Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1381: Success is no accident

? To be honest, Chen Hao really didn't know what kind of drama everyone is playing abroad?

Nuova is a Chinese ambassador, from "Lost" to "Into the Division" to "The Heroes of the Galaxy", even if "Three Body" has not yet officially started shooting, it has already fired a number of Chinese actors, except in the United States, in various Asian There are more actors filming in the country, and there are also a few participating in some European movies. Last year's Cannes Film Festival, the Huaxia actor is no longer the Huaxia Legion, just like today, not the stars and the moon, but the stars. The stars are shining in the starry sky.

More than just actors, from photography to fine arts and editing, this group of Huaxia staff have foreign jobs, especially the martial arts instructor of action guidance, which is extremely sought-after. Now there is an action drama, if there is no action drama designed by Huaxia action guidance , Everyone thinks you are exceptionally LO.

Today's scene, Chen Hao is nothing on the surface, and he is very proud. He never arrogantly, even if he has to be humble before and after, it is normal to be a little wild in his heart.

"These people are all brought out by me. I'm not just Huaxia knocking on the door of the world stage. I've built a moving stage and directly docked on the world stage."

To be honest, unselfishness is false. If I win too many awards, I really feel that all of this is better than winning the award myself.

Although the Golden Globe Awards only received an award for the best actor, no one would deny the greatness of the Heroes of the Galaxy. Its greatness is not the level of artistic accomplishment, just like that of "Avatar" in the film history. It is never possible to bypass them, and the historical image placed there with the most straightforward data is always one of the important criteria for measuring the historical value of a movie.

Ask the audience today whether they prefer "The Heroes of the Galaxy" or "The Legend of Forrest Gump" and "Redemption of Shawshank"?

This answer is not difficult to answer. Most ordinary viewers still prefer movies that can make them feel more enjoyable in more than an hour and two hours. No matter how powerful the meaning is, not all viewers are willing to accept others' thinking patterns. And thought structure.

Some people's three views are indestructible. They watch movies just for two hours of entertainment. Who can give me a better look and feel, then it is my favorite movie.

At the beginning of the awards season, "Heroes of the Galaxy" was once again hotly debated by everyone, whether it should be given an award, there is no doubt that it is a commercial blockbuster. For many years, commercial blockbusters have never had such an award. It is said that the "Titanic" between the two was counted as one. When everyone was shocked by the series of shocking pictures that the shipwreck hit the iceberg, the quality of the film itself was also there, but it was such a film. The film, in fact, did not get any big actor awards, as with the commercial atmosphere of the "Heroes of the Galaxy Heroes", can the dual protagonists really win the favor of the Oscar judges?

The hot topics throughout the awards season are getting hotter and hotter, not to mention that the awards really favor the "Biography of Heroes of the Galaxy". Seeing that Oscar is coming, there is a wave of momentum, which depends on some Public opinion to show a sense of value.

In the new year, Chen Hao did not return to the country. Many actors actively filmed at the Galaxy headquarters just like him. Occasionally, they took location shots once or twice. The shooting method inherited from Chen Hao also made many people overwhelmed. The shooting method makes you extremely excited. Every scene is an outburst and every scene is exhausted.

Every location play is a large-scale filming. Every time, hundreds of people serve a scene. The number of group performances participating is no longer a problem. The use of various props and scenery, each re-shooting, means more than just With a lot of money wasted, it is likely that the previous scene is not well connected, and it will take several scenes to retake.

It is difficult for such a crew to shoot outside scenes. Every shot requires a large area of ​​closed shooting venues. The number of N machines has increased. Although Chen Hao can adjust the status himself, the actors can adjust themselves. So many staff With so many group performances, as a director, there is no way to take care of them one by one, it is likely that the effects are not as good as one.

For this reason, Chen Hao's style is to squeeze everyone's physical fitness, so that when they start shooting, their spirits are highly concentrated. After the filming, the next one may not need the actor to collect it by themselves. The tiredness allows them to collect some of them, and naturally it has reached the standard.

One or two shots are easy to gather everyone's morale. After a few consecutive scenes, Chen Hao gives you some double rewards for spiritual and material. One by one is really howling, I ca n’t wait for it to be in good condition. Take a few.

Hundreds of staff, dozens of large and medium-sized props on the scene, many countless small props, more than 200 when there are many actors, and more than 100 special effects teams. Just for all kinds of on-site explosion special effects, we have to wait for a day The time is set. For each shooting, the result of a mistake is that at least one or two hundred people will need to go back to work for more than ten hours. The actors will switch to shooting, and then return to shooting after the shooting.

