Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1326: Break the highest box office record in film history

A bronze Buddha statue.

A Jade Ruyi.

A filigree enamel incense burner in the middle of the Qing Dynasty.

A Mei bottle in the late Ming Dynasty.

They are all antiques, and each has a price ranging from six digits, but there is a bit of bitterness behind the value of these things. The ancestor of Earl Leicester has also been to Yanjing. He was also a witness to the dark historical stage of the Chinese civilization.

Until now, there is no hate. It's just that the things in your own house are now required to be sent back as gifts, and my heart will be more or less uncomfortable. Of course, he values ​​himself. For future cooperation, the gifts will be heavier. In addition to these, there are some exquisite European luxury products, but you can imagine that the gifts given by Bridge over the years will inevitably have unique Chinese colors. The jewel in foreign countries has actually become a prop for rendering friendship between others. It is sad to think about it.

The people are weak and the country is weak.

The country is weak and the people are weak.

Only when we are strong can we not let the humiliation that once came down again. Now look at these. There are not too many emotional fluctuations. It can only be regarded as a spur. We must be stronger, the people strong, the country strong, let We stand in the east of the world and truly attract foreign countries to the DPRK.

"Okay, let's find someone to take a look after going back. If there is some reference value, donate it, normal antiques, take it home, and let my parents keep it as heirloom."

Chen Hao returned to the hotel, and the team of Red Dot Company also arrived in Europe. The two sides had a detailed negotiation on the cooperation. He was not interested in the specific content. He was only acting as a mascot with a card. Specific interests are entangled with cooperation. This kind of thing requires a long time to be carefully divided. He does not intervene. It is really too lazy to intervene. For the development of a project, if you think there are many places that can make money, then research it. Then I'll wait for the final penny.

In Europe, Chen Hao received a total of five public events, two interviews, two live events, and a recorded performance program, which belong to five countries. There are actually many benefits to living in Europe. Self-driving tours are very cool. It is not impossible to run three or four countries a day, and various foods will surprise you from time to time during the trip.

In the process of participating in the event, Chen Hao had a good taste of European cuisine in his spare time. Finally, he ate a super authentic meal for eight hours in France. The food is enjoyment, which constantly stimulates the taste buds. It's boring because there is no one to accompany. If the beauty is accompanied, drinking red wine and eating delicious, eight hours is nothing.

At the box office in the third week, seventeen days after its release, the North American box office began to weaken, and the number of films was declining. The summer season was officially ended, and the school season came. But even so, 200 million box offices were harvested in the third week. The North American box office has reached a height of $ 1.35 billion.

The Chinese side is okay. In the third week, the box office of 1.8 billion Chinese yuan was harvested, and the total box office in the Mainland has reached 8 billion.

After the end of the third week, the preliminary statistics only added up the statistics from some countries. A good news came from the inside of the red dot. The global box office close to $ 2.8 billion created by "Avatar" was broken. From this moment on, every additional dollar of the box office will increase the thickness of capital for the new historical box office champion and increase the difficulty needed to catch up in the future.

Chen Hao also left Europe on this day, and Earl Brett talked about it comprehensively. The surrounding area and some peripheral cooperation were fully rolled out. He drove all kinds of relationships and ensured that the "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy" can continue in the formal way. 'Fishing-gold' operations in Europe and parts of Africa.

At the Paris airport, the military began to intervene in security to ensure that there would not be any k-terrorist activities here, and to ensure that there were no acts that would damage the image of the country in the area of ​​hundreds of media around the world. In order to ensure order at the scene, on this day Paris Airport, more than 2,000 Haomen **** fans from across Europe gathered at the airport to see him off.

In fact, there are not so many fans who come on a special trip. When there are more media, there are more coaxing seedlings, and there is more fun. A man from Huaxia is affecting the world in his way, even the most demanding. Black powder must also acknowledge the fact that even if you find black spots on him, there is no way to truly discredit him. His achievements in the industry and the industry have set up a solid copper wall and iron wall for himself. Cause damage to this copper wall and iron wall. Either you surpass him in performance, or you surpass him in charity or prove that his charity has always been false. Otherwise, you can only watch him walk on the altar of history. , Has been incorporated into the history of the development of the world's entertainment industry, and has become a shining historical node.

