Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 895: With a Vampire



Chen Hao's super physical quality has not been a professional anti-attack ability, and the opponents' actors are not fully exerted. The gesture is not a false understatement, and the effect is sufficient.

Michael himself knows very well that when he enters here, he must suffer from something exclusive to him, such as humiliation, such as violence, and to escape, he needs to deal with the most dangerous person, and he is ready to bear any price. It didn't matter that he faced John and his people, and fisted back, including being beaten, in fact his plan.

The role of Michael Schofield is a character with a small span of space. It is an indisputable fact that good acting skills are required to control it. You do not need to constantly explode to increase the difficulty of the role. That is to say, this role Not a developmental one, the appearance is actually a big boss.

Up, Michael has to meet enough standards. One look and one action must attract enough interest from the audience. This is not a process in which the weaker gradually becomes stronger. The cruel but wise man with a soft place in his heart. If Michael is not Protagonist, that character can throw away unnecessary tenderness, it will be a very cool character, and may even become a classic.

In today's society, it is not when everyone is watching the Hejiahuan film and television series. The tall and positive image that everyone liked in the past is now out of date. As a good person, it is difficult to get recognition even if you perform well. Everyone will think that you Very fake, once this idea comes out, you can't make up for the shortcomings of achieving classic characters anyway.

Chen Hao has limited expectations for this role, and he has expectations for the entire play. This is a typical complementary film and television drama. He is confident that he can reach the ultimate in the role. Now he can see whether the entire play can reach the ultimate. Only then can we achieve a win-win situation.

At the end of the day's shooting, everyone went to drink cold beer. Chen Hao and the prison-chief-actor played in the room to shoot the two dramas that appeared in the first episode. The warden invited Michael to build a model for him. 'Taj Mahal', Michael was worried about affecting his own plan. He had to be in this room for several days a week. It was a delay and he refused, leading to the classic sentence of the warden: "Young man, here you have to believe me I owe you better than you owe me. "

The second time was the confrontation between Michael and John, who was handed over to the office.

There is no N machine, the director and the camera include the field staff. There is no place where N machine can be used on Chen Hao. Each of his plays is so wonderful. Watching him act, everyone has a pleasing feeling .

Sun Honglei is waiting for Chen Hao to finish the day of filming. According to the requirements of the English teacher in the car, he continues to learn English and practice the lines of English pronunciation. The eight-hour working time in the United States gives him a space for surprise learning. Every day, He all required himself to make some progress. The motivation to learn English is greater than fitness. The latter is only for this movie. The former is a necessary survival ability for a person.

In the evening, at the request of Sun Honglei, Chen Hao played a few rival scenes with him after fitness in the gym. Although Sun Honglei asked for his own pocket, Chen Hao did not agree to him, and specifically asked Qiu Yu to invite a small shooting team to compete with the two. , Shooting down, and then Sun Honglei went to watch the footage and adjust the status of the role he played.

For several consecutive days of filming, the entire crew passed the break-in period at a speed that the director did not believe. With each of the main supporting actors, Chen Hao perfectly controlled the situation, and guided with extraordinary personal charm and acting skills. Opponent actors are also doing great.

During the filming of the crew, Chen Hao made no secret of his praise for the role of TBAG, a dead BT, a character who would be resisted from contact everywhere, a real lunatic, and a person with considerable wisdom and tolerance. The strong strong, in the first two seasons of the script, Ma Hong appeared in the second season, Barrick, TBAG in prison, these are three different states of strong, the remaining even the opponent who killed all the way The killer Paul is not a strong man. He played with TBAG's Robert Naip. Chen Hao was very addicted. As the biggest player in the whole crew, he deserves to be the core male number one. He sometimes does not need to worry about everyone's feelings. Just praise a person in public. What he wants is the catfish effect. His status among all actors is more than one level higher, so no one compares himself to him because he is jealous of him.

Sun Honglei is also getting better. He was born with the bonus attributes of such roles, and gradually burst out of power. Lincoln Bruce has also been recognized by everyone. Along with the improvement of his speaking ability, he also began to have a private relationship with the actors. Communication, any professional actor will not waste a good opportunity. A big-produced American drama can play a major role in it. It is a rare opportunity. Everyone is extra serious. You cannot see every scene. Anyone who is lazy, even if they are only supporting actors who play the role of fighters, you see that there is drama.

