Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 811: Do n’t be surprised, it ’s just that you are so rare

The graceful figure on a sunny day and the handsome way of sliding are definitely the focus of the entire snowy field.

Ker's skiing skills are also good. Although her double board skills do not have a lot of tricks, she wins in a stable, and can be used as a textbook for all junior and intermediate learners.

When Chen Hao rushed down, many people would follow, and the staff who would not interfere with the taxiing of tourists during weekdays controlled the rhythm of falling down during the intensive period of tourists.

There are taxiers, people on the gondola, and tourists holding telescopes below. They are watching the most difficult slopes from different angles.

At the beginning of a dozen meters, there is a small buffer area, and some people who slide downwards will make a small adjustment here. From the moment Chen Hao started, the whole person's state made the surrounding people feel professional, and he kept staring at him on a sunny day. He accidentally fell a bit. People who can play are so handsome. Does not affect taxiing.

During the taxiing process, Chen Hao came with a flat flower rotation and another difficult roundabout taxi. Just at a speed, he also officially entered the snowy slopes. At this time, he had passed the sunny day. It's almost the same pace as Kerr.

Playing professional carving with all-around board, Chen Hao took a break from the whole person, and his speed also rose, and he left and right swung sharply. The man was with the board, playing close contact with the ground, and using his hand to touch the ground slightly. When making contact, every action is so standard. The picture seen in the aerial cable car is even more shocking. The embroidered dragon red pattern can be seen from afar. Fans who just see this picture on the cable car are happy, not only Screaming, the hand holding the mobile phone was shaking, for fear of not being able to take a good angle.

by! Really professional!

The coach slipped down, and there was a feeling of tears running directly. Forget it, I ’ll take a video. Do n’t think about anything else, it does n’t make sense. Players like this do not need the coach to protect them at that moment. Yes, it's absolutely professional level. You can't see a few that can slip out of this level in this snow field in a year.

As soon as the connoisseurs shot, Chen Hao slipped, and the sunny days behind him knew that they could not compare, and let him set a course for himself. This bet is nothing more than two private acts in private, nothing more than It ’s just serving Mr. Chen. No, no, I have to let him teach me after a while. The level of coaching on the snow can't teach me, he can.

On the relatively smooth large Changpo, Chen Hao stopped playing engraved slides, and began various long-distance shows, various gliding postures, and various fancy movements in gliding. Once you are addicted to this thing, it is very enjoyable Yes, especially he has professional level ability. From top to bottom, you can feel the closeness of the wind to yourself in every movement. You do n’t have to look to know that these fancy moves are definitely beautiful.

Fans who only took a few shots panted their chests, and tourists who did n’t take a picture of the front slippery at the back also felt a pity. A few coaches did not take all the pictures. They were not prepared to chase them from behind. It is even more difficult to keep up with the shooting position. I knew that they would come down first and wait somewhere. They could shoot a long distance from top to bottom at once.

In the area that can be seen under the snow field, the **** of this distance is more suitable for playing flowers. Everyone is staring at him. Everyone has a mind of showing off. This ability to show off is called clothing. What about B, I'm playing myself, my fans are looking hi, everyone screams when they see it, that's all.

After several beautiful moves in a row, the tourists in the intermediate area below the snow field stopped playing. Standing and watching him all the way down from above, merged into the snow field in the intermediate area, after the speed dropped, several difficult moves, Let the people around you see the handsome picture that can only be seen in the online video.

A horizontal brake, stopped steadily, the audience screamed, or how to say that the fans are the cutest people, their support made Chen Hao's thoughts a little stronger, he stood on the skateboard and stopped, If there are people shooting from a distance, the picture you see is the leisure area outside the snow field protection net. All of them are people holding their mobile phones to take photos. In the snow field, they swiped in with their devices and came in without any thought. Go skiing and stand there holding a mobile phone to take pictures and record short videos.

Everyone who followed the slide from above looked at Chen Hao side by side. They saw more than the fans below. This guy is a professional player. If he is not fully recognized and armed, then In this slip, everyone will regard him as a professional skier, and he will not think that he is a superstar Chen Hao.

Lele short video area, popular is reserved.

