Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1346: Cope with ease

Looking at the old acquaintances in front of him, Chen Hao's very homely state also gave the entire Lele interview team a relaxed atmosphere.

A sister of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV has been getting worse and worse after leaving the job. After being signed by Lele, he has returned to the position of front-line host in recent years. Several major events also represent Lele standing in the best mode. In the middle of a group of people.

Zhu Dan.

Chen Hao has always been regarded as the most infectious female hostess with a smile. After experiencing the absolute trough of her career, she knows more about how to cherish it. In recent years, she has been a bit of an epic, although some anchors have changed in the future The host was chasing after her, but the title of host Lele was never snatched from her head.

The smile of chocolate with white teeth is still the taste of the past.

"Sister Dan, take it easy. I'm not nervous at the concert. You're nervous. That's your sin. How many people are there in the live broadcast room?" Chen Hao probed to Zhu Dan's side to see the live broadcast page in front of her. .

The action itself is meaningless. What Zhu Dan touched was a meaning he conveyed in this way. We are a family and Lele will always be my home.

"Then you have to wash it for me, otherwise I won't be able to broadcast live in the future, there will be a large number of people come to me with rhythm." Zhu Dan also subconsciously quarreled with him to make the atmosphere of the interview more Easy.

"Whitewash, I'll help you, isn't it?"

A bit of ridicule made Zhu Dan have a big red face, and slapped his arm, begging you to have bad water in your stomach.

The effect has come out. The relaxed atmosphere will infect others. The state of the two people will also empathize with the visitors in the official Lele live broadcast room. I feel that today ’s interview is taller than just Lele ’s face. Seeing that, it feels better between my family.

"Sister Dan, the interview manuscript that the editor made for you, toss it aside. I can think of any problems. What's the point?"

Zhu Dan didn't go to see the director and looked at Chen Hao. He picked up an interview card on the keyboard of the laptop and threw it behind him.

The benefit of non-news interviews lies in this. They have a higher degree of freedom and less stress during interviews.

Chen Hao gave Thumbs up to Zhu Dan: "Live today for a while and chat with everyone. I should say what I have to say. I haven't said anything, sister Dan, are you afraid in this interview?"

Zhu Dan froze for a moment, how to turn around, but still hesitated to answer: "Fortunately, thinking of you being here, I feel relieved."

The two talked casually, and time passed quickly. The American media waiting for the interview can't wait anymore. The mood of the visitors in the live broadcast was good. After all, he broadcasted live. Not bad.

Unconventional is innovation.

We will support innovation.

On this day, from the TV media to the Internet, the world is reporting on Chen Hao, his newly awarded Nobel Peace Prize winner, and a concert calling for world peace is about to begin, it seems to 'celebrate' his actions Before the concert started, there really was a sound of gunfire. At the same time, Kang Yan and others also received news. Private goods were really caught in the temporary audience, and the security at the scene began to play. Role, and all of this is to keep the world secret.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, the concert started on time, and the scene was filmed. This is the first time that Chen Hao was at the concert. The audience sat for less than 10%. The large empty area added to the concert. There was some bleakness.

For the first time in the world, the number of on-site staff, security and media exceeded the audience.

Without a gorgeous stage and gorgeous costumes, today's Chen Hao used a song to sing carefully to add chips to the concert's online sales. Without everything, he cannot obliterate his determination to show his highest standards.

All the proceeds from this concert are donated here forever medical treatment and post-war reconstruction. At the same time, Lele's official live concert, all gifts were donated. Various countries have also opened up some charity channels, and even put the four words for peace in the most prominent place for all people to comment and leave messages.

In the middle of the concert, some small stories were interspersed and told by Chen Hao to the world. He also has his own language. Through the best display platform, he appealed for more people to recognize this event and even willing to participate. Into it.

How powerful is the song?

How much content can a concert hold?

The biggest significance of the whole event is the media's propaganda. The influence of this event is expanded with a wide range of mouths, and then an atmosphere for peace is formed. If it is possible, follow-up activities will of course be started. As long as more people pay attention, It doesn't matter how they pay attention to them. Only they pay attention to what they want to convey. Otherwise, you can design a plan that is even taller. As a result, there is no audience.

