Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 625: Person name

"Borrow money, go to the company, mortgage in kind, interest-free loans."

"Need help, find a job and earn more money, I can guarantee you. I have project investment to do business, and the resources that can help move will definitely help, and the problem of money will be solved by myself."

Chen Hao also called in his father and told his parents about their principles. There are distant and close relatives, but they cannot be a piece of cake that you feel sweet, and they want to come up for two bites.

He also asked the second son to say: "Don't be content, wait until I bring my family to live in another city. You have no reliance on this. In this world, there can be several people who can lend you money without interest. . "

What is the reason for the development of local power in the hometown? The former is to support a family with a backbone to prevent being bullied and pinched as a soft persimmon; the latter is a shock to the people around. Do n’t dare to come outside and fight against me. Come here to play the rogue family card. I want to make some money or do business. As relatives, there are many jobs for you in my industry. There are many small businesses around my industry that can benefit me. My Chen family is willing to be the big tree you lean on, but if you come to me and take my house as the head of injustice, who is my Haozi, you know a few years ago.

When this embarrassed layer of skin between the relatives was torn, no one would dare to say that Chen Hao was a word. As a relative, he developed a care for everyone, and he did a good job, but he was just greedy. They are constantly trying to move forward, they are all thinking about getting more, they really stare, and they are honest.

In the past six months, the Chen family has developed rapidly. Relatives who have little achievements or relatives who work against large trees, and even relatives who have not seen Chen Jiafei and Huang Tengda around, have seen the ranks of the Chen family today. .

First of all, in Lianquan Village, there is a young Dapeng Wang Dapeng who played as the third one after the fire. This is the village's confusion. Now he is standing behind Chen Hao. Chen Yuanping is the village director. In seeking benefits for the village, opening factories, and arranging jobs for everyone, the villages that have the habit of clan bandits have been twisted into a rope in just one year. Whether it is business or private affairs, a small-scale meeting of the village committee has begun. Chen Yuanping can represent the entire Lianquan Village to the outside world, and no one dares to say anything.

Secondly, on the ground of Meicheng, the interpersonal relationship network formed by the Chen family ’s business is really face-to-face in all aspects. Sometimes the leaders in the town invite Chen Yuanping to eat, run a business, or make it in his home. Point edge. In this regard, Chen Hao has had a conversation with the second son. As long as it is not excessive, then we will give up the money every year. Other purposes can be set aside. I asked my father to be comfortable for a few years. He wanted to To be a village officer.

Finally, it ’s Chen Hao ’s personal fame. Once a celebrity has fame, few people dare to really provoke you. The power of the media is powerful. There are some small actions that can be hidden in dark corners. If you use it for celebrities, Minutes are exposed to the sun, like Chen Hao now, and you will become a celebrity in the country in a minute. At that time, you want to hide the point, open your eyes and close your eyes, ordinary people. Not yet.

The network of second-hand car dealers used to be very large. Now it ’s the turn of the loan company ’s network to be stronger. After having a strong cash flow, in a small place like Meicheng, the capital that can bring out 18 million cash It must be said that the first few are rich. When you have reached the upper limit of the bank loan, you still need to invest money. Who do you want to invest in?

Chen Hao became the first choice. You said that you borrowed five million yuan. You were thinking that his small loan company didn't have that strength. As a result, the collateral was in place, and funding was immediately allocated.

One five million, one three million, one 2.8 million.

These three loans were released almost within a month. Now everyone knows that they have the strength. Real estate developers have started to find the company. Eight million on the stage, 12 million on the stage, the highest on the stage. The interest is for you, and the three-point profit is directly given to you under the table. Now you see that you have money but no money.

The second son went to talk. In the past, everyone in the village was unwilling to bring such a person as a fool to play with, and went to Meicheng to talk with a well-known real estate agent to borrow money. Sitting in the tall office, facing a few years I did n’t want to look up to see the role of others ’knees. Now the tea is ready. The driver next to me prepares the fruit, handed it over to smoke and smoke, drink tea and eat fruit and chat. People give him the same level of status Respect, at this time, no one will think that he looks too ugly. In such a world, the charm of money sometimes erases everything that seems unpleasant. With a gentle wave of your hand, there is no change, but you then When you go to see the things that are not beautiful before, they are all beautiful.

"Money can be transferred directly between finances and let the people below do it. The mortgaged thing doesn't really matter. There is evidence that it can be brought to the table."

