Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 812: ‘Leadership’

All the guests came.

The next day's wedding scene is bound to entertain bad guests, so most of the friends will choose the night before, and have a good dinner with their friends and relatives, especially friends and colleagues of the same age.

Lao Cai, an old anchor on Lele, has been mixing in Lele for many years and has accumulated a large number of contacts. Although many local tyrants have been taken off the Internet and not playing, the old anchors are still very happy on the day of his wedding. Saw some long-lost elder brothers.

In the resort's largest hotel restaurant, Lao Cai set up twenty tables, which has to say that there are many relatives and so on.

The most live scenes are photos, and then live broadcasts, live celebrity gatherings, who broadcast live, who is popular, in a live broadcast room with thousands of people, you show everyone hundreds of thousands of anchors, naturally your live broadcast popularity will be It will grow, and more people will be interested in you.

The arrival of various major Internet celebrities has also been arranged in advance. Although there is no specific arrangement, everyone will personally observe the situation here. You can choose to enter it at any time. Some delusional levels that are not enough are no problem to arrive at the stage of the big anchor. As long as you are willing to bear the scene where no one cares about you, then you follow the big anchor and you will easily become a passerby in the eyes of everyone. Anyone who knows you thinks you are the assistant next to you.

Of course, if you are at the level of Sunny, you will have a sensational effect when you enter the venue anytime and anywhere. No matter when you come, it will be the focus of the audience. There will be many cameras aimed at them as anchors. Similar scenes I'm used to it, just keep the posture, and do whatever you have to do, there is no need to hold it.

Many people are guessing how Chen Hao will play. Those anchors who are broadcasting live are still discussing with visitors in the broadcast room how Hao Zi will come, which table will he sit at, and some anchors start to find positions in advance. Sometimes this It is also not easy to be an outdoor anchor. The identity of the guests is present. For the popularity of the live broadcast room and in order to get more attention, you choose to give up eating on such occasions and focus on live broadcast to the live broadcast visitors. Go to see the well-known big anchors and big influencers, to satisfy the wonders of tourists, and they are porters of entertainment.

No one expected that Chen Hao positioned himself today as such a role-a guest accompany the host.

He followed Lao Cai, as the brother of Lao Cai, toasted all the guests with him at the scene. After the banquet, the two of them followed the assistant to get wine. After a table, I would like to talk about it in the past. Thank you for coming and drink together. A glass of wine, for everyone to eat and enjoy, can be regarded as the host's greetings to everyone in advance. Tomorrow is really bad. No one should blame it. This evening is a formal reception.

Hao Zizheng, he followed Lao Cai to toast!

This picture is full. Lao Cai's card is full. People around them are holding mobile phones to take pictures to record small videos. Everywhere they go, the scene will definitely form a large-scale gathering phenomenon.

"Thank you all for coming. Tomorrow everyone will arrange a seat with the staff. If you ca n’t be entertained by the time, everyone will take more care. If you need a car to the airport, you will go to Lao Cai ’s apprentice XXX. He is in charge of this matter. Come, Do n’t control it tonight. The host ’s wine is good. If you are polite, you ’ll be cheap. Come. ”

"Thank you for coming and toasting together."

"Well, hello, it's been a long time. Come, have a drink, and go to the fourth floor in the evening to play. The chess and card rooms have been arranged."

When Chen Hao was a 'bringer', everyone gave a thumbs-up to Lao Cai. In the photos and short videos sent by the Internet, many and many Chen Hao's pictures were recorded, and Lao Cai was also promoted on the side. Let's take a look at Lao Cai. If there is no picture, Hao Zi personally entertained the guests.

If Chen Hao sits at the table and eats, many people will take a group photo in the past, but it is not as good as he is now. He and Lao Cai are toasting at the table, so that everyone can take a close shot of him while playing here. As soon as you play, you will have a variety of shows on the table.

It may not be allowed to play at the scene tomorrow. Then play it enough today. At halftime, Lao Cai ’s wife appeared, so that the heat of the scene rose straight. Chen Hao also retired at about the same time and returned to his own. Seat, this table is the most popular anchor of the Hao series. Don't look at the table. The dishes are all on the table. Everyone just ate something shallow. In the entertainment room specially prepared for them upstairs, a separate table was set up for them. Chen Hao and these people.

It ’s impossible for Chen Hao to sit down and eat with peace of mind. There will be people coming to ask for photos. Even if they know that it ’s very impolite to disturb others to eat, they still ca n’t take photos with Chen Hao up close. Come over impulsively.

Today's hotel has service staff and security stops on all floors, both for guidance and to ensure the safety of each floor of the hotel. Lao Cai opened several suites for his wife and family members in the next hotel to ensure they can Quiet rest, all the hotels here are for everyone, just play casually.

