Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 624: Money, money

The details of the house have changed a lot, leaving Chen Hao a little strange. It feels like he has been away for a long time. The curtains are new and the leather is new. Even the slippers worn in the house are no longer the same. The old cotton shoes used to be pulled straight, all of them are thick cotton slippers.

I went to the toilet, and the mother ’s skincare products are no longer the ones I bought before. In the indoor toilets and washrooms in the back, although not so expensive, the new set is worth a lot. Wearing it, grandpa and grandma are all wearing new cotton trousers, and the bedding in their house is all new. There is even an LCD TV in that room. The old couple need not grab the TV with the young people, and lie on the cymbals. Whenever you want to see it.

At home, the quality of life is up.

This makes Chen Hao energetic and useless. The sense of honor is not so strong. The changes in the family seem to have nothing to do with himself.

The frustration is only short-lived and soon disappears. My father took out an old-fashioned tin candy box from the cabinet at home. Chen Hao was no stranger to this. He knew as a kid that the household registration book included his parents ’marriage book at that time. At that time, it was not a certificate but a certificate similar to a certificate of merit. Paper, many important notes at home are placed here.

"The money in this passbook is the profit distribution of small loan companies, second-hand car dealers, and labor service companies. This book data is a list of the accounts of the studio and the brokerage company over there. It was sent by the second son for us to keep it for you. Yes, you have a look. I took a million dollars from the passbook and organized the women in the village to pack and process dried fruits together. The rest was used at home. "

Chen Hao flipped around and looked at the side of the physical company. For half a year, the pure profit was more than 3 million. At the studio, it has reached more than 7 million. It is a real profit. There are hundreds of employees in the previous industries. At the same time, the profit is only half that of the network. Both sides have the same proportion of money transferred to the home, the same proportion. Money is left to run the company. Several apprentices, plus the old three, the old four, and the strongest, earn a lot of online and offline income, more than 7 million in half a year. It is appropriate that Chen Hao knows that he should consider reducing some of the commission as a reward for everyone. .

"Dad, you just hold the money. If you want to buy whatever you want, don't my mom like a house? Just go to the street and buy a house. What lot is good? What kind of apartment is good? Grandchildren or something, do n’t send red envelopes and send the house certificate directly on New Year ’s Day. ”Chen Hao put the passbook into his mother ’s hands:“ Mom, hold it, learn to drive, buy a trolley, walk on the street and do n’t have to send it to others. . "

"Brother, brother, I only need to send my mother, she is boring to go shopping alone, she will always come with me to accompany her." Chen Yu gathered in front of Chen Hao with a smile, brothers and sisters, before they each became a family, The economic exchanges between each other do not mean who is inferior to others, the sister has to dig something out of his brother's pocket, it is absolutely effortless.

"Okay, is that the wrangler at home or you go to the car dealer and pick one for you?"

"A price with the Wrangler?" Chen Yu suddenly moved from his sister to his younger brother, his smile on his face became stronger, knowing that some beautiful wishes in his heart were finally realized, and he was in a good mood.


Chen Yugang just wanted to cheer, Qiao Xinmei on the side stared: "What car to buy, yours is still so new. I usually drive the car that your brother left at home. There are n’t any cars yet, nonsense. Isn't that harming money?"

Chen Yu pouted: "My brother's car is close to four million ..."

Solemnly, she took out a card silently, touched Chen Yu's arm, motioned her not to talk back to her mother, stuck the card in her hand, and signaled what she wanted to buy.

Chen Yu held the card and shook it. Qiao Xinmei didn't have a sense of distance to Kang Yan, and stared at him directly: "Xiao Kang, you can't get used to this girl, and you can use it to marry later. You are now She can give you whatever she gives. "

Seeing Kang Yan's dare not give up, watching the second sister, I was helpless, and my mother was the boss. Chen Hao couldn't smile, and her hand pinched her mother's shoulder: "Mom, you Just leave it, otherwise, you hold the money and settle it out of the studio. The second son will also take the money and leave it to you for safekeeping. You can hold it for us, okay, ten million. , Everything is enough. "

What else Qiao Xinmei wanted to say, Chen Yuanping laughed: "After the old Joe, the child is old, family matters, let's listen to him, don't you see what he means? The money at home is small."

Qiao Xinmei's eyes brightened and she stared at Chen Hao: "Son, tell your mom, how much money do you have now?"

When mothers are like this, it ’s clear that all the money is left to the children, but I ca n’t help but want to know how much money the children have, it ’s best to put them here, lest young people do n’t know how to control and make some money It ’s all spent, not for more consideration in the future.

"Mom, you can spend as much as you want. Dad, I think the land across the road is good. I bought it for you and I will build a villa for you, and you will enjoy it."


At lunch, Chen Hao didn't feel so full for a long time. When he returned to his house, he still kept the look he had when he left. There was no dust, and he could see that he cleaned every day.