If there is no muddy water, come up to clap and leave after leaving this sentence. The other party knows exactly what it means. What people want is not the value of the collateral. The value is almost the same. What they want is evidence of borrowing. They really want their own interest. Arrears, repayment arrears, with Chen Hao's current influence, came to the media and said that a certain commercial real estate industry did not repay debts, that's all right, there is a part of the real estate industry that can only be achieved through publicity, even if you own this plate It ’s completely smelly, this is the confidence of others.

Adding more than 30 million loans out, Chen Hao is really famous in Meicheng and jealous, but from the boss Fang to the sea of ​​'Candy', it is a living example. Now it is said that Hao Zi also has on it In terms of relationship, there are two fierce sons who can be called brothers and brothers on the winding road. The base camp of Lianquan Village is all the same. The car dealers come and go from river to lake.

No wonder people dare to expose their wealth. At this time, you discovered that they have been flattened out and more than 30 million have been exposed. They have this confidence, and no one dares to have a flowery bowel.

Chen Hao under such a fame really stared straight away. The relatives in the family were honest at the time, and no one dared to jump around. At most, he continued to do the work of Chen Yuanping and Qiao Xinmei in secret, and Chen Hao was not in vain. Let ’s put it, the uncle ’s two-year-old cousin brought it back from the outside. In the presence of his grandparents and his uncle, Chen Hao told him what he was doing, and even what was passed on. No, it's just a fabricated lie. He owed a debt on the outside and wanted his father to get some money from the uncle's house to make a siege.

Nobody else is okay. Grandpa Chen Hao was trembling with anger. He went straight up and held up the big palm that had been rough when he was young. It is a big slap. Do n’t look at my age. Slap it down and punch through the nostrils.

After the incident spread, the relatives knew that the Yuanping family now has not only a good son, but the person whom Xiaoyu is looking for is a powerful person. I heard that more than a dozen big men can't get in. This Yuanping family is getting more and more amazing. Now, I used to look at the uncle who was not pleasing to the eye. Do n’t look at it. Now it ’s amazing. He is also a personal character in Meicheng. He is responsible for the management of the Chen family. This one has a word of mouth and has set an example for relatives. Chen Hao speaks hard, too. My own brother-in-law is like this, what are you doing.


Hao Zi broke the ground when he came back. I heard that he would build a villa for his parents in the village. Everyone waited to see what the most luxurious big villa in the village would look like.

Chen Hao took the money again and repaired all the roads in the village. The village road extended to a certain distance from the rural roads. All the roads were widened to allow two cars to run in parallel. At the same time, dozens of bicycles were purchased. , You can use this bicycle for free, walk for ten minutes, and ride for three or five minutes.

After returning, he didn't get a real rest. He found him in the city the first time, and re-shooted the new year's city charm promotional video. With his live business card, the promotional video is no longer old-fashioned to other cities. In the same way, Meicheng uses a county-level city's city charm promotional video to play on the Internet, which can be compared with the traffic of the popular domestic famous tourist attractions. In this regard, Chen Hao is one in Meicheng who dares not move. Public figures.

Stealing for half a day.

There are many talented people in the circle around him, a big brother-in-law, Ma Defu ~ ~, a Chen Er, these two people, together with some of the following people, have supported the Chen family ’s day in the Meicheng industry, many things Chen Hao Has begun to enjoy the treatment of the chairman of a large company, control the direction of control, and study the strategic guidelines for the next issue. Someone will implement it below. He can also take the review materials for the college entrance examinations at home and review them with confidence. Before the big brothers got together in Meicheng, there were two days when they could 'cheat-cheat', eating the anchor Dan, and started recording these materials.

Since being inspired in Montener, after opening up on Bob Dylan and the music festival, Chen Hao has felt in all aspects that the system capabilities that he has obtained in the past are integrating with himself. Before, he had to eat everything that the presenter Dan can think of. The content of the road data is not eaten now, and a part of the memory in my mind is about the data that I have seen before. The difference is that the memory is relatively vague and incomplete. One question knows the general idea of ​​the problem. It is better to use the ability directly. I remember all the information in 100% clear, but this is enough to make Chen Hao excited. For this reason, I was very excited to take a bottle of wine worth 400,000 on the Internet. It was extravagant once, and it was also prepared for the big brothers.

The only two real big brothers who haven't seen each other, Maple Leaf Red and Lao Shen, when their real person appeared in front of Chen Hao, he knew there was no need to introduce it, because you search for their name on the search engine, and it will appear A lot of information. Before, tourists like to guess what the richest man in which province, and who and who of Forbes have been proven wrong. But these two, really want to guess, then you really have the probability of guessing They, one is the son of a Forbes rich man, a well-known private entrepreneur who can definitely rank among Forbes' top 50 once listed as an entity.

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