Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1380: No longer a stage for others

? No matter what the machine can get, can't shoot.

It doesn't matter if there are main actors around them.

These group performances from the Actors' Union, their first purpose here is to act, not to earn that salary.

It is not simply a question of people, it is a question of system.

In the United States, young people and even middle-aged people with dreams can drive taxis, work in restaurants, or do odd jobs in Hollywood to support themselves and work hard in this holy place to prepare for opportunities that may come, every time Go to a play as a group show, and perform your role carefully.

In Huaxia, group performances were more of a career and a means of earning a living. It is also more difficult to find a job as a part-time job in Huaxia. If you find a job, it is difficult to have sufficient free time. If you want to work anytime, anywhere Being able to film free time and having difficulty finding a job to support yourself has made the model of the American trade unions less advanced, but always leading China.

The Huaxia Film and Television Promotion Association opened a model in Yanjing and Xiangjiang, with the main purpose of helping young people with dreams as much as possible. Anyway, you have a large number of people who take group shows as their occupations. At present, they are mostly concentrated in Hengdian. There is no stick. Kill these people thoroughly, but let the crew gradually ask for more, and let you be automatically eliminated by the new era of the industry.

Today, the anchor who can come here to explore the class is definitely a high-income group among Chinese young people. Before they went to the reality entertainment circle and film and television industry to work hard, fame and reputation became the mainstream idea, and being a real actor I never thought about it. Today, they saw what a real actor is. The gap at the bottom can make people feel a little embarrassed. In a large banquet hall in Nuoda, there are more than one hundred people performing. Look at the pictures taken by the big rocker in the air. This is not The actual shooting just tells you the status of the entire scene after you start shooting.

The group performance on the edge of the corner still held a glass of high society, drank wine, chatted and smiled.

Some group performances wearing Earth Army uniforms have maintained their standing position in the process of drinking and chatting integrated into this scene. The standing position of the soldiers does not need to be ten percent, as long as you pay attention to this during the performance In fact, there is such a state that the waistband is intentionally upright. Then, in a relaxed banquet, such a performance is very real.

From the preparation to the actual shooting, even if it is a small-scale shooting in the middle of the scene, there are cameras that have taken close shots. Those group performances outside the scene still maintain their own performance. You can say that they are experiencing such a life and are not affected by the outside. Maybe when a certain camera comes over, they may carry me into the camera. Maybe you can say that they all hint that they are the protagonists. They feel that the spotlights around them are focused on themselves, and good performances are not allowed. The slightest mistake.

After a scene, the filming went smoothly, and the filming was completed in less than a day.

Chen Hao asked all the anchors who came to the visiting class: "Do you still want to be an actor? If you want to, then you have to work harder and have a higher starting point than them, which means you need to do more preparation."

I thought about it secretly in my heart, and continued to work hard after going back.

I do n’t want to, and I told myself not to be an actor. It would be nice if I could be an entertainment star.

This scene also made everyone ignore the excitement that should be paid attention to at night. When I left the next day, watching the sunny day was a plane to South America, I remembered to ask. What happened?

Sunny smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, and shook her head smartly. She is still the powerful woman who has never been able to catch up with others in any way. She will go to South America to visit the primitive tribe, and then go to Antarctica.

Everyone sees the sunny day, they will be more or less stimulated, they will feel their life is dull, look at others, in terms of vision, you may not be able to approach her for life, the customs of the whole world, in the eyes of others Seeing it for yourself is enough for you to chase after your whole life.

What happened that night may only be a mystery, even Chen Hao didn't know. Although he said so, he really gave the greatest respect when the two met and did not bother to step forward. They didn't say to stop, neither of them actually drank, less than an hour, a cup of coffee, a piece of cake, and nothing more.


The American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards, Chen Hao, who is filming in the United States, has no reason to decline this year. Although this is known as the Oscar weathervane, most of the time for some commercial blockbusters, this is more like a small comforting place.

Maybe you're popular enough, maybe you're strong at the box office, and Oscar has to give you some nominations. The Golden Globe Awards will give you some awards. In terms of popularity, the Golden Globe Awards are obviously more popular. Voting for various awards, the final results may be closer to the awards awarded by the Golden Globes. At the end of the Oscar, you said that it is for art or for balance, there will always be some failures and unexpected results. local.

"Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy" is the most attended crew this year, and the Golden Globe Award has also been given high treatment. This is a grand event in the film and television industry. The inherent advantages of film actors are superior here, plus from the organizer to The arrangements at the scene gave the crew a lot of face, everyone walked the red carpet in batches, and also allowed you to make some self-adjustments to see what position you like. If you need to adjust, say hello in advance.

Chen Hao and Xiao Lizi are undoubtedly the two hottest stars this year. The two met on the red carpet together and broke some rumors from the outside world.

After Chen Hao and Will Smith in "Redemption of Shawshank" that year, because of the rivalry between the two, there was a gap between the two, and even became hostility. Since the end of the Oscar that year, the two have not interacted again. It ’s a completely deadly relationship. Whenever the media interviews them and mentions each other, Chen Hao ’s side is okay. After all, he is the winner. Will Smith ’s skin is dark, and a dark face. The picture was recorded by the media several times, and all became a joke.

Losing and winning, strength is one aspect. If Little Lizi did not get the best actor in "Wild Hunter", perhaps this time the mentality will not be so indifferent.

There must be a competitive mind, but it is not so serious. At the performance level, he is convinced. If he really asks himself, he will admit that Chen Hao's performance is better. He pays more attention to the second and even later For the film, a person who always stands there to control the remote control. When his film also has twists and turns, there is more room for performance. This is the final stage of the second part and the theme of the third part. The idea is to fight for the second part and fight for the third part. In this first part, maybe neither of them has anything to win.

Now, you just need to show it to your heart. On this stage, the plums that have been completely slimmed down, not only show their style as male protagonists, but also the kind of handsome that once swept thousands of girls.

Both people have walked through the old fritters who do not know how many times the red carpet, how to take pictures, how to control the rhythm, how to show themselves, how to satisfy the media, they are already coping with it, walking on the red carpet and attending an award ceremony As far as they are concerned, it is as simple as eating a meal. The problem that the two walk into the channel is like this.

"MOUSE, your handmade tailor must be introduced to me. Standing with you, I all feel that my clothes don't seem to fit well."

"Let your assistant ask me for a phone number."

"Did you say it to you today or to me?"

"Don't you think we're out? Why are you so confident now?"

"The Oscars should have nothing to do, and the Golden Globes will be awarded to us 99% of the time. It should be a comfort to the world's movie fans."

Chen Hao shook his head with a smile and didn't talk about it. It turns out that Xiaolizi is more popular in the Golden Globe than in Oscar, and he sees it more clearly.

I won several technical awards. I was shortlisted for the best film and the best director. However, in the Golden Globe Awards, Chen Hao won the Golden Globe Awards. For both of them, it is not a great award, and they won't be overwhelmed by the excitement. If they lose, they don't feel any more uncomfortable in their hearts. Even in comparison, the "Lost" series is really a reward for A bigger surprise for Chen Hao.

Best drama series.

Best Actor in a Drama Series.

The world influence of "Lost" has finally been recognized by the mainstream after several seasons of fermentation. Season one is more exciting than season one. The content related to some Chinese history is not well understood by foreign audiences. More and more people are interested in the secrets of the lost stories ~ ~ Some ancient stories from Eastern explorations have made Westerners who are accustomed to Western explorations come to be interested in these two years. There are many Westerners in the story.

Wonderful, it finally started to burst out in the fifth season, and officially became the configuration of the most popular American dramas. It has the best playback configuration in the best time period. The content of previous seasons has also been clicked on the Internet. As more and more Chinese actors enter the sights of the world's audience, they also have more opportunities, especially in various American dramas, in the state where Hollywood movies may only give a small supporting role, at the TV drama level You can give more important roles. The American drama itself is full of various supporting actors. The drama is enough. The wonderful audience you play likes the next season's script and can give more content.

The Chinese artists who are present today are not all from the crew of "Biography of the Galaxy Heroes" and "Lost". They will also jump for the awards of the crew they are struggling with. Among the people in this blockbuster circle, The faces of Orientals no longer appear in a crowd, but integrate into the entire environment.

Huang Bo, currently participating in the third season of an absurd comedy, appeared as a thief neighbor. After the third season aired, the effect was good, and his comedy talent was recognized again. In the fourth season, he has directly jumped to the status of the first few characters in the play, and his drama has increased significantly.

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