Kang Yan was pulled by Chen Yu to go to the village car lane, crossing the two-person world.

Chen Gang followed Chen Er from the studio, and the two went to visit his mother's house.

Chen Hao took a shower, and the temperature and air conditioning in the room were adjusted. While he wanted to sleep in the afternoon, he went to the studio to broadcast live at night.

As soon as he entered the house, the father pushed in the door, sat on the edge, took out a cigarette, and did not forget to hand it to his son.

Chen Hao took a stun, hurriedly took the lighter in his father's hand, ignited the cigarette, and lit it himself, accompanied the father to smoke a cigarette.

"Dad, something is wrong."

"Uh, it's okay, it's okay."

Chen Hao sat upright: "Dad, if you have anything to say, just talk to me, and hide with me."

Chen Yuanping smoked a big mouthful of cigarettes and frowned, and hesitated to say, "There was some money before the house, and your aunt's house built a new house. The second aunt's house wanted to set up a chicken farm and found me as my elder brother I borrowed all of them. I thought I was borrowing all my sisters, so I borrowed it. No, your uncle found me a few days ago and said that your brother introduced a project in the south. It can make a lot of money. As long as you invest one million, you can earn more than 200,000 a year. After four years, you will make money every year. The performance is good. The income of each year is still climbing up. He let me do it first. I didn't have that mind. He wanted to do it, he wanted to borrow money from our family ... "

As soon as his father spoke, Chen Hao understood that this was the poor in the downtown area, no one asked, and the rich had a distant relative in the mountains. He didn't mind carrying relatives. You are like your brother-in-law, and you are willing to drag up.

He considered these things very early. This is still a close relative. There are more distant relatives. This is the case in the countryside. The seven aunts and eight aunts really want to talk about relatives. There can be hundreds of relatives. Now the old Chen family Developed, relying on from Chen Yuanping to Chen Hao are horizontal enough, all come together with a smiley face and bowed their knees, these people, if you really do not lend them, you can scold you behind your face.

At the beginning, he used second-hand car dealers, small loan companies, and labor service companies to stop these people's mouths. If you want to get rich, want to change your life, come to our house, everyone is relatives. This is no problem. I don't care about you, I don't want to make my parents embarrassed, so I will arrange for you who come, work to ensure that your income is satisfactory to you.

Unexpectedly, people's hearts are not enough, and greed is the indelible cause of sin for all. Aunt's family just built a new house a few years ago. What house is now built? What other chicken farm does Ergu's family have? Can a chicken farm now be set up in private? Once the germ avian flu occurs and you are not well protected, that is a large swath of the disease. At that time, you will not lose money to solve the problem.

And the idea with my uncle ’s family is even more amazing, nothing, just empty words, blowing the sky to the last thing, you first put money in me, I can guarantee you get more than twenty What is the concept of year-end dividends? Anyone who has experienced that era can feel it is similar to something.

"Go and go, your old wife is passing X. You do n’t have to mess around, don't ruin my son's reputation." Qiao Xinmei, who came in with a plate of fruit, glared at her husband, and threw it with several white eyes in a row, Chen Yuanping I had to retreat and left, and blinked at my son before leaving to signal my dad to listen to your letter. When did you think about it? ~ After Chen Yuanping left, his mother ’s smile also let Chen Hao I realized what was happening. First, I went to the window and instructed Chen Hao to look outside. Grandpa Chen Hao was waiting at the door of the main house. When I saw Chen Yuanping hurriedly asked what he was asking, it was clear that my uncle's family borrowed money. Grandparents must be participants, and they may even be advisers.

What they are thinking about is that the eldest son's family now has money, and the younger sons should take care of them. They are all family members.

The angle of standing is different, and the results of seeing the problem are different. Chen Hao didn't blame his grandparents.

Qiao Xinmei first asked about the warmth. If the quilt is comfortable, you can go to your sister's room to sleep. She has a bed in the room and said for a while, but she also stopped talking. Chen Hao saw it out. This dad has a family relative. There is also a family member here.

"Son, you are the same as your mother and your dad. It ’s enough for me to add, who does n’t have a livelihood to come to our house, what kind of money do you borrow, go to the company for mortgage, and we borrow them with zero interest, which is also Relatives, outsiders borrow money, try a little less interest? "

This mother ’s words directly gave Chen Hao a thumbs up. This is really a change of environment. Who can think of a mother who used to know nothing about a small loan company?

After a few words, just when Chen Hao felt that her mother was telling her not to borrow money easily, she said: "Yes, isn't your old lady buying a house in the street? Now that house is out of order, give The money has been refunded, but the house price has risen in the past two years, and she wants to change it to a bigger one. This ... "

Hearing here, Chen Hao laughed. He just wanted to say: "Mom, you are so cute. It's curvy, more advanced than my dad."

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