Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1357: Finalize "Ye Wenjie"

? Finally, Chen Hao finalized the role of Ye Wenjie.

No one was surprised. Gong Li was convinced. If she was defeated because of her age, she would be lost, but in all the performances today, the best performer in the show was not her. She cut the ropes on the cliff and buried two of her hands. In the scene of the death, you must know that there is a husband in her. At this time, she was still pregnant.

To a greater extent, it is a small world under the collision of two cosmic civilizations.

To put it small, multiple emotions are entangled at one point. According to everyone's conventional perception, a woman during pregnancy seems to become cruel only for the baby in her belly. At this time, Ye Wenjie, you ca n’t interpret her with the meaning of nothingness. . Fortunately, she only seeks to protect herself. In the other direction, idealists usually show conceit in extreme circumstances.

There are coincidences of killing her husband, as well as the pure individualism of an idealist. She has no confidence that her husband will be desperate for herself. Otherwise, in that environment, the chance of two people killing one is extremely great. Climbing up later is not the last best opportunity.

But you can't say that Ye Wenjie is a bad person. If you want to play this role well, you must let all the audience not have to distinguish her from a good person and a bad person. If you can have this feeling, that is the real success.

This play is actually a high and low play. The acting theory can reach Chen Hao's satisfaction in this play, or a little more than others-Gong Li, Zhou Xun, Zhang Ziyi, Li Bingbing, left The people underneath must acknowledge it from their own hearts. Only in this play can they see the difference. Zhao Wei and Xu Jinglei are only one line away. Sun Yan and Fan Bingbing do n’t want to admit it. It was really a little worse.

The final winner was Li Bingbing. Chen Hao didn't let this answer come out too late, not because he hastily, but because he has found the desired Ye Wenjie from these three plays.

Zhou Xun and Gong Li only lost a little young drama, while Zhang Ziyi only lost a little on the old drama. After comprehensive consideration, Li Bingbing, who can cover some of the years in the lens, became the last candidate. I have to say that she was a The capital of Chen Biao's actor, when she was young, when she played "Juvenile Bao Qingtian", although the ancient spirit was more than strange, her appearance gave people a sense of sight of Pinocchio. .

As we get older, we get more and more full of taste. In reality, we can still see a little bit of old-fashioned. In addition to Gong Li, she is older, but she feels great in the camera. Resident Evil, Transformers, and Megalodon are not the chances that Chen Hao opened after knocking on the door. She got it herself, not to mention the stuffing of Huaxia box office. Even if it is, it has to be People in Hollywood think she is the most suitable and outstanding among Chinese actresses.

I still remember that when she received the Golden Horse Awards, she was a bit sloppy when she received awards and she cried. She worked very hard and finally gained what she wanted to gain. Some time ago, the female thief leaflet in everyone's memory was reproduced in Lost. After so many years, everyone admitted that if she took the leaflet status in Lost to that year, it would be in "The World Without Thieves". But there is no place for Liu Ruoying.

In the end, Zhang Ziyi didn't lose. In fact, it was like everyone thought. The last one was to see Chen Hao's perception. It was who in the heart of Ye Wenjie's image was more inclined.

When the gap is only a fraction of a millimeter, one considers the potential of the future, and the other is distant and close relatives, but both Chen Hao will definitely not say it, saying that the former offends people completely and says the latter The image of his own person was ruined.

Not to mention, no one will ask, the live Li Bingbing's performance did not have to say, the machine at the scene was not connected to the outside, but after filtering with normal shooting methods, after everyone performed, Li Bingbing played the youth Ye Wenjie's stage. After being post-produced, take it out and show it to everyone here.

Indeed, eating this kind of food is very envious. You said that Zhang Ziyi became famous when she was young and had a slight international reputation. When she followed Jackie Chan to the rush hour, Li Bingbing was still fighting for a TV series heroine in China. You know, Li Bingbing is six years older than her.

If you think about it this way, the distance that people have lost in the early days is now coming back. They can still play teenage girls in makeup and shooting. It can only be said that God really appreciates her bowl of rice. Eat. As for the skin that can be seen outside the lens, a little slack, the crow's feet at the corners of the eyes, and the skin at the neck, that's not the case. Actors, what you show in the lens is the most important.

