Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1358: I'm crazy about characters

After finalizing the role of Ye Wenjie, the media and fans and anticipated audiences are hotly talking about her views on her role as Ye Wenjie.

Thousands of people have a thousand kinds of self-identified images. Moreover, most fans will automatically substitute for their favorite actresses. They will not consider whether the actresses they like have the strength to play, but just post the images to them. On it.

It's not easy to achieve mixed reputation. Li Bingbing's strength and image have been recognized by a considerable number of people. He really needs to be replaced with something like Huadan. Chen Hao believes that in addition to Xiaodi's own fans to work hard to maintain , The rest will be drowned by the foam on the Internet. Before the strength is not enough, even if your popularity is high, there is no way to complete the work of a strong protagonist.

There is a lot of negation and even abusiveness in the hot discussion. You can understand it as the other female artist's fans are not convinced. It can also be understood that Li Bingbing is inappropriate. In short, the red dot after the role is finalized does not have any changes The meaning is that after a few days, the voice will be a bit quieter. Just as some people who want to take the rhythm touch the fish in muddy water, Chen Hao announced in a private capacity that the actors of the first two actors of "Three Body" were successfully transferred. Thanks to everyone's attention, Li Bingbing no longer accepted the torment of being criticized and denying abuse after bearing the attention of a few days.

Chen Hao sent the same message on his Weibo and Facebook, allowing the news to spread around the world as fast as possible.

"Two brothers, do you really want to go? I'm welcome to join my crew, Wang Miao, Shi Qiang, are you ready?" @ 成龙 @ 刘德华.

The following two pictures of the makeup photos of the character, Andy Lau, a middle-aged nano-material scientist, dressed perfectly to show the image of an old handsome man. A pair of glasses let the feeling directly in place. In the choice of other actors in this show, Chen Hao has never been worried about acting skills. As for the image, I believe that this group of people will use their own efforts to tell everyone what the image is in China.

The old policeman with a stout and rough body, but full of smoke but possessing keen observation and perceptive insight, Jackie Chan plays this role. He has a dirty leather jacket and is not trimmed. He already has a similar experience. There are no special requirements. If you can't fight, it is best to be deeply rooted in the role of Shi Qiang. He will have a preconceived image advantage whether in China or in the world.

The remaining roles are almost finalized, and many foreign roles are also contacted by various brokerage companies from Hollywood. The most intense competition is the role of Tomoko. All female artists from the island countries are crazy, it can be said that the whole island country can The talking agency film company has all the strength to contact Chen Hao and Red Dot.

Mr. Chen, you will set up "Tomoko" as the image of an island country woman. At this time, you must choose our actors. Any actor you need, you can speak as much as you need. You can also go to the island country in person. Come and choose, if you are busy, we will send you over.

The **** that Chen Hao and Andy Chan threw out at Chen Hao did not achieve the expected effect. The actresses of this island country were really crazy. He did not speak on the side, and he did not dare to move on the island country side. In fact, they are all stunned. They all know that the role of Tomoko is an image of an island country woman. The people who want to participate in the game cover almost all the categories of island country actresses. They all know that this is a climb to the sky. To present myself, what kind of costumes can make me more attractive, but also have the right feeling with the image of Tomoko.

For this reason, almost all actresses cleverly invited the cartoonists of the island nation to draw a cartoon image according to their costumes and images, so that they can show themselves more three-dimensionally and erase some of the shortcomings.

Before the casting of the second part of "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy", Chen Hao had already experienced the madness from Hollywood once again, recreating the "sofa" casting mode that everyone was familiar with, even when Xiaodi was by his side. Time is also crazy. Do n’t even have a moment to leave Xiao Di, but if you have one, someone will come over immediately.

This time, it's even more crazy than the last time. A large number of island actresses appeared in the Galaxy Headquarters to show themselves in various ways. They really appeared in a gift box. This is fortunately designed in kimono. An image of Tomoko, in the place where he lives at night, the package received is even more crazy.

The "Biography of Heroes of the Galaxy" being filmed, and "Three Body" being prepared for shooting. All actors stayed here to prepare or shoot. Everyone looked at Mr. Chen, who is omnipotent, in a very funny state. It was also powerful. Looks out of place.