A week later, female No. 1 entered the group.

Nina Dobrev.

A few years ago, with the popularity of this American drama, Chen Hao found that she really had a fate with this theme. The new movie cooperates with the female No. 1 representative of this type of film. The new TV series is related to this type. The female No. 1 collaboration on the peak of the TV series.

This beautiful beauty Nina, who meets China ’s aesthetic standards, is not as good as Christine in terms of luck or strength. She is considered to have walked into the old path of a very traditional big American drama actor. She was fixed in image and left her to explode. After the red American drama, the fame extended for a year or two, and it will slowly become a passerby. In the American market that is being updated so quickly, you have no news in three or four years, then you will plummet from fame to worth.

This once-popular female celebrity is now joining the film pay, which is the third-line and fourth-line pay in the American TV show. After she has given Chen Ha the sky-high price, she has nothing to do with it.

It ’s not a big name for the crew to arrive late. She really does n’t have any big names right now. The schedule given to her by the crew is like this. From the time of joining the crew, filming the drama in prison, and then interspersed with her in life.

The ups and downs of the past few years have made her no longer the star of the world-famous filming, nor the pride of her original resignation in the sixth season. Without this drama to support her, the downhill road in recent years has gone like thin ice. There are also plays, but it is difficult to create glory, and finally compromised to participate in the finale of the final season, be regarded as a chance to ease the original pride.

When the crew found her, she learned that the opponent actress was MOUSE. She was actually very agitated, and no matter how stupid people knew, she can now cooperate with popular artists with the most topics and news. Her news will not only hide in the United States. It has also increased worldwide.

Seeing the film pay and treatment, she almost fell into the script. Thanks to the ups and downs of these years, she learned what reality is, cruelty, and hold back. Finally, she thought twice and signed the contract, not only the long-term contract. The increase in market pay must be in all subsequent sequels. The pay in the first season is really low.

Although the treatment after joining the group is ranked second, it is far from the first place Chen Hao, and it is slightly higher than many major actors. Fortunately, she also has the qualities that an actor should have. Putting on a white lab coat and entering the shooting with a relatively simple makeup state, I thought that there would be a few scenes to find the feeling, she felt nothing in a scene N machine twice, and asked the director to adjust the time.

Nina found that the people around her looked strangely to her, and she found out what the rhythm of the crew was and how efficient it was. The director directly suspended her filming to allow her sufficient time to adjust and continue shooting other films.

One at a time, one step at a time ~ ~ Nina finally knows what those weird eyes mean, it is her questioning.

Everyone in this crew filmed a scene. There are other staff members below to prepare the scene for the next scene. After the filming is finished, everyone walks to the next shooting location with ease and continues to shoot. The time of N machine is not No, every time N machine, everyone immediately came together to see the errors and omissions of the N machine, and quickly corrected after finding the reason; sometimes the actors themselves asked the N machine to request a repeat, and the most they said to the director was, I still Have better status.

Nina didn't sleep well all night. She watched the script and thought about the role before three o'clock in the morning. When she saw the performance of those people, she didn't understand her script well enough.

Before coming, there was someone talking to her. If you can send out -Fei-wen with Chen Hao, it will be a good thing for you and the whole thing. Besides, you do n’t want to know more about such a charming man? Similar thoughts came up in her mind. After coming here, I saw Chen Hao in reality. The charming charm of the man he felt on him really made her forget her boyfriend. Maybe, What would happen to him would be wonderful.

After one day, this mind did not disappear, but there was no emerging soil. The high-performance state shown by the entire crew gave her a sense of confusion that could not keep up with the rhythm. She did n’t have a good night's sleep and had other thoughts. All thoughts, It's all about how to play your role.

When she gritted her teeth and tried to play the role, she suddenly found that MOUSE was in a different state in front of her. It was no longer a sense of distance between business and government, but used some small details to take the initiative to drive herself. , Let a seemingly ordinary transition drama, have a little something else.

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