Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1345: a thankful heart

For more than a year, Lele continued the previous turbulence. Every year, there are super heroes who take the lead, and local tyrants that gradually disappear into the public sight every year.

Brother Tian now only gives gifts to the anchors of his own guild. His number is not his own, but he occasionally comes out to chat with the anchors.

'Haitianyisi' Huang Zhonghai and 'Maple Leaf Red' Tang Feng are okay. They rarely have any brushes, but they have never been inferior to others. Jiang Meiyan, who Tang Feng first supported, is now taking the path of a real artist. The endorsement of a product in their family was also handed to Jiang Meiyan. There are a lot of stories between the two in the eyes of outsiders.

Both Chen Hao and Tian Brother know that it ’s not the case. Tang Feng naturally could n’t give her a name without falling in love with Jiang Meiyan. That kind of thing would n’t happen. They are all their own artists. Everyone is private. I get along very well here, all of my friends. For my friend's relationship, you ca n’t mess around. If you need to, you can call a lot outside, anytime, anywhere, and it will be very good to go abroad. As long as you take a little money, what do you want? You can get it. You don't have to deal with people who can hook up with your friends.

Today, the two people have arrived. The relationship between them is no longer defined by crazy brush. The brush was one hundred and eighty thousand. It was just like playing the game just before it was too late to recharge. When you found out, you could n’t get on. The public screen of the gift was not brushed either, and the WeChat group bluntly said: "This is now a bottomless pit in the live broadcast room."

Tiange quickly replied: "Spend a million or two million for an advertisement, but not necessarily 20 to 30 million people can see it. Would you like to make a bet, from the beginning of the live broadcast to the end, this 66 diamond ring level gift It will keep on brushing. "

"Then Chen Hao's supper tomorrow night."

Chen Hao chatted with everyone during the live broadcast, thank you for the gift, and advised you not to brush it more than once, but this gift is still non-stop, as Tiange said, everyone has a rare opportunity to show his face in his live broadcast.

Some people are really brushing their heads.

Some people are ready early, waiting for Chen Hao to broadcast live and then gaining popularity.

Many people admit that brushing gifts in the live broadcast of Chen Hao is more exciting than brushing gifts in the annual competition.

In addition, there are really people like advertisers, e-commerce, and so on, in order to be famous here and let more people pay attention to themselves.

There are very few new anchors supported by the guild, or a new anchor with rich money to support them. Here is a game. If you are a beautiful anchor, you will get two or three million or more More attention, no problem at all. On Lele, if you get such attention, you also need to go out and show your face if you want to be fast, otherwise it will take a long time. Someone will hold you. The best result is this. The development in the anchor business has not reached the goal, you can also use this reason to go to the real entertainment circle to a certain extent. Maybe one of them, you will be angry.

If Lele is the grass-roots selection platform for the entertainment industry, then Chen Hao ’s live broadcast room is the rocket skyrocketing in Lele. I want people to know you. As long as Chen Hao gives you a recommendation, at least millions of people know you. Already. Chen Hao doesn't recommend you. Let's brush the gift. The gift will make more people see you.

Chen Hao talked for more than an hour. When the live broadcast was always flying fast, he felt a little bit guilty: "I'm sorry everyone, I have no plans to broadcast live today, and I haven't prepared a show. I don't have a show in this car All kinds of talents can only sit and chat with everyone. "

When he said that, the public screen was all made by fans, hoping that you would chat with us more, and so on, that is, even if you sit here without speaking, we are willing to watch you.

Chen Hao smiled: "That's not okay. Your feelings and likes for me have accumulated a little bit. I can't bear to spend a little bit of extravagance. Every live broadcast hopes to increase your likes to me, not Consume your love for me. Well, well, I know you will always be with me, and I will always be with you. Thank you for your love, I will make myself better. "

Every time the live broadcast ends, Chen Hao will stand up and bow at the camera. This is thanks and thanks. In fact, he could have done this kind of thanks without having to follow the rules. Half of them were for fans and half were for himself. He wants to restrain himself with some rigid things, telling himself that he has not forgotten, his past and all the efforts, and remember to cherish it all.

"Boss, pay attention to safety!"

"Boss, we are always with you."

"Boss, come on, we will always support you."

Every time I come to this link, the resentment will be replaced by a touch of emotion. As a fan facing idols, idols do very small things that will move fans. It may be difficult for others to understand, but this is the true state of the two sides.

From a bystander to a fan who was admired and liked, many people said that Chen Hao climbed too fast, wrestling sooner or later, the foundation is unstable, and so on, but who knows that climbing too fast has a big one Benefits: For the past, you don't need to look for memories, just in front of you, the greater the contrast, the clearer the previous knowledge will be.