The airport did not approve the request of Chen Hao to stay. The fans at the scene were too enthusiastic and the media was too much. At present, it has affected the normal operation of the airport. According to the arrangements of the airport, he can have at most one step into the security check and enter the first class. If you don't want to have a public appearance in the departure lounge, you can take a special passage directly to the airport or even board the plane directly.

Chen Hao chose the former, and the security forces arranged a passage for him. The periphery on both sides was security, and the soldiers were on the inside. They blocked all the media and fans outside and made sufficient preparations, but waited until he appeared. The passage was almost breached, and a violent scolding from security and soldiers sounded at the scene, asking everyone to stay calm and not to crowd forward. At this moment, the person in charge of the airport who watched the monitor regretted giving two plans, and he should let him Does not appear in the airport terminal.

"thank you all!"

"Thank you!"

As Chen Hao walked, he bowed slightly to everyone around him, and continued to thank him for his kind love.

Some people say that the bigger the wrist, the more you have to make a show in front of people. It seems that you care about it. In fact, everything is for the screen image.

No one said this in front of Chen Hao, otherwise he would never mind a big mouth fan, he used to dare not guarantee what would happen to him at this level, and now he can tell everyone truthfully, that ’s not the case , The more successful, when you are grateful, when you see these people who have been silently supporting you most likely you will never know your whole life, the more you care about them, you may not be able to do more for them, take A better work, sincere thanks.

Chen Hao slowed down consciously. Although the congestion around him was more serious and he was afraid of any danger, the shouting with the occasional tear may be that the picture in front of him was passing too fast, but the sound would Let you know that the face tearing out his own name is likely to be distorted because of being squeezed like a flat boat in a river or lake.

It is obviously impossible to weigh the pros and cons in an instant. He can only control the body with a perceptual state of mind. What he can do is slow down his pace, and the angle of bowing is larger. When he raises his head to face everyone The smile is more intense.

His security checks are all done in the security check area just to let him pass quickly and quickly enter the lounge, where he and others around him are checked, including all the items they carry.

In the first-class lounge, not only successful elites who are calm enough to control their emotions, but also occasionally have some children. Today Chen Hao took a flight to New York with two children, one male and one female, boys twelve and three At the age of eight or nine, the girl was very excited to see Chen Hao coming in. As security was blocked from the area where he was sitting, the couple of eager attempts failed to be put into action.

In the end, the little girl is more daring, because she is young and knows less, so her instinct-driven behavior is more fearless.

Qiu Yu is actually getting clothes for the boss from the trunk, and every time he goes out, there will be a small suitcase that can be carried on the plane to hold Chen Hao's things. The security level just now failed to completely stop the fans' enthusiasm. Chen Hao's clothes were pulled by the fans and they were torn. At that time, the hands that dragged the clothes were caught by security. He stopped and did not let Security rudely pulled the female fan away.

One sentence: "Be careful with your fingernails." It can make the female fan excited with tears in her eyes. Until now, I can't understand why there is such an emotion. Chen Hao, because he doesn't understand, he cherishes everyone more and feels that he doesn't care How can others not do it for themselves and not cherish their existence. UU Reading Book

First, let Qiuyu use his social software to send a thank-you greeting to the fans here. When facing the two children, he stood up and walked through security to sign the girl with the small diary. And squatted down and took a photo of the two of them. The two of them left happily. At first glance, they were the fathers of elite successful people. They also came to express their gratitude.

The words of this successful Wall Street man made Chen Hao feel pressured and full of accomplishment.

"You're the first artist I've ever seen that can make those women on Wall Street obscene. I like the movie a lot, the previous ones are great too, but it's too heavy, I still like this one that reminds me What kind of "Heroes of the Galaxy Heroes" was filled with minds when I was a kid. I am looking forward to your second brain hole, and I even look forward to the filming of "Three Body". "

The elites may prefer the entertainment method that makes them feel relaxed. Watching movies is simply watching movies comfortably. After a busy day or working overtime continuously for several days, the victory of a financial battle needs to relax and drink. Good wine to the bar to indulge, Chen Hao perceives from the expressions of the other side, this movie has given them more choices. People from the age of 40 and 50 who have come from Star Wars in the 1970s and 1980s, and aliens when they were young Now, the science fiction movies are in the same vein. To read this site, please use the latest domain name

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