Chen Hao on the stage did not have time to be nervous, and soon after being on stage, he was immersed in the state of performance. Every time he sang, he would take it seriously. He was responsible to the fans and he was enjoying himself.

The audience was reluctant to worry and worry, completely immersed in his beautiful singing.

The media also has no time to be nervous. Everyone is staring at their own data, whether it is live or live, and they hope to use this round of Dongfeng to add some attention to their media.

The audience at the scene forgot the little fear, some of them were not afraid of danger, they were considered as fans of Chen Hao, and some of them were told that they must come, and they were more or less worried. If someone was here, Doing things on the spot, will you be implicated, will it be dangerous? The concert looked at it and forgot, even though there were only a few hundred people in the audience, it did not delay the scene and had a good live atmosphere.

The only thing that remained nervous was security. With the approaching of the concert, when it officially started, from the inside to the outside, three levels and the corresponding patrol security, everyone widened their eyes and knew that if something happened today, What it means is that no one dares to be half-minded. Everyone who walks within the range will be constantly watched by them through the sieve. Some corresponding important positions. If someone is changed in the middle, it is not necessary. The colleagues around me saw that these patrol security can recognize you for the first time. Your face is strange in their perception. One person is strange, two people are strange, and three or five people are strange. Then I ’m sorry, we will Control you before you identify yourself.

At 4:30, the concert is over. There is no constant encore return here. There are no tens of thousands of live audiences who feel that they are overwhelmed. So it is over and over. A "wearetheworld" is the ending song and he won the Nobel Peace Prize An important part of the stage, at the end of the concert, although there were only eight hundred and eight staff members in the audience, they still sang the feeling of 10,000 people on the scene, and the media and staff also followed the chorus. The tension was getting worse, and those security guards wished they could sing along with them.

At most concerts, everything on the scene is good. With a group of audiences that cooperate with you, there will be a very lively and lively concert. The live audience without too much support and atmosphere did not just rely on their own singing, but the quality of it was recognized by the whole world—this is a concert that looks very enjoyable and very enjoyable.

Many people questioned Chen Hao who won the Nobel Peace Prize. He felt that he was not qualified enough, but this is not mainstream thinking after all. You cannot take a large-scale rhythm. Such a questioning cannot be long-lasting. Someone will take care of you. When the time passes and everything is settled, everyone will soon forget it.

Questioning has been forgotten. Does it matter for Yu Chen Hao? They are still the Nobel Prize winners. After all this questioning, all the rest is praise and praise for him, leaving a solid mark on the cornerstone of success.

At the time of most doubt, Chen Hao came to such a personal charity concert calling for peace. How much influence can't be determined with an accurate data for the time being, but on the Lele website's paid channel system and VIP paid programs of major video websites In less than twenty-four hours, the number of viewing and downloading data that can be counted by Huaxia alone is as high as 20 million times. It has been paid to watch over 100 million times a day worldwide.

Everyone's attention is directly on this, who will pay attention to whether Chen Hao is qualified ~ ~ Mario incident before this incident, there is even less attention.

"Mario, which one? I don't know."

After the concert, Chen Hao was escorted back to the RV directly. Do you wash your face, wash your hair or take a shower to change clothes? We will **** you to the airport immediately. After one hour, we will fly directly to the country of Huaxiaxia Regional flights.

Others are exhausted, and Chen Hao is full of ideas. The ability given to him by the system allows him to reach the limit of four hours before the use of his voice. It is like drinking two bottles of beer just after drinking two glasses. Runrun's throat quenches thirst, and at first I had the idea of ​​a big drink.

After getting on the RV, Qiuyu took out the changed clothes for the first time, then stood at the side of the door and looked out the window. Chen Hao washed his face and saw that there was still hot water in the RV and simply rushed in the narrow space. A bath, although it is only less than three minutes, this behavior deserves a thumbs up for his guts.

Dudao is the dawn of victory. It is easiest for the enemy to make a big counterattack. This is a perfect event. It really needs to be arranged in the final stage. It must be a thunder strike. At this time, he is not nervous and can wash. A bath, if the enemy attacks ...

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