With systematic help, Chen Hao's "black history" has always been in a field that is not familiar to the public. He used to be a group performer and the anchor's bottom-level experience, and could not find any video records. Hongtai did n’t have a sense of existence to explain, in fact, these past past Chen Hao still vividly, crowded in a narrow 'live room' live broadcast, crowded a long time daily bus and subway to be a group without a positive face Performance, the monthly income of the anchor can only get thousands of dollars.


At the moment when the live broadcast was closed, Chen Hao hesitated unconsciously. In this flashy situation, the benefits of his gifts will be more than in the past few months? Just ten seconds of hesitating to close the broadcast, could you not make so much in the previous year?

Seeing this scene, a large number of fans in the broadcast room hurriedly wondered and wondered: "What happened to the boss, what happened?"

"Is it stuck? Or is there something wrong with the network signal?"

"It's not going to happen over there, but there's still a war there. There were news reports the other day, saying there was just an explosion there."


Chen Hao stunned, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she looked at the camera with tenderness in her eyes, presenting her most tenderness to all the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Just a moment ago, when I thought about canvassing before, I thanked all my friends who were presents for gifts. Now I have to thank you. I hesitated for a minute, and I earn a lot of money, thank you!"

A little bit of self-deprecating ridicule, attracted more people to brush gifts on the spot, at this time, no matter whether you can 'on the TV' to the public screen of the gift, just like the boss, we have to brush it and have fun Maybe the present gift is the 'worst death' interactive consumption, but we are willing, the boss ca n’t see that we are also willing.

Someone came to Chen Hao for the final rehearsal, which also made him not check how much money he made this time on the live chat. He did not calculate, but many people calculated it for him. The gossip news on Lele was passed on. Those who can't get the specific statistics, can make statistics on the contribution list that can be displayed in the live broadcast. You can also perform statistics on the account IDs from above and abroad.

In less than 20 minutes, a lot of lists appeared, and Lele ’s headline news came out immediately. Chen Hao live chat, a total gift income of up to 20 million, and still incomplete statistics, the news details From the beginning of the live broadcast, the 66 diamond ring has not stopped until the end of the live broadcast.

On the Internet, gimmicky news can be followed by more people, and regular news can only be seen by more people on the homepage of the most portals.

In the past, some people said that such news would negatively guide young people, making them feel that they do not need to work hard and hard, as long as there is a device that can broadcast live, they can make a lot of money. It is very harmful to young people's thinking and should be channeled, so that everyone still has to work Learn to work hard and not daydream.

No one has said it now. In order to balance the negative guidance caused by the high anchor income, Lele has been working hard for several years. In the crew of "The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography", he did not shoot the plot in order to avoid spoilers, but Will film every anchor actor's efforts in it.

It always gives people a quiet, classic beauty. It used to be the anchor who was the least hacked, and could not stand it anymore. In "The Great Tang Ssangyong Biography", Viagra was hung for several hours a day. Traces, blood and water penetrated the lined shirt. These were filmed by Lele's news editor. They have been promoting such positive energy for several years, and there is a model like Chen Hao. More and more people Being able to correctly understand the role of the anchor has slowly formed a very good communication cycle, which has also made Lele ’s overseas strategy develop well. This time, Chen Hao ’s concert was regarded as an annual by Lele. To promote the event, a team of 30 people was sent to the scene. When not allowed to broadcast and film, they followed the rules like all media. This live broadcast of Chen Hao made the 30 people on the scene as if I played chicken blood ~ ~ one by one to debug the machine to find the best shooting angle. After Chen Hao rehearsal was completed, they also got a chance to interview him up close.

It only took ten minutes to make all the entourages extremely excited and ranked second. Only the reporters from the court and the front stage were finished. Then, they would only accept interviews from a US media and local media.

Lele's interview ranked second.

The Lele headquarters warmed up 15 minutes in advance, and also issued pop-up news to all users. As long as you are logged in, you will receive information. In the live broadcast room of the official channel, there are already dozens of managements to welcome visitors.

Thirty people were allowed to turn on live broadcast equipment and shooting equipment for the first time. They had no doubt about the effect of this broadcast for ten minutes, even if Chen Hao had just broadcast live just two hours ago. This ten-minute interview was Will not be affected, even if it is, it is a good influence.

Lele's title is very good. Chen Hao hasn't seen it. He will feel a little embarrassed to see it. This proposition is a bit too big.

"Going deep into the war zone to sing for world peace-Chen Hao XXX charity concert countdown interview!"

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