Chen Hao sent everyone away separately, and he only said one sentence: "You already have a very three-dimensional image in my mind." I don't need to say the rest, it seems too straightforward, it seems to be comforting In the same way, these people have already passed the age when they need comfort to be able to calm down their loss.

If you have a good role in the future, I'm sure I can choose everyone without an audition.

Like Xu Jinglei and Sun Yan, you don't need to say more. In fact, Sun Yan can fight to the present, and it has been recognized by everyone. It is enough to support the female No. 1 movie in China, not the male-based movie. The female No. 1 is a movie in which the female No. 1 is in charge. Xu Anhua has already contacted her.

Not to mention Lao Xu, her family, her laziness caused her to fail this tasting. The past leisurely time has made her a lot less experienced as an actor. The "Into the Teacher" has been pulled back for more than half and she has found it again. The fun of the actor, how can the laziness of these years not be able to be recovered in a short time, not to mention that half of her mind is still in the capacity of director. After signing up to the happy age, she is working on her new movie, and all resources should be in place .

There is a little bit of thought in the heart. Naturally, in such a competition, you must lose, so don't look at the outside world that these people are flying up. After seeing the performance of the winner, everyone can be relieved and lose. I admit that I do n’t feel that I wo n’t be too entangled. Perhaps the next role is the one that suits me best. By then, I will defeat all opponents.

Before they left, there was a lot of discomfort in their heart, because they saw the ‘Misery’ that the winner would face.

Chen Hao told Li Bingbing and everyone with reality that he really thought that victory was already 100% Ye Wenjie?

No, it's a long way off.

There are several dedicated teachers to teach. If you do not want to learn the knowledge and accomplishments of Ye Wenjie, at least you must have a scholarly atmosphere on you. How can you act like Ye Wenjie?

Ye Wenjie, who was suffering earlier, needs to adapt to filming in a cold environment and adjust his state. Li Bingbing was actually shown before his major weakness, but everyone was vulnerable in this regard.

The actresses who can fight to this day must have had a reckless acting experience for a long time, which caused an irreparable loss to the body. Basically everyone is afraid of the cold, but most of the dramas in this drama are winter. Clothes and frozen smiles will cover the passage of time to a certain extent. However, the shooting of the real scene is not as cold as in Northeast China, but it is also actually shot around Yanjing. Chen Hao did not plan to let you adjust when he was on-site. It is necessary to adapt in advance.

How to wear prop clothing, how many warm things are added inside, and how the face reacts to the snow and snow should be recorded. In the simulated venues, directly simulate the temperature, and at the same time use auxiliary equipment to simulate some of the freezing in the cold northeast. Environmental changes, how does the snow fall? How does the wind blow?

Real excellence, there is no place to compromise in the slightest. Even if Chen Hao throws in a billion dollars in capital, no one will say half a word, all he can do is to remit the funds he wants, Go to the crew's account.

Splurge, boy.

The more you spend, the more we look forward to the economic effects of this drama in the future. Everyone knows that your Mr. Chen ’s money seems to be spent on the back of the knife, but it is actually spent on the blade. When the movie is released, all the heavy money that does not seem to need to be thrown in will all be good for the movie and painted with the most beautiful colors.

All this, UU reading www.uukanshu. com needs Li Bingbing to adapt to study. She is also very good. She went directly to the group and didn't even think about going back to China for a few days off. In her words, while finding the state of Ye Wenjie now, she must firmly This state is engraved in the body.

For the role, for the play, she was really fighting, and she didn't think about anything. Facing so many 'harsh' things that Chen Hao came up with, she should accept it, with a gesture of listening to things outside the window. At the official start of the shooting, let Ye Wenjie, who has experimented, make another three-dimensional improvement, and let this audition victory become a victory that opponents must thumbs up, instead of just disdain, cut, I want Acting will definitely be better than her.

When Gong Li was gone, Chen Hao was sent to the airport. She gave Li Bingbing an evaluation, which was very pertinent: "If she doesn't perform well, no one can perform well."

After hard-working and hard work, after the live audition, Li Bingbing received another bargaining chip recognized by his opponents. The cast attracted much attention. In a very peaceful atmosphere where everyone stood up and applauded enthusiastically, Li Bingbing took office and challenged many fans. A role that is difficult to evaluate in the mind, a role similar to the 'omnipotent god' in our cognition, changes and dominates all life forms on the planet, even if there is only a small amount of understatement. Also dominates.

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