was broadcast every day. This choice is a challenge. Lele Yanjing headquarters, all senior management Gathering in the conference room is a major strategic deployment of Lele in the next few years and even more than ten years. Success or failure, and great success. Only sitting here to witness the broadcast and the reaction of the audience can make them feel more at ease. When Lele went public, they did not see such tension.

The TV show in the golden file was finished, and a period of about ten minutes of advertising time, accompanied by a very prologue of the screen, "Dangtang Shuanglong Biography" officially met with audiences across the country.

Up is a very large-scale U-culture and the picture standing on the five-tooth ship. Compared with words, film and television dramas can show the scene to the fullest, and the effects made by film technology are really on an abandoned seaside. The scaled-down version of the 'Battleship' built in the shipyard was very shocking. It suddenly broke away from the scope of the audience for the rough and indiscriminate effect of the five-hair special effect in the domestic TV drama industry.

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