Whether it ’s cold wind or warm sea breeze, whether it ’s getting warmer all the way south or getting colder all the way north, the shooting team of “Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy” always has an attitude that I want to do things in the best state. The essence of the spirit of the genius originated from Chen Hao. He always leads by example whenever he does not enjoy privileges. When I am the same as you, I can do it in multiple roles. You do n’t seem to have The reason cannot be done.

Eat well and live well. The welfare of the crew is also high on weekdays. Following Mr. Chen, if you make a very low-level mistake in a scene, you do n’t need anyone to say anything about you. You have no face to face. You just ca n’t lift your head, and you dare not think about how many eyes will look at you at this time. There will be no scolding or dissatisfaction in these eyes. Some are just a pity. It is a pity that you ca n’t stand it.

All the location scenes are filmed in a concentrated way, and the large forces concentrate on solving all the difficulties for a period of time.

Xiao Lizi, the man who always stood in the command ship in the general uniform, was at the end of the second part because of the unpredictable development of the war, his command ship was shot down, and he was forced to start his escape journey. When the enemy discovered that it was his commanding ship that was shot down, a Tian Luo Di net was placed on the planet to arrest him.

For the first time, Little Plum followed the scene during the filming of this series of movies.

When he first came out, he felt that the atmosphere around him was wrong. He marched every day. The road traffic in the United States was smooth. Large vehicles could easily carry long distances. Chen Hao likes to use land transportation. A sense of collective, while squeezing everyone's physical fitness with a march.

Sleeping for a while, we opened our eyes and hurried. We went all the way to shoot. We adjusted the shooting time according to the location. All members of the crew served the location.

At the beginning, Little Plum was still a bit uncomfortable, and all of a sudden he was cyanotic. Why suddenly everyone seemed to be in a hurry. The sense of urgency on everyone's face was like the next second if the shooting was not completed, Our shooting time is not enough.

"Come on, set up all the props before dark."

"The logistics team went to a nearby town to buy dinner, and ran a few more to ensure that everyone could have dinner before dark."

"The tent is built along the mountain, and the wind here is strong at night, tell everyone to pay attention to safety."

"The actor performed the first real-life simulation shooting. Everyone changed the costume props in place after an hour, and we went in advance."

"The driver surrounded the car in a circle, and then made a fire. We will withdraw it tomorrow morning. We will not shoot it tonight."

"The weather forecast shows that it will snow tomorrow morning and we will start shooting tomorrow morning."

"Say to the director that the medical team has replenished from a nearby city and is returning."

"The first group of costume props went into the tent, and made a final inspection of the costumes used in the shooting, and distributed them to the actors."

The entire crew is like a machine. Everyone performs their duties. Several associate directors are also used to their positions. You are responsible for the shooting of actors, you are responsible for logistics, you are responsible for props. They all know that in this crew you do n’t have Lazy qualification, your hard work and hard work will definitely not be ignored, it will definitely be a big red envelope after the movie's great success.

Chen Hao is the core of the entire machine. He usually only has an assistant in Qiuyu, but as soon as he enters the crew, there will be at least four assistants around. When the location filming stops, these assistants will be responsible for reporting to him and sending him. Carry out the meaning of ~ ~ Sometimes Chen Hao just puts forward a vague idea. From assistant to assistant director to the specific implementation department, everyone is not an answer. We must gather collective strength to turn this vague idea into Feasible practical operation.

Have you ever seen a crew assistant who can turn to the director for a meeting?

Here you are, Mr. Chen, you have an idea. We will enrich it below. Specific implementation may encounter difficulties. We need to sit together and have a meeting. Let ’s discuss together what to do? If you need to make a final decision or communicate with the outside world, you Mr. Chen needs to give us a guide.

The entire crew was busy, and Chen Hao was called away by the props group and the deputy director in charge of the props. Before the station was set up, they ran directly to the bus for a meeting. The narrow space didn't matter. It was important that everyone could The environment summarizes their ideas as quickly as possible.

"This time the props exploded, we still felt that we used computer special effects to do it. The actor just ran on the ground. We added the impact of the wind and waves to achieve the effect of the explosive air waves." The senior prop master of the props group pulled Little Lizi told Chen Hao that the actual shooting of the prop explosion is not feasible. You Mr. Chen can, but his little plum can't. He doesn't have the reaction speed as fast as you, so there will be danger when special effects explode.

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