Have some food, everyone sat together and played cards for a while. Compared to those soldiers who played cards all night, the winning or losing of them could not let Chen Hao stay up all night. He returned to his room before 12 o'clock. .

In the early morning of the next day, starting from 5 o'clock, the Internet officially entered the lively stage, and the resort area was officially lively.

Adjacent hotels, but the convoy is out of the resort, drove a small circle along the beautiful Changbai Mountain Road, came back to pick up the family, and then in the resort area, take a good turn, all kinds of luxury cars must be shot in, the whole A team of more than 20 people can ensure that the effect is comparable to a large movie, the weather also gives Lao Cai face, wind and sunshine, and the drone can also smoothly take off to shoot.

Quan Lele, nearly 80% of the traffic visitors, came to watch the wedding in the anchor live broadcast room. They want to see the internet celebrities, they need to see how they look in reality, they want to see the stars, yes, Lao Cai also invited a few actual artists today, these people are arranged in another hotel, and today they also arrange special people Go talk to them.

This specialized person is Chen Hao.

The five artists who originally set their identities a little higher, saw that Chen Hao was the host to receive them, and all the shelves they wanted to carry were gone, and they lowered their posture and talked to Chen Haola in the lounge. From a close distance, don't look young. The achievements now may not be achieved in a lifetime. In front of Chen Hao, a popular first-line cafe, their second- and third-line artists are not qualified to put on stars. The state, before the bride and groom preparing for the wedding ceremony, they entered the wedding scene and saw that Chen Hao was only bringing an assistant with them. They were more embarrassed to bring more people, even the security at the wedding table. It was arranged by the host family and the hotel, and they dare not have the slightest request.

Kerer, Sunny, Dongge and Lele came to the scene as a department director and sat at this table with Chen Hao and others. Dongge and Keer also had contact with these artists, and they were also in Lele I have cooperated with them in many activities, and there is no problem in chatting. On a sunny day, I just talk to you when you are comfortable, and I see you sitting with your legs crossed.

On weekdays, she still has a lady's cigarette in her hand, and she doesn't know when it was, she didn't realize it. In front of Chen Hao, she would control smoking. She didn't admit it was because of Chen. Hao doesn't like the girls smoking.

As soon as the distinguished guests at the scene took their seats, there was a table next to online tycoons. Although not necessarily all tycoons in reality, they have the most complete pictures and cards here, and all the anchors in the past greeted them, fans. They didn't know who they were, so they went to inquire. This is Brother Hua, that is Qiufeng Brother, and that is Brother Nianhua.

Among them, there are millions of Dingsheng water brothers who gave Chen Hao a lot of gifts. Now, Chen Hao knows the background of the ten million Dingsheng. A few guilds in the southwest who are well-known wealthy people. In the past, I had to take out Chen Hao. The signing posture has gradually disappeared in the past year, and it is no longer mentioned. Naturally, the gifts given to Chen Hao by the Ten Thousand Prosperous Guild are also fewer, but they are normal consumption and are no longer supported I'll buy your posture for throwing money.

Although there are fewer brushes, visible faces, Chen Hao gave the entire guild representative—Shuidi's picture ~ ~ Pulled a chair, squeezed to this table, and talked with the big brothers Twenty minutes didn't return to her place until the wedding ceremony began.

No one will think that he is "licking" the elder brother. In his current status, this is not necessary at all. It can even be said that he himself is the elder brother, so why do he need to hold someone else's stinky feet. For the same behavior, changing people will come to be close to the big brother. To Chen Hao, this is to give the big brothers the face and remember the former feelings.

Due to Chen Hao ’s “leading role” alone, let alone a few entertainers today did not dare to put on a big-name stand. All the popular anchors and celebrities arrived at the scene early. Under the guidance of the on-site staff, they found themselves early. Sit down.

The relatives of the in-law's family and the relatives of the maid's family are in the other two areas. All the Internet celebrities on the network are individually located at a few tables. This way, when the relatives enter the field, there will be no busy feeling on the scene. They were all seated. After they were seated, the live broadcast was not allowed after the wedding ceremony officially started. The live broadcast channel of Lao Cai started live broadcast, and the scenes from multiple angles were professionally processed and passed to the live broadcast room for all viewers to watch.

At the scene, there were more than forty tables, four or five hundred people, and dozens of staff members. They were busy in order to maintain the order and arrange the seats on the scene. When the bride and groom stood at the red carpet at the door, the focus of the scene was still not them, but the one acting as a Ordinary man.

Even when ordinary people are still shining men.

Lao Cai and his wife still can't wait quietly for the wedding to begin at this time.

"Brother, let me take a picture with Hao Zi."

"Brother-in-law, I want to take a picture with Haozi."

"Uncle ..."

"Brother-in-law, your sister-in-law is a fan of Hao Zi, look at this ..."


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