In the past, it was called a kind of exploitation of new actors, and what kind of potential was forced behavior that people did not necessarily want to be 100% willing.

Now it ’s crazy determination. If you pay the price, you will get the crazy determination of this role. Many companies do n’t know how to promise to Chen Hao. In the end, the most straightforward promise without technical content is-Mr. Chen What needs to be said directly, we have no disobedience.

Everyone is afraid that it is not how harsh the conditions he puts forward, and he is afraid that he does not make a request. Any company will have a sense of peace as long as he hears the request, otherwise he will not feel the bottom of the role. Who will spend it?

In fact, in Chen Hao's mind, this character really didn't care too much. No matter how much she played, it didn't feel too interesting. The cold machine, even if there were occasional changes, for a professional actor, a robot The performance of the table has emotional fluctuations, which is really a basic requirement, so he did n’t really have too many requirements for this role before. If there is a certain demand, then whoever pays enough chips has a certain acting skill plus The beautiful appearance can be controlled, and I did not expect this character to make such a big movement in the island country.

"You two can arrange it, grasp the direction, and let the associate director and the casting director see the performance."

Yaner and Jiuer knew what they meant. If they did n’t let them check it, they would all have to leave it to them. Everything that they want to do on Chen Hao today would continue to operate in the dark to associate directors and casting directors.

He turned around and was directly involved in the shooting of "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy". The specific shooting of "Three Body" still takes time. It is necessary to wait until it is colder before shooting. The spring and summer and autumn dramas are not limited by the changes of the four seasons. Huaxia, a large and expansive city, can give you a lot of choices. It is nothing more than the change in the geographical span. Winter drama and some special scene dramas require a certain amount of time to wait. According to the current world definition, Chen Hao will choose to start shooting in January. If you ca n’t complete the year after year, there is still room for manoeuvre. This time is also chosen because the construction of the lost city has not yet met the requirements. Tiange took someone to monitor there. Several major Huaxia film and television companies participated in the investment shooting. All of them are professional talents to review all the details. Chen Hao does not show up. Instead, they work more seriously. At present, even a team has arrived in Daxinganling, Northeast China, where they conduct on-site inspections and shootings. The shooting of various details has entered the actual schedule, from just falling snow to snow-capped A Mountains, entire periods all have to shoot, which a team will be temporarily settled here.

Chen Hao is not a person who does not know how to delegate authority. He now has enough funds and a team to let him do what he wants to do. After a large amount of material is collected, he will remove most of it. This is because he failed to do it himself. It is a kind of waste, but everyone thinks that it should be. Mr. Chen needs to be busy with too many things. Even if we do one hundred and only use it by him, it is very efficient.

In the end, Chen Hao will still find a time to spread these things out to the team to do. He walked around and took a look at the real scene in order to finalize the use of those materials.


With the first "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy", the entire team of the second filming has been run through and is more handy.

The iron-blooded general role played by Andy Lau led the lunch. At present, Xiangjiang, the Mainland, and the Hollywood-based film company ~ ~ are writing outbound movies about his role. Such behaviors are put on the agenda in advance and given to Actors who feel that their roles are a bit early for the box lunch, have some other ideas, derived from stories and derived movies, even if they are not up to the Hollywood level, shooting in the country is a good subject.

Everyone in the country knows that Andy Lau and Chen Hao have a good relationship. The role of General Iron Blood is removed, and the role of Wang Miao in "Three Body" takes over. On the international stage, I learned that he plays Wang Miao. According to some people's understanding, this is another person who has performed well in "The Heroes of the Galaxy".

Working hard to play your role has become the direction of everyone's struggle in the second episode. No need for any urging. Many actors are constantly improving. Some Hollywood actors also take the initiative to work overtime. As for the crew in the crew, there is no slight bit. The dissatisfaction and the success of the first part not only increased their reputation in the industry, but also did not treat everyone in the Red Dot company. Various red envelopes came over, and the future of fame and fortune has made every staff work hard to make a good shot. Every scene.

Liang Zhaowei's drama has been added to this film. As a little **** from the Federal Empire, who can think of some of his tricks to plan for himself, it has actually harmed the entire planet, and was used by interstellar guests. The stalemate of the earth and the interstellar guest forces completely destroyed, which triggered the interplanetary war of the earth.

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