The circle of friends present was all blown by Chen Hao. Everyone was proud to be able to send such a circle of friends. Seeing that, the picture sent by my circle of friends is Hao Zi. The skier in the small video is Hao Zi, I will ask you, Hao Zi is not handsome, all-around idols like him, in a word, who else! !!

Chen Hao finished two more laps, and he was addicted to playing, and also satisfied the wishes of fans who wanted to take pictures and record videos of him. After coming down, he also greeted every live broadcast anchor, such a move, The effect fermented on the second day turned out to surpass the handsome skiing video, at least the influence in the anchor circle is comparable to that video.

Who is Hao Hao? The star who has already surpassed Lele's live broadcast industry, can win two awards on behalf of Huaxia at Grammy, can be nominated for best supporting actor in Oscar, can be a few songs popular all over the world, can be in Victoria Secret became the protagonist on the stage. Today, the single "Reappeared Yesterday", which was released some time ago, is still the single chart leader in the world's major music charts. No one can shake the position for the time being.

Such a big star can also respect his former career and his former colleagues, even if they do n’t know each other in reality, come over and smile, nod, first greet the anchor, and then greet the camera and the visitors in the live broadcast, although it ’s just Simple two or three sentences, but this behavior is really heartwarming, leaving a good impression in the hearts of all anchors, and also making the anchor's B straight rise, in his own live broadcast room, you can pat your chest to see if you see , Hao Zi gave us the picture.

The entire network is praising Chen Hao ’s talents, praising Chen Hao ’s character, swiping the screen wildly, posting more than one million replies, and a large number of anchors talking about the event and singing praises during the live broadcast. Men who shined all over the world, returned to Lele, returned to the Internet, and returned to the circle we are most familiar with. Without fame, just by behavior, but also a large circle of fans.

Every time Chen Hao is taken to the sky, there will be black powder to say against it. Although there have been no waves for a long time, and the number of people is getting smaller, these persistent black powder are hit. After the body is complete, it has become so popular. Even fans of Haomen are bored to take a look at what these people say and see how they can make up some black Haozi.

This time is no exception.

Hei Fan said very frankly that Chen Hao was deliberate and was showing off intentionally. He didn't know how long he had practiced skiing, and pretended to play for the first time. Isn't that just the effect? Isn't it to make fans cheer and scream for him? What's this? You can play as you play, why do you have to show it in Lao Cai's marriage event? Do n’t you still love it? It's already afternoon. I just got on the plane and deliberately got close to the fans and delivered hot drinks. Isn't all this foreshadowing? It's more than two o'clock before going skiing. It's dark more than four o'clock. What kind of energy do you play? Didn't you just deliberately go?

This level of black does not need Chen Hao to say anything, let alone what these people around him say. Haomen's fans have already dealt with it freely ~ ~ Every year, more **** are shot to death Now, the easiest way to deal with their boss's intention to show off the deliberate deliberate intention is to paste the fan-edited Hao Zi talents Daquan. There are text versions and video versions.

Didn't you say Haozi showed off on purpose? In the past few years, how many kinds of talents can be counted out? Is someone showing off when they play the piano? Does someone play the saxophone just to show off? Occasionally one day, people suddenly took out the talent for playing the violin, which caused everyone to cheer and scream. Is this a deliberate show off?

If you think that this is, or that he suddenly brought out a talent that he has never shown at a certain node, don't be surprised, sincerely did not deliberately borrow an event stage to show off, it is really too much. There is no time to fully show in the live broadcast of the live broadcast. Three or five talents in a live broadcast are lost before the performance is finished. Where there is time to show more, today is just the occasion. You must not be so strange. You Let ’s take a look at the video we made. It ’s not complete, but there are also clips of Hao Zi performing various talents. After watching it, you must not doubt life, know that you are wrong, and become a worshiper of Hao Zi. The fans are just fine.

It was dark and Chen Hao returned to the hotel.

On the Internet, the two topic styles actually talk about one thing, and the entire screen is on this matter.

Chen Hao attended Lao Tsai's wedding, just slipped a snow and successfully took the picture of Lao Tsai's wedding.

Lao Cai's wedding card was full. Chen Hao arrived one day earlier and personally went to the scene to send a blessing to a couple.

I just greeted a dozen live broadcast anchors on the snow field, warming the hearts of my colleagues. That night and the next morning, he did not use himself as a star at all, and let him be convinced in the anchor business. Brother's